Chapter 79 - The Road She Walks

Chapter 79: The Road She Walks

“…Is it morning?” (Sirius)

Because this was the first time I had slept in bed in a long time, waking up was quite comfortable.

When I looked outside the window, I woke up at the usual time. I wanted to do some things that I had planned, but… I couldn’t move.

“…Zzz.” (Reese)

The reason was that I was embraced by Reese, who was sleeping next to me.

Emilia would hug my arm while she’s asleep, but in the case of Reese, she was embracing my whole body. Did she think she was holding a pillow?

I tried to peel off because I couldn’t wake her up, but Reese hugged me tighter and didn’t try to let go.

“Reese, don’t you want to get up soon?” (Sirius)

“…Cake.” (Reese)

…There was no sign of her waking up as she was splendidly asleep.

When I looked at her face, her mouth was opened a little bit, it wasn’t closed enough to make me worry about drool spilling out.

I was healed when I looked at that pretty sleeping face that was like a child’s, but… I couldn’t watch it forever.

Anyway, let’s wake her up in a non-forceful way.

“Yeah, yeah, it will be a cheesecake.” (Sirius)

“…I want more.” (Reese)

I felt like asking her whether she had already eaten it, but… there was a reaction. Let’s continue to attack.

“Well then, I will bake a cheesecake. Look… open your eyes.” (Sirius)

“Yeah… I’ll wake up… eh?” (Reese)

So Reese, who opened her eyes, met my eyes and became stiff.

Her face gradually became red and she moved away from me. She tried to cover her face with the soft sheet, but I stopped her and kissed her forehead.

“Good morning, Reese.” (Sirius)

“…Yes.” (Reese)

Reese didn’t say much probably because she felt like she was going to explode from embarrassment.

It seemed that the forehead was a correct decision. She stopped hiding her bright-red face and showed a gentle smile.

“Is your body alright?” (Sirius)

“I feel a bit strange, but it’s alright. Shall I say that it’s more satisfying… anyway, I really understand Emilia’s feelings.” (Reese)

Last night, she came with a face saying that she was prepared in various ways, but I was relieved when looking at that delightful expression.

“I’m going to check the carriage for a bit, so Reese can sleep some more.” (Sirius)

“Alright… but why the carriage?” (Reese)

“Didn’t I say it? I’m going to bake the cake.” (Sirius)

Before Reese slept last night, she asked me about letting Fia eat a cake to celebrate the reunion. I definitely didn’t think it was because of Reese wanting to eat it.

I decided not to look at Reese, who was drooling, so I got up from the bed to make a cake.

Reese was looking at me while I was making some preparations. She brought her upper body up before I left the room.

“Sirius-san. Did I… do it well?” (Reese)

“Hmm? There is no need to worry about being able to do well or not. Anyway, I will ask you to be my lover from now on.” (Sirius)

“…Yes!” (Reese)

Reese was really red, but she answered with a very satisfying reaction.

“Woof!” (Hokuto)

“Good morning, Hokuto.” (Sirius)

Hokuto was waiting in the hallway.

Last night, when Hokuto noticed that Reese was visiting my room, he read the air and slept in the room with the siblings and Fia.

I completed my morning greetings while stroking Hokuto’s head. And then, I headed to the courtyard, where I parked the carriage.

“Good morning, Aniki!” (Reus)

As I brought Hokuto outside, Reus was doing his morning training in the courtyard.

He was doing some push-ups, since it was a small courtyard. He greeted me with a fresh-looking smile when he noticed me.

“Aah, good morning, Reus. You seem fine today.” (Sirius)

“Of course. By the way, Aniki, I am going to run outside, but are you going to go, too?” (Reus)

“I have an arrangement today, so I will run next time.” (Sirius)

“Is that so? Because it has been a while since I competed with Aniki.” (Reus)

“I plan to bake a cake to celebrate Fia…” (Sirius)

“I will be back soon!” (Reus)

Reus ran off while raising dust.

I entered the carriage while thinking that he would probably return soon. And then, I canceled the anti-theft prevention of the carriage.

“Alright… it’s finished. Do you want to taste it?” (Sirius)

“Woof!” (Hokuto)

I baked the cake in the carriage while wearing an apron. When I let Hokuto taste the finished cake, I noticed someone approaching.

