Chapter 537

Name:World of Experts Author:Dreamer 007
"Master Wu Jun! Here is the money you want. " Hearing Wu Jun's orders, the attendants at one side hastily put together a large bag of coins and handed them to Wu Jun.

"Good! You can get out of the way! Don't disturb me talking to brother Shihao! " Wu Jun takes the money bag, glances at it a little, points to weigh for a moment, then hands the money bag to Shi Hao.

"Brother Shihao!" Wu Jun looked at Shi Hao and said, "I think this bag must have thousands of silver coins. If you take these money back to Wang Li, it is the moving expenses provided by my mushroom village for your brother Shihao. If Wang Li doesn't accept money or doesn't release people after receiving money, then mushroom village will come to ask for people in person! You just tell Wang Li to save it! You don't have to worry about the rest, brother Shi Hao. Just pack up your own things and be ready to live in mushroom village at any time

"This..." Shi Hao quickly took away the money bag and said, "brother Wu Jun, I also know Wang Li. I'm afraid this matter can't be settled with such a little money. Do you really want me to do this? It's not appropriate. "

"Ha ha ha ha! Brother Shi Hao, don't panic, don't be afraid Wu Jun patted his chest and said, "with the name of mushroom village covering you, he Wang Li will not lose face. Even if I don't give face, my father's strength is there. It's a big deal that my father himself goes to Mianyang village and gives more gifts. " Wu Jun laughed and said, "in a word, this matter has been settled."

"Well All right Shi Hao nodded and said, "brother Wu Jun, I will go back to Mianyang village first. It's just that my high-end fan technique can only improve your sledgehammer for a limited period of time, which can only last for one day at a time. After you go back, the big hammer will change back to its original shape after a while. " He was sure that the blood entangled on his head would dissipate if he was out of his control for a long time. After all, blood shadow had transmitted theoretical knowledge to him for several days, which he still understood.

"Oh! ok I see. " Wu Jun nodded and said, "I think so. How can there be any way to upgrade a piece of equipment to a permanent level without foundation? It's not too abnormal. However, even so, brother Shi Hao, your ability is enough to be envied! "

"All right! Don't say much. Goodbye, brother Shi Hao. I'll wait for you in mushroom village Wu Jun said with a smile.

"Goodbye! Brother Wu Jun Shi Hao also said with a smile. After saying that, Shi Hao quickly ran away with his square hammer and the bag of money and headed back to Mianyang village


not long after, Shi Hao, who was quick in action, took the fruits of his harvest all the way back. He was able to see the figure of Mianyang village in front of him. At this time, it was just noon. The sun was full and the weather was a little hot, but it was also a good time to eat.

"Haha! Now it's time to eat. I'll go back to dinner. " Shi Hao continued to walk forward with a smile. But he had not gone long before, when he came to a deserted path, suddenly a figure passed him, blocking his way. The man in the block was very conspicuous in purple clothes, but he did not hide his face at all, which made Shi Hao recognize the real identity of the man at a glance. And this man is he Ling! In front of Wang Li, he Ling, who had beaten Shi Hao, successfully took him Ling away.

"Little brother Shi Hao! We meet again! It's a coincidence He Ling said in a strange way.

"Yes? Are you sure it was a coincidence? Rather than that you have a crush on me and want to come to me for personal business? " Shi Hao said provocatively, but he was always on guard, holding the square hammer in his hand.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" After hearing this, he Ling laughed and said, "I didn't expect that Shi Hao's younger brother really talked about my heart in a word. That's right, fate is always a little coincidence, and more is forced to come. I'm going to take you to a place today. You don't have to resist. You're not my opponent. "

"Ha ha!" Shi Hao shook his head and said, "even if I'm not your opponent, are you sure you can take me away without attracting the attention of others? You can already see traces of Mianyang village here! "

"Ha ha ha ha! Of course He Ling said definitely: "I only want a ring finger, and you will faint. You may not believe me, but you must be the one who suffers in the end. But you can rest assured, if you really go with me, I will not hurt you too much. At least it'll make you better than the people I've taken away. "

"Oh? What do you mean by that Shi Hao doubts.

"Ha ha ha ha! It means literally! Shi Hao's younger brother, those who beat you before were all dead after I took them away. None of them was alive. They're really boring. They didn't give full play to my blood transfer experiment at all. " He Ling said with a smile, "but if you're Shihao, I'm sure it will surprise me. To tell you the truth! I'm interested in your talent. The last time you were beaten by those people, I noticed that you had a very good demonic breath in your blood, and I have been secretly observing you these days to confirm my view on you. Now! I will try to graft the gift of your blood to myself"Ha ha! you must be dreaming! But you can think of blood transfer! You are really good! And you are so vicious! i 'm afraid! You this what ghost's blood transfer experiment has killed, do not know how many people! He Ling Shi Hao said angrily.

"Ha ha ha ha! Yes, I can't count the people who died under me. But all sacrifice is for the future! As long as I succeed, what is all this! I have been fully prepared for everything. As long as I can get your blood of demon clan, I will leave this place at the first time. I will abolish my cultivation, upgrade again and transfer to the demon profession. Ha ha ha ha, then I can have much stronger power than now! "

"You Shi Hao gnaws his teeth.

"All right! Don't talk much! It's you who follow me, or do I knock you out and take you with you. " He Ling shows a look of wisdom in her hand.

"Hum! He Ling! Let me go with you, dream Shi Hao immediately picked up the sledgehammer and rushed up.

"Ha ha ha ha! Little brother Shi Hao! You are a mantis. You can't do more than you can He Ling smiles and nods her finger. Hearing the "bang", Shi Hao was hit by a burst of impact, and his whole person was directly knocked to the ground, which made him dizzy.

"Oh! Little brother Shi Hao, you are even more powerful than I thought. After eating the whole magic shock wave of me, you haven't fainted completely. It seems that I found the baby indeed. " After that, he Ling comes to Shi Hao in a flash and wants to knock Shi Hao away , the fastest update of the webnovel!