Chapter 901

Name:World of Experts Author:Dreamer 007
The second said, "yes! There was indeed a girl named girolu who had lived here for some time. Yes? My guest, do you know her? "

Xueheng nodded, "where is she going now?"

The second said, "just take a rest upstairs."

Xueheng said, "can you take me to have a look?"

The second said, "of course. It's just He rubbed his hands.

Xueheng smiles and reaches out to give the boy some money. Even with blood Heng, Xiao Er went upstairs to have a look, and soon came to jilulu's room. The second said, "this is the place. Mademoiselle girullo has a rest in it, and she has not left today. " After that, Xiao Er left quickly.

And Xueheng stood in front of Jilu's room, buttoned the door, "bang bang bang!" There were several knocks.

All of a sudden, the door was opened, and it was jilulu. However, at this time, Xueheng was still dressed up to cover her face. Jilulu did not seem to see the origin of the man in front of her. Jilulu looked at Xueheng in her eyes. After a while, Jilu asked, "who are you?"

Xueheng said, "do you forget me? Jilu Xueheng opened some clothes to show his original appearance.

Jilulu recognized Xueheng at a glance.

Jilu was stunned. "How It's you... "

Xueheng said, "let's talk inside."


soon, jilulu and Xueheng came to the room and sat down. Jilulu asked, "Xueheng! Why aren't you dead? I remember you were not Go outside to find reinforcements to deliver the letter. Have you been caught? " Jilulu seems to be beginning to doubt something about Xueheng.

Xueheng sighed, "yes! I was caught. But I survived, and now I want to kill those thieves of Zhao family. " He said, "back then! I live a life of humiliation. Today I finally find a chance to destroy the Zhao family. It's not in vain for all my years of hard work. "

Jilu squinted. "You mean What opportunities? "

Blood Heng said: "kill Zhao Wudi's chance." He added: "now, Shi Hao is ready. I know that he is the rebirth of brother Xueying. Now, Shihao, I need your help. This time, we must thoroughly kill Zhao Wudi. Time is running out. Let's clean up and set out quickly. "

"But How did you find me? My trace has not been revealed to anyone else. " The vigilance in her eyes grew stronger.

Xueheng explained: "don't forget! In those days, what did I do in the blood clan? "

Jilulu smiles. "I almost forget that you are the secret sentry of the blood clan. But If you want to find my whereabouts, you can't find it by ordinary means. You know, Zhao family's Secret sentry has hardly caught my whereabouts for so many years. They all know I'm still alive, and they want to kill me. " There was a little bit of caution in her eyes.

Xue Heng said, "yes It seems that you have guessed that I have learned the secret skills of the blood clan's Secret sentry. Now I'm the only one who can do that. I paid a lot of money to find you

Jilu was shocked. "What! Do you search for my trace with the blood of many creatures

Xueheng said: "it's just killing some wild monsters. And I lost some of my life myself. But it's worth it to find you. "

"All right," she said! Anyway, since Shi Hao is going to kill Zhao Wudi, I will certainly help him. Zhao Wudi... " Jilulu got up and began to pack up. And she is also very fast, in a twinkling of an eye will soon clean up the things, can go.

But the blood constant is still sitting on one side at the moment, but suddenly said: "right! Girolu! Do you know that Shi Hao has a little girl beside him now? It seems that the name is what Zhao... " Xueheng's words reveal a hesitant look.

Jilulu just finished packing things, looked at Xueheng and said, "Zhao Qin?" She has a fierce look in her eyes.

Xueheng nodded, "yes! Zhao Qin! That's the name. " He added: "this Zhao Qin is born with a good appearance. I can't say, I will After all, a few days ago, I was still watching them two, in the middle of the Castle Peak gate. It's very enviable. "

Jilulu said coldly, "he dares! I don't agree. How dare he provoke other women. step on it! I'll go back and have a look. " Jilulu was so angry that she was about to leave. She turned around and opened the door to leave, but left her skills to Xueheng.

"Good chance!" Blood is always in the heart. He immediately took advantage of the opportunity of jilulu exposing the flaw behind him, and made a decisive move, steadfast and ruthless, trying to kill Jilu on the spot.

"Hum! Sure enough, you have a problem... " I didn't think about it, but Jilu was actually prepared. She suddenly turned around, but her backhand beat back blood Heng. But it has to be said that jilulu's skill is obviously better than Xueheng. After Xueheng is repulsed, she looks very embarrassed."Damn it! It seems that after all these years, Lulu, you are not the girl who was foolishly impulsive when her mind was hot. " Xueheng said.

"Xueheng! In those days! Did you do it! They deliberately passed on false news, harmed the blood clan, and were slaughtered overnight. " Jilu looked angry.

"You already have the answer to this question. There is no need to ask more about it. " Xueheng said.

"Good! I'll leave you today. I'll go to see Shi Hao after I kill you. " Said girolu. And she said it, and she did it right away. It's a pity that Xueheng smiles, "jilulu! In terms of confrontation, I'm not as good as you, but don't forget, what's the best secret sentry of the blood clan? "

All of a sudden, the body shape of Xueheng disappeared as if it had been destroyed. Jilu stood there, biting her teeth. "Damn it! This guy! It seems that he has finished learning the secret sentry skills of the blood clan. At that time, if the patriarch of the blood clan was not kind-hearted and killed Xue Heng when someone reported that he had stolen the secret script, he would not have been in trouble later. Now it's not easy to kill Xueheng again. "

Lulu sighed again. Suddenly, she seemed to realize something.

Jilulu quickly turned back and left the room. As soon as she went outside, she saw that there were corpses, blood stains all over the floor, and the smell of blood in the room. Jilu Lu looked very embarrassed and cried, "bloody Heng! You But suddenly he heard the voice of Xueheng, "Jilu! I can't kill you, but I'll trap you, too. At least one thing I didn't cheat you. Zhao Wudi, Shi Hao wants to kill, and I want to kill too. Before killing Zhao Wudi, you should wait here. This blood boundary is one of the unique skills of the blood clan's Secret sentry. You don't want to rush out on your own. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!