“Good morning, Sirius, Hokuto. Something smells good.” (Fia)

The one who came was Fia. She drank a lot of wine last night, but she didn’t look sick at all. It seemed that she was good at drinking.

I returned the greetings and handed a freshly-baked cake to Fia.

“Could this be the confection called a cake? It looks delicious.” (Fia)

“It is to celebrate my reunion with Fia. Will you taste it?” (Sirius)

“Sure… that’s what I want to say, but I think it is best to eat with everyone, right? I’ll have it later.” (Fia)

“Haha, that is a correct answer. Those guys have a different look when it comes to cakes.” (Sirius)

Although it was only a day, Fia seemed to have already grasped the personality of my disciples.

However, I didn’t think it’s enough with one cake, so should I make extra and share them together with Kachia and Cecil-san?

“I will bake another one, but what will you do, Fia? Since I’ll be back for breakfast, you can return to the inn and have a rest.” (Sirius)

“If it’s not disturbing you, can I watch?” (Fia)

“I don’t mind, but is it fun to watch?” (Sirius)

“Hehe, your appearance with an apron… it looks nice.” (Fia)

I had no reason to refuse her, so I worked on making a cake while receiving Fia’s gaze.

And then, when I stirred the ingredients and poured into a cake cutter, I could hear an adorable voice from behind.

“Heh… you’re good. Actually, is Sirius aiming to be a cook?” (Fia)

“I don’t think so. This is a hobby, after all.” (Sirius)

“For you to be good with your hobby, you’re amazing. I am proud, because my sweetheart can do anything.” (Fia)

“I want to say that I can’t do everything, but are you fine about being a mistress?” (Sirius)

I progressed with the cake-making while chatting with Fia. I poured some mana into a magic formation that was installed inside of the carriage and activated the oven.

“It is enough to be your mistress if I can stay with you. Anyway, how was your night with Reese?” (Fia)

“…I planned to respond to her courage.” (Sirius)

“Well, when I looked at Reese this morning, I understood that she was satisfied. I’m also looking forward to it.” (Fia)

“You’re really aggressive, huh? Leaving that matter aside, Reese already woke up, hasn’t she?” (Sirius)

“I came from the room just now. She thanked me while being shy, but she was flustered when she saw Emilia.” (Fia)

“…What happened to Emilia?” (Sirius)

I just have make sure that the cake doesn’t get burned, but I reflexively turned around because of Fia’s words.

It seemed to be an unpleasant situation, from Fia’s expression, but when she met my eyes, she opened her mouth while looking away.

“…It’s a hangover. I seemed to have made her drink a bit too much.” (Fia)

“Haa…” (Sirius)

Whether it was fine to rejoice after confirming to that degree, I wasn’t sure whether it was pointless or not.

For the time being, I proceeded with baking the cake and let it cool down. I stopped after baking the cake and removed the apron.

“Are you done?” (Fia)

“I haven’t finished yet, but it’s about Emilia. I have to prepare some medicine that effective against hangovers.” (Sirius)

Although I said that it was medicine, it was similar to a traditional herbal medicine that promoted internal metabolism. There was no dramatic effect, but she would be cured sooner if she took it. Since there was nothing to lose, I started to prepare it.

When I compounded some medicinal plants stored in the carriage, while remembering the herbology that I learned from Erina, Reus came back in a heavy breath.

“I-I’m back, Aniki! Today is a cheesecake!” (Reus)

“Welcome back. Go clean your body. And wash your hands, too.” (Sirius)

“Got it!” (Reus)

“…Rather than a Shishou, you are like a Guardian.” (Fia)

After completing the preparations, I returned to the inn together with Fia, who had a gentle smile.

We held the cakes, which were done, and then, we headed to Emilia’s room.

Reese showed her face as soon as I knocked on the door, but when she met my eyes, her face became bright red.

“Aah… uh… Sirius-san. That… again, good morning.” (Reese)

“Aah, good morning. By the way, I heard that Emilia was still in bed?” (Sirius)

“Aah… y-yes! Come in, please look at her.” (Reese)

Even if she was embarrassed, she still prioritized Emilia. She had, somewhat, directed her eyes towards the cake, but… maybe it was my imagination.

