Chapter 290

Name:World of Experts Author:Dreamer 007
The next day, the sun is a little bright, destined, today, will not be an ordinary day.

In South China, Sanmu "town" of Sanmu big tree is in a state of jubilation. People celebrate the successful upgrading of Sanmu village to Sanmu town. However, the only pity is that the upgrading of Sanmu town uses the spirit of low-level and advanced level. In addition, due to bad luck, it does not get any bonus for special buildings. However, there are not many ways to do so After all, Sanmu Dashu is not a player of state Z. he is absolutely unpopular here. Even the people of Shenwu alliance deliberately suppress him.

Therefore, it is difficult for him to get an advanced soul of level C or above.

At this time, Sanmu Dashu excitedly said: "thanks to the powerful world and my alliance..." He recalled the situation when the powerful world told him the soul of the advanced level. He still had a feeling that he couldn't help but clench his fist and waved, "this time, my water combat training ground can be closer. When that time comes, anyone who doesn't accept me will have a fight on the water!"

He is very confident in his own training ground for water combat, which is a special building brought by his S-level Village building order.

Water combat training ground can greatly improve the training effect of sergeants in water combat, and it can make the soldiers trained in it have a very considerable probability to be able to understand the special skills of water warfare. With this effect, once the two sergeants fight each other, they will surely have an extraordinary advantage.

Ha ha ha ha!!! The world is mine and mine.

In a trance, Sanmu Dashu has already seen the trend of the world in the future, and it belongs to him.

Unfortunately, this good scene did not last long. Suddenly, a sergeant rushed out.

The sergeant yelled, "my Lord! No, general hammer, he... " The sergeant choked.

Three big trees look cold, frown, asked: "hammer, what's wrong with him???"

The sergeant cried and said, "general hammer, I'm afraid it's getting worse and worse..."

Oh! Sanmu tree's eyes were full of sadness, and he cursed the damned iron egg in his heart, "I don't know, iron egg! This guy is hiding so deep, don't let me meet you again, or even if Jesus comes, he can't save you! "

He sighed, "go! Lead the way "immediately followed the sergeant to the hammer's room.


as soon as Sanmu tree entered the house, he smelled a strong smell of blood.

He looked at it carefully, and there was no accident. The ground was covered with purulent blood, which was spitted out by a hammer.

This hammer, since the last escape from the secret environment, has inexplicably begun to fade.

However, what is more terrible is! Therefore, the hammer failed to release itself after three times.

This time, Sanmu Dashu was a little annoyed. In order to hang the hammer, he spent a lot of money to buy all kinds of tonics. He fed these precious herbs to the hammer as feed. Unfortunately, at first, it really works, but once these tonics stop taking, the hammer will soon fall into weakness.

What's more, if you eat too much tonic and take it for a long time, there are some side effects.

Because of the side effects of these jumbled tonics, the hammer is what it looks like today.

Oh! Sanmu tree has a headache and asks a full-time doctor in a low voice: "he, really can't do it?"

The doctor nodded and whispered, "I can't go back to heaven. I don't know what kind of poison was poisoned by Lord hammer..."

Oh! In the eyes of the three trees, there was a burst of mourning.

He looked at some iron hammers that were not as good as death, and asked, "you..."

I saw that the words of the three trees had not yet been uttered, and the hammer would not die to interrupt it.

I said, "weak hammer Never, never give up... "

Sanmu tree nodded, "OK, I understand." he said, "don't worry, I won't give you up."

He gave the hammer an encouraging look, and then he left.


Sanmu Dashu came to his room, pacing and meditating.

Suddenly, he thought that he might as well be a dead horse doctor and asked xiongba about it.

After all, if you can't find out where to get the secret of the advanced soul, maybe you will know the origin of this strange disease on hammer, and then you will be able to cure the disease. Only when he thinks of his future world hegemony, even in this period of time, he will continue to take the initiative to dominate the world. The two goods woodlouse asks for information.

However, under the balance of interests, the hammer is worth fighting for.

Therefore, Sanmu Dashu carefully wrote a letter and ordered people to send it to Tianlong town in a hurry.------------------------

however, at the same time, it is not only Sanmu Dashu who is also suffering from some troubles.

In the East China region, the short man was absolutely godless and dressed in military uniform. While celebrating the successful upgrading of Tiandong Town, he was worried about his top general, Miyamoto Musashi. To put it this way, Miyamoto Musashi has never appeared since the core of the mysterious secret state was captured. No one can understand that Miyamoto What happened to Musashi.

Even, no God ever thought that this Miyamoto Musashi might be killed.

However, he turned to think that Miyamoto Musashi was so strong that even on the crocodile eel, he would not die.

However, Miyamoto Musashi has not heard of the fact of this period of time, so put in front of us.

Oh! Absolutely no God sighed and muttered to himself, "can't it be that Miyamoto Musashi has surrendered?"

No! No way! Miyamoto Musashi is a general I trust with all my heart.

There must be something important delayed.

Absolutely no God comforted himself, and walked to the entrance of the town, looked at the distance, and thought.

Suddenly, he seems to see something, suddenly, the spirit immediately for a boost!!!

He quickly yelled: "general Miyamoto, you, finally, come back!"

I saw that Miyamoto Musashi was coming from afar, smiling and proud.

Miyamoto Musashi replied, "my Lord, I'm back!"

At this time, no God, heart full of mixed feelings, with tears, smile and nod.

He said, "just come back. Let's take advantage of this day's celebration in Dongzhen and have a good chat."

After that, he went forward and took Miyamoto Musashi, and went back to the town and talked about it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!