Chapter 318 Finally Alone?

Name:Wooing my Bodyguard Wife Author:
"You bastard!" Wei Yan howled, making a desperate lunge towards Jingwei, in a bid to rain punches on his face. Unfortunately for him, he forgot he was in the presence of several trained bodyguards that immediately stood in his way.


It wasn't any of these new guards that stopped him. The punch was thrown by Ming Guang, and it took him by such surprise that he could only stare wide-eyed up at his stony face, eyes swimming with hurt.

"You punched me? Senior? Why?"

"If you still can ask why, that means you haven't learnt anything," Ming Guang said, staring back down at his junior protégé in disappointment. He had tried so long to make excuses for him, but he realised that it was futile.

Wei Yan was simply not fit for the job - no bodyguard would lose control so easily and strike at his employer, especially not when the fault was his own.

Now, he couldn't help but recall what the captured kidnappers said about him, about how he was trying to sell them out just so he could be free and get his revenge.

"I have failed as a Senior." Ming Guang said hollowly to himself, moving aside as security guards rushed to the scene, pulling Wei Yan away by his arms. Wei Yan struggled hotly, but he couldn't compete with the guards.

"Bastard! I swear! I'll get you for this!" Wei Yan exclaimed. Jingwei shot him a cheerful thumbs-up and waved goodbye, incensing him further. As he got dragged away, his figure steadily became smaller, and his voice got fainter, until it vanished entirely.

"Ah, finally that's settled," Jingwei said, stretching his shoulders. He saw Ming Guang's unhappiness and patted him on his back consolingly. "Don't feel too bad for him. You did all you could. And I was joking about not giving him his severance pay!"

"Thanks Mr Sun," Ming Guang said with a heavy sigh. "I just… never thought…he was a good kid. I don't know what went wrong."

Meanwhile, Luo Lan and Zhong Qing exchanged determined glances. A shining, golden thigh was right in front of them - they vowed to make themselves useful to Sun Jingwei. This man was so kind to even reward a traitor after firing him!

Captain Mu cleared his throat, attracting everyone's attention. "It's time for us to make our way back. I'm sure your brother is looking forward to seeing you. He was very worried when I relayed the news of your attempted kidnapping."

"I'm sure," Jingwei said, with the slightest tinge of doubt. He received no calls from Tianwei, not even a frantic 'HOW ARE YOU' text. "But how are things back home?"

"I'll update you when we get back," Captain Mu said vaguely, not wanting to air out the Sun family's private business in front of so many prying ears, especially not in front of Li Xue Ning's parents.

"Fair enough," Jingwei said, looping his arm around Xue Ning's back. "Let's go then!"

The party was then ushered into multiple cars and driven back to the estate. Xue Ning found herself split up with the rest of her family - she and Jingwei got into the first car, and the rest of them got into the second one. Captain Mu strangely enough, decided to follow her parents.

"Does Captain Mu have something against my Mom and Dad?" Xue Ning asked, wonderingly. "He keeps staring at them like they're criminals."

"Nah, that's just his default face." Jingwei said reassuringly. "He's paranoid about everything, which is why he's so good at his job."

Of course, Jingwei didn't know that Captain Mu was suspecting her parents of criminal activity. In his mind, Captain Mu was being the best wingman! He must have known that he wanted to be alone with Xue Ning, without the rest of her family staring at them both.

Even on the plane, Jingwei was on his best behaviour. If circumstances were happier, he would be gladly introducing Xue Ning to the mile high club, but he comforted himself with the thought that there would be more chances in future when they travelled alone.

It was very hard to be touchy and affectionate with Xue Ning when the elders were giving him judgemental looks, and now that Jingwei knew how good they were at beating shit out of people, he was just a bit more hesitant to shamelessly paw Xue Ning in front of her family.

Now they were finally alone, with Ming Guang and the driver in front.

"What's with that look in your eyes?" Xue Ning asked warily, pinching his cheek. "You look like a pervert."

"Me?" Jingwei protested. "No, this is my normal face."

Xue Ning snorted. "So you normally look like a pervert?"

"Well, since I already look like a pervert, I might as well…" Jingwei smirked and proceeded to pull her onto his lap, raining soft kisses all over her face.

Xue Ning squeaked and spluttered in surprise. "There are people here!"

She was of course referring to the driver and Ming Guang. Xue Ning made the bare minimum protest because someone had to have some common sense and propriety, and that person definitely wasn't Jingwei.

"The drive to the mansion will take an hour," Ming Guang stated, catching Jingwei's knowing look in the rearview mirror, before promptly pressing a button; a divider rolled up, giving the two of them some privacy.

"There, now they are gone," Jingwei said winningly, a hand drifting to her neck to pull her down into a deep kiss. Xue Ning let out a soft, pleased, hum for she didn't want to make so much noise.

"Keeping quiet on purpose?" Jingwei asked, squeezing her round buttocks. Xue Ning gasped and squirmed; his hands began to reach under her shorts, stroking her skin.

"They can hear us," Xue Ning whispered hotly, tweaking his nose. She didn't know whether she wanted to pull away from him or grind her ass harder into his hands.

Jingwei made the decision for her anyway, by moving his hands upwards, they stroked the soft skin of her back and teasingly played with her bra straps under her T-shirt, purposely not touching her breasts.

Xue Ning whimpered, her voice barely louder than before.

"If you care so much about their opinions, clearly I'm not doing enough. It really hurts my feelings," Jingwei said, his voice low and seductive in her ears. He followed up with a playful nip, his hands finally reaching under her bra cups to fondle her breasts.

"Then you should do better," Xue Ning retorted, sniffing primly. "I'm not going to make noise for noth -"

The end of her statement was a startled meep as Jingwei easily changed their positions, so that Xue Ning was now laying down on the spacious backseat of the car, staring up at Jingwei's handsome face as he gazed down at her.

Jingwei's eyes flashed with a challenge.

"I'll show you better," a wicked grin accompanied his statement, before his lips descended on hers.


In front of the car, two pairs of ears could still hear the muffled moans. The chauffeur decided to increase the volume on the radio to drown it out, but Sun Jingwei seemed to make it a personal mission to defeat the radio DJ in volume.

"Does this always happen?" The chauffeur asked wearily.

"You have no idea," Ming Guang grumbled.