Emilia, who had been lying in bed, noticed me when I came into the room. She opened her eyes and look at me.

“Sirius-sama…” (Emilia)

“Are you alright?” (Sirius)

I sat on the chair that was at her bedside. She closed her eyes as she started to feel good when I stroked her head. I took the opportunity to verify her condition with [Scan]. There was no mistake, it seemed that it was a mere hangover.

“I’m really sorry… for being in such a condition.” (Emilia)

“Occasionally, there will be such situations. I brought some medicine, but first, I will touch your stomach.” (Sirius)

Roughly speaking about the cause of a hangover, it happens because the alcohol in the body can’t be completely decomposed. Because of that, she should be cured as soon as I enhance her metabolism with my regenerative ability.

However, Emilia stopped my outstretched hand.

“No, this is my own mistake, so let it cure itself. It’s not necessary for me to bother Sirius-sama’s hand.” (Emilia)

“…Is that so? Then, medicine is fine, right? Drink it with some water.” (Sirius)

I raised Emilia’s upper body and let her drink the medicine and water. And then, I caressed her cheek again.

Although Emilia should feel sick with the hangover, she grabbed the hand that I used to caress her and happily rubbed it on her cheek.

“Hehe… I am disqualified as a disciple, but I am happy to be nursed by Sirius-sama.” (Emilia)

“Really? I don’t have any particular plans, so I will stay by your side until you’re cured.” (Sirius)

There were still two more days until the Fighting Festival was held, and there was no need to rush and tour the town.

I thought of leisurely taking care of Emilia, but she shook her head with a bitter smile.

“It’s very fascinating, but please do not hesitate to go sightseeing in the town.” (Emilia)

“But you know…” (Sirius)

“Actually, before Sirius-sama came, I talked with Reese. Today, we’re going to let Sirius-sama and Fia-san go out together.” (Emilia)

When I turned around, Reus, Reese and Fia were all delightedly eating the cakes.

Since they might eat everything if I left them alone, I didn’t forget to tell them to leave some for Emilia.

“I’m glad, but… does that mean Emilia has accept things with Fia?” (Sirius)

“Yes. Fia-san is same as us, and I understood her well when she said that she loves Sirius-sama. Besides… Fia-san has been separated for almost ten years. That’s why I want her to be alone together with Sirius-sama.” (Emilia)

“Thank you. I do have a good lover.” (Sirius)

“I am your disciple. But… can you stroke me some more?” (Emilia)

From then on, until breakfast time, I continued stroking the spoiled Emilia.

We finished the breakfast prepared by the inn and we decided to do free activities.

Emilia would stay in bed, while Reese remained at the inn to nurse her, and Reus went out, saying that he would use the training grounds at the Adventurer’s Guild.

Fia and I took Hokuto along, and we were walking in the town that was celebrating the Fighting Festival.

“Hehe… there are many people. It’s a bit hard to move, but this fun atmosphere is not bad.” (Fia)

“Don’t get lost. Although I said that, Hokuto and I can immediately find you.” (Sirius)

“Woof!” (Hokuto)

“Oh, let’s do this then.” (Fia)

Fia gently hugged my arm and brought her head to my shoulder. It became a bit difficult to walk, but I didn’t mind because Fia was smiling.

It’s regrettable, but she wore a hood in order to not make a racket because of her being an Elf. The person, herself, also thought so. I thought it was a waste to hide that beautiful long hair.

We were enjoying our date as we bought some sweets while window shopping the various shops, and asking about the various fabric colors to choose from for the choker.

In the meantime, whether Hokuto cared or not, he made some distance between us. When I confirmed where he was with [Search], he was hiding behind a building. It seemed that he was secretly watching me and Fia. My partner was particular about the details.

Although Hokuto might be reported for being alone, there were many adventurers who were casually walking with their Beast Companions, so there shouldn’t be any problems for a while. Even if Hokuto was targeted by some fools because of its rareness, he could easily escape.

The day turned into noon as the two of us continued to walk around. We found a restaurant with an opened terrace and had lunch. Every shop was full, but there was a vacant seat, which could hardly be seen at the shop.

We were led to the outside seats and ordered some suitable dishes. I enjoyed talking with Fia while eating.

