Chapter 515

Name:World of Experts Author:Dreamer 007
Now! It's still bright at night. In the moonlight, the villains in the gray wolf village headed by Wu Tianen are concentrating on Shi Hao. They all want to see what the "Man Wang Li personally invited from outside to be a bodyguard for Wang Amin" has, and will deal with him. But Shi Hao said in his heart: "this group of idiots, goodbye..." He gave a sudden smile.

"Look at me!" Shi Hao immediately put on a fierce posture. His left hand was on the bottom and his right hand was on the top. Looking at the last month, he put his feet into a horse stance. Then he slowly closed his hands to his side and called out, "turtle Pie Qigong Bo... " He pretended to shout like crazy, and pretended to launch the empty turtle Qigong wave towards the no one.

But his momentum was frightening. All the people in the village, including Wu Tianen, could not help but stretch their necks in the direction of his Qigong wave. But they watched for a while, but they didn't see any amazing damage. They had a difficult discussion. Some people said, "what kind of move is the turtle school Qigong wave? How can we see the momentum but not the effect?" Some people also said, "is it possible that this move has reached the level of pure interior without destroying the appearance?" Someone looked back and said, "eh! Not good! Where are Shi Hao and Wang Amin? Why are all the people gone? "

"What!" Wu Tianen was stunned after hearing the speech! He did not care about anything else, so he looked around in a hurry and found that Shi Hao and Wang Amin had disappeared completely. And then he thought that the so-called guipai Qigong wave just now seemed to be a trick for children to play with. Then he reflected. original! He was completely cheated by Shi Hao.

"Asshole!" Wu Tianen stamped his foot in anger, but when he looked back, he saw that there were still some idiots still looking at the place where the turtle sent Qigong wave. He could not help but curse: "are you all wooden people who only know how to eat?"! What are you looking at! Search for it! Search for me! They must not have run far away. Maybe they found a place nearby to hide. Search! Follow their footprints and search for me

"Oh, we're going to search..." The gang brought by Wu Tianen immediately searched around


after just a little more effort, someone came back to report the search results to Wu Tianen and said, "boss Wu, we found the whereabouts of Shi Hao and Wang Amin. There is a cave in the ground over there. Their footprints disappeared there. They must have jumped into the cave... "

"Good, good! What are you waiting for? You'll lead the way and all the brothers will follow you... " Wu Tianen immediately ran after him with his men and horses and entered the cave


in that cave, Shi Hao and Wang Amin have found a good place to hide, which is dangerous everywhere. To put it bluntly, at the moment, if they meet Wu Tianen, they will be arrested; if they meet the red giant stone monster, they will be killed. However, Wang Amin is more afraid of being caught. If she had a choice, she would rather be killed than arrested. She huddled up in despair and was not happy.

"All right, all right, all right!" Shi Hao patted Wang a Mian's lovely head and comforted him: "we are all hiding now. This place is not so easy to find out. If Wu Tianen comes in with people and doesn't know the route, he will directly run into the red stone monsters. Those monsters are very powerful. They must not be able to cope with them. Otherwise, they will all die. We just have to be patient here and wait until Sanlong and Pang Xiong find us, and we will be safe. "

"Well! OK, little brother, let's wait patiently... " Wang a Mian nodded slightly with wet eyes. Then the two of them waited with apprehension.

But! As time goes by bit by bit, Pang Xiong and Bruce Lee have not yet appeared. But suddenly, Wu Tianen and other people's voices came from the distance. This made Wang a-mian almost cry. Shi Hao covered Wang a-mian in time, which prevented her from sending out the cry and let people hear it, so as to avoid attracting Wu Tianen's people.

"Don't be afraid! Cotton, don't be afraid Shi Hao gently touched Wang a Mian's head and said, "Wu Tianen, their voice is still far away. As long as we don't move, they can't find us yet."

After saying that, Shi Hao sees Wang a-mian nodding, still listen to his words, he also put down Wang a-mian and began to listen attentively to Wu Tianen and other people's voice is talking about what things.

After listening to Wu Tianen and others, some people were saying, "Damn it, damn it. What monsters are there in this cave? They look like giant stone monsters, but they are all red. When have you heard of stone monsters and red ones?"

Another person said, "ah! Stop it. We managed to escape from those monsters. As soon as we came in, we searched around and found the monster. The monster would kill us when it saw us. After a fight, we had more than ten brothers, but now there are only four left. "

Another person said, "what are you afraid of! We all escaped alive! Since the three of us survived together with Mr. Wu, this must be our opportunity! Maybe Wang a-mian and Shi Hao are waiting for us to catch them"Yes! you 're right! That's right Wu Tianen's voice finally rang up and said, "it's so-called that there must be a blessing after a disaster. Let's go to the front and have a look at it along this road. Don't you realize that there is no red stone monster on this road? I think Wang ah Mian may be hiding on this road! We need to move faster... "

"Mm-hmm! We all listen to Mr. Wu's advice. The big guys all speed up... " The voices of Wu Tianen stopped abruptly at this point, and all that remained was the sound of some hasty footsteps.

"Damn it!" After hearing the words, Shi Hao couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, and secretly scolded: "the damned but not dead Wu Tianen ran into the red giant stone monster, which had not been beaten to the ground, and let him escape to death. But he found the road we were in. What a damned, damned..." After Shi HAOSI finished, he returned to Wang Amin, and he began to feel it again.

"Ah! But now that they are coming, Pang Xiong and Li Sanlong have disappeared. But I always have to do something. It doesn't matter if I'm caught, but Amin can't let them. It's my principle that men can't hurt women. But now, what can I do? I'm Level 3, and they all turn their jobs once. Even if I fight with my life, it's useless... " Shi Hao can't help but fall into a burst of bitterness, while the footsteps of Wu Tianen and others are getting closer and closer , the fastest update of the webnovel!