Xie Yuling could tell from Su Baiyi’s tone that although he was a bit displeased, he also revealed a kind of warmth. He lowered his head and smiled. “You seem to have a good relationship with your master.”

Su Baiyi also smiled. “Senior brother, I’ve been with you for a few days, and I feel like you’ve smiled more in this period of time than in the previous days combined.”

“Your master is my seventh uncle.” Xie Yuling said lightly.

“Oh.” Su Baiyi suddenly realized. “So the man in green is your elder brother. I thought your Xie family was a big sect, and although you all had the same surname, you were not very close to each other.”

“My elder brother and I liked to follow our seventh uncle around when we were young.” Xie Yuling laughed. “He is the person I admire most in my life. I haven’t seen him for so many years, and I don’t know if he’s still the same as before, so I asked you a few questions. Sorry for the trouble.”

“Is he different now? I heard he used to be a madman in the martial arts world, awe-inspiring and majestic, but when he came to me, he was just a teacher who cheated his disciple of money.” Su Baiyi shook his head and sighed. “Time makes people old.”

“No, he is the same as before.” Xie Yuling’s tone revealed a hint of nostalgia, “Back then, he took us to Gusu for fun, but he lost all his money in the gambling house there. He could only buy a steamed bun for me and my elder brother and sit on the roadside to eat, while he drooled on the side. In the end, we didn’t go to the Rain Flower Pond that we wanted to go, we didn’t climb the Wind and Rain Tower that we wanted to climb, we didn’t see the Cloud Rising Lantern Festival that we wanted to see, and we ran back to the Xie family in disgrace.”

“May I ask senior brother what do you admire about master…” Su Baiyi curled his lips.

“Have you heard of the Four Great Families’ Contest?” Xie Yuling suddenly asked.

Su Baiyi nodded, “I know this. The green robe gentleman participated in the Contest before. It’s where the young disciples of your four great families compete in martial arts.”

“Yes. Back then, my seventh uncle also participated in the Contest, but that day Helian Xiyue invited him to go to Tianyuntai to watch the martial arts contest for the hand of Xiyue Fairy. He was very anxious and worried that he would be late. Seeing that the others were fighting too slowly, he finally couldn’t help but start running around the field, and probably only spent a quarter of an hour to knock down all the young disciples he could see. I was only five years old then, but I still remember the dumbfounded expressions of everyone.” Xie Yuling laughed. “It was very refreshing.”

Su Baiyi thought for a moment and said, “That was a matter of his lifetime after all, it’s understandable that Master did that.”

“What matter of his lifetime?” Xie Yuling was puzzled.

“My master’s matter of his lifetime, ah. Didn’t you say that Xiyue Fairy held a martial arts contest for her marriage at Tianyuntai? Or was it Helian Xiyue who wanted to go?” Su Baiyi asked.

“Hahahaha.” Xie Yuling shook his head while laughing. “Neither of them. They just went to watch the fun! Xiyue Fairy didn’t know them at all.”

“Hey!” Su Baiyi said helplessly. “That’s really something Master could do. Wouldn’t the people from the four great families be furious?”

“Originally, the Xie family was hoping that my seventh uncle would make a name for himself at this meeting, but they didn’t expect that he would end up with a bad reputation. But everyone saw his strength.” Xie Yuling’s expression dimmed slightly. “Forget it, let’s not talk about it. Sigh, why is there a fire in the house?”

At this moment, flames rose up in the house. All the members of Butterfly Wind who were sitting there had just put the manuscripts on the table into their arms, and then gently twisted the inkstone on the table. The desk caught fire and they got up and retreated behind Luo Qin.

“We just got news that you were spotted on your way here.” Luo Qin sighed softly. “This butterfly nest can’t stay here anymore. Retreat separately and meet at the Academy!”

“Yes.” The others answered and immediately pushed the door and walked out.

“Senior sister, what happened?” Xie Yuling and Su Baiyi asked at the same time.

“We’ve been targeted by someone.” Nangong Xi’er walked outside. “We have to leave here quickly.”

“How do we leave? Can we fly like them?” Su Baiyi pointed to the front, his tone surprised.

Everyone looked up and saw that those disciples of Butterfly Wind had put on mechanical wings one by one. They used their momentum to bounce off the ground and then stayed in the air. But in the end they looked coldly at them and flew away in the distance.

“These are mechanical wings, they can only bear the weight of one person, and they can only fly a short distance. Their martial arts are ordinary, staying here is just waiting for death.” Luo Qin explained.

“What about us?” Su Baiyi asked.

Luo Qin pulled out two short knives from behind his waist, suddenly took three big steps forward, waved his hands, and knocked out two short arrows that flew from the dark. “Naturally, we can only fight our way out.”

“There are four on the left wall, five behind the right wall, seven at the door, and three squatting on the roof over there.” Nangong Xi’er closed her eyes and sensed the aura around her, “A total of nineteen people.”

“Nangong junior sister is really as amazing as the rumors say. She can find their location and number so clearly just by using the aura sensing technique. But we are outnumbered, everyone please be careful.” Luo Qin said solemnly.

Su Baiyi was puzzled. “Who are they? We don’t know anyone in Eight Directions City. Why do they want to kill us?”

“Greedy Wolf.” Luo Qin licked his lips, “The most mysterious killer organization in Eight Directions City. Many people who came to Eight Directions City were quietly erased by them. We have investigated for a long time and could only find out that they are raised by a certain big sect in the martial arts world here, but the true power behind them has always been impossible to determine.”

“So we offended a big sect in the martial arts world?” Xie Yuling waved his sleeve and knocked down a sleeve arrow. “Is it related to this case?”

“What’s the point of asking so many questions! The five on the right are mine!” Feng Zuo Jun shouted angrily.

With his bamboo sword, Feng Zuojun charged to the right wall, slashed it fiercely, and swept away half of the entire wall. The killers who were hiding behind it had no chance to react, and their heads appeared in his sight. Feng Zuojun stood on the remaining wall and yelled, “Get lost if you know what’s good for you!”

The killers were startled by this roar, and then drew their long knives and slashed at Feng Zuo Jun.

“You use knives against me?” Feng Zuojun raised his eyebrows, swept his bamboo sword again, and knocked out the long knives in the hands of the five people. “Is this called a knife?” He leaped into the air, caught a long knife in mid-air with his left hand, spun it lightly, then landed quickly, and stabbed it straight into the ground. A fierce aura burst out from the long knife, directly blasting the five people away. But the long knife also broke because it couldn’t bear such a fierce aura. Feng Zuojun threw the knife handle on the ground disdainfully and snorted, “Xie Yuling!”

“Here.” A voice sounded on the roof.

The three killers who had blowguns in their mouths and were ready to sneak attack Feng Zuojun broke out in a cold sweat behind their backs.