“The foods here are delicious, but the cakes that I ate this morning were many times more delicious.” (Fia)

“That’s because that’s a confectionery, I think that it’s a different comparison to these dishes.” (Sirius)

“That is true. By the way, I heard that Reus will participate in the Fighting Festival, but I wonder why you are not participating.” (Fia)

Since Fia muttered that while looking at the streets outside, I was also attracted and directed my sight outside.

Most of the people who were walking in the town were adventurers because of the Fighting Festival. There were young adventurers, who seemed to be in a group, that were talking in front of weapon shop and a sight where veterans were drinking in the daytime. The tribes were diverse, so it seemed that this town had little discrimination amongst races.

While absentmindedly looking at such townscape, I answered Fia’s question.

“I had no reason to compete and stand out. Rather than me, please support Reus.” (Sirius)

“I will cheer for him, but… it’s wasteful. If it’s you, the championship would surely be yours.” (Fia)

“Oioi, for you to lift me up even though we just met yesterday…” (Sirius)

“It’s just that you were abnormal to that extent since you were a child. You are not weak, that’s for sure. The arm that I embraced earlier… was very strong.” (Fia)

Fia’s passionate eyes entered my sight. I thought it would be pleasant if it was with Emilia or Reese, but it became seductive when Fia said it, huh?

“My arms reached that degree because I’ve been training all the time in order to protect everyone. Besides, I am still far away from ideal, so I must continue working from now on.” (Sirius)

“When you say ideal… I wonder until what degree?” (Fia)

Although I became way stronger than I was in the previous life, I didn’t think I had reach my target, which was my Shishou.

In order to protect my disciples, I would keep training until I could win against the Shishou based on my memories.

“By the way, I thought of this after asking Reus. I wonder if I also have to train if I follow you?” (Fia)

“Those three are my disciples. It is not necessary for Fia to do it since you are our companion. So, I leave the decision to you.” (Sirius)

“Yeah… I will think about it after seeing it.” (Fia)

We had conversations that included the future, and finished eating. After that, we walked around the town again.

As I was walking down the street where the stalls stood, Fia suddenly stopped and pulled my arm.

“Aah, Sirius, look. It’s selling something nifty.” (Fia)

“…Wait a sec.” (Sirius)

If you’re listening only to the words, we seemed close enough to be lovers, but what Fia picked while laughing… was a collar.

This stall seemed to mainly deal with slave-related items. In addition to the collar, there were various training tools lined up. Even if it was a mistake, it wasn’t a stall to be visited with lovers.

What Fia held was a slave collar for slaves, but I couldn’t feel any mana reaction from the collar. It was a fake, since it was made of soft leather, and not made of metal.

“…Customer-san, that is a fake. It is a product for enjoyment, after all.” (Shopkeeper)

“Heh… can I get this, then?” (Fia)

“You want to buy it!?” (Sirius)

The shopkeeper had probably gotten used to it. He received the payment from Fia without saying anything and handed the item over.

And Fia made me grasp the counterfeit collar in my hands as if it was natural.

“…I want to ask you various things, but what are you planning?” (Sirius)

“Of course, I want it to be attached to me. Although I had said it yesterday, I won’t feel uncomfortable if we can be together, even if I am a slave.” (Fia)

A real slave collar had a function to inform the master about the location of the slave who wore it. In spite of that, it had a function to remotely kill them, so those who wore the collars were unlikely to be kidnapped.

However, the person would be seen as degraded in various aspects because they would be treated as a slave. There was no doubt that it was an effective means to protect the rare Elf, Fia.

Although there was no mistake…

“Truthfully, I wanted to wait until the choker was made, but now I want to walk with you as a lover.” (Fia)

“Do you want me to remove the hood?” (Sirius)

“Ahaha… sorry. It seems that that will bother you, it is impossible after all…” (Fia)

“You don’t need something like a collar, do you?” (Sirius)

Since it was somehow troublesome in many ways, I took off Fia’s hood without asking her.

The surroundings were starting to notice that an Elf had suddenly appeared and stopped their feet. Fia hurriedly tried to put the hood back on, but I grabbed her hand to stop her.

“Wha-what’s the matter!? This will attract attention, and we will be targeted!” (Fia)

“Actually, I don’t really mind being targeted. I also want to publicly walk with Fia.” (Sirius)

Whether Fia was a slave in the first place or not, being targeted by foolish people still hadn’t changed.

If it happened, I’d just assume a defiant attitude. Either way, I would still protect her.

“Other than me, there is also Hokuto and the disciples, we will protect Fia, no matter what happens. So, don’t mind the surroundings and let’s walk together.” (Sirius)

Fia had a smile on her whole face with reddened cheeks. She clung to my arm with no less of the strength that she used earlier.

“…What a pick-up line. If I am being told that much, there is nothing more I can do, other than to follow along. Ah, but I am not the only woman being protected, correct?” (Fia)

“You got that right. More importantly… your heart is struck, right?” (Sirius)

“Of course, since you said that on purpose. If it’s good with you, I feel like entering any inn now.” (Fia)

“It’s daytime, after all, so please excuse me.” (Sirius)

While having an unusually lustful conversation, we kept walking and then it happened when we got onto the main road with our arms folded over one another.

“Shi… Shimifia-san!?” (?)

“…Oh no.” (Fia)

When we turned around towards the sudden voice that reverberated from the surroundings, there was a nobleman with two escorts.

His age was probably a bit older than mine, I think? The young nobleman, who was wearing a dazzling attire, was trembling while pointing his finger at Fia.

Fia immediately hid her face, but… it seemed that it was already too late.

“…Who is he?” (Sirius)

“Well, if I have to briefly describe… he is a Noble who fell in love with me at first sight.” (Fia)

Apparently, it was a story before arriving in this town. When Fia was shopping in a certain town, the hood slipped off because she was slightly careless.

The hood was immediately put on, but it seemed that several people had already seen her, and one of them was the shouting Noble.

“The other people are nice, they didn’t make any noise, but this person, alone, is different. He said that he fell in love with me, and he persistently approached me many times.” (Fia)

“Isn’t better to say… he’s passionate?” (Sirius)

“It certainly looks like that, but he doesn’t suit me. The reason is… you will understand when you see him.” (Fia)

While Fia had a really unpleasant expression, the young Noble ran while smiling.

He stood before us, spread both of his hands, as if it was a completely like a drama, and expressed his happiness.

“Aah… we were able to meet again after getting separated by the prank of the destiny. This is also another guidance of Mira-sama.” (Young Noble)

According to the information that was secretly whispered by Fia, this unpleasant man who ‘got played by the destiny’… was called Sieg(1), which was why she was running away.

By the way, Mira-sama was the name of a goddess who existed in the religion he respected.

“It was a coincidence that we were able to meet again. Since we are in the midst of a date, will you not get in our way?” (Fia)

“Hmm? With this man? Oi, get away from Shimifia-san. The girl hates it, right?” (Sieg)

“…I refuse.” (Sirius)

“Yeah! Rather than hate him, I love him.” (Fia)

He finally noticed that I was there. It seemed that he only saw something that was only convenient for him. I immediately understood that unusually troublesome nature.

Sieg came to glare at me, but Fia kissed my cheek to show off.

“W-what!?” (Sieg)

“his man is my lover. That’s why, I’m not your destined partner. So, give it up.” (Fia)

“That’s not wrong, but isn’t it too direct?” (Sirius)

“It’s not good if you don’t clearly tell it to him. He didn’t give up, no matter how many times I said that I have you, Sirius. After all, you’ll understand when you see him in front of you.” (Fia)

“Aah… yeah. I can understand it, somehow.” (Sirius)

Because of this one-sided sultriness, I could easily understand Fia’s thoughts.

Sieg, who looked like he was in despair, was in agony for a while, but he was glaring at me and suddenly hurled some bloodlust.

Honestly, it’s up to Killing level, but… I had a bad feeling.

“Is that so? You’re holding Shimifia-san’s weakness and forcing her to do that?” (Sieg)

“…Haa?” (Sirius)

“That collar is proof! You’re planning to make Shimifia-san a slave to fulfill your desires, but I definitely will not allow that!” (Sieg)

“Aah… He is hopeless, after all.” (Sirius)

Because there was no shoulder bag, I was holding the collar that was given to Fia earlier.

Nevertheless, he won’t recognize it, even if I clearly showed it to him at this point. He conveniently assumed things, it’s no wonder why Fia was shaking and holding her head.

Sieg started to raise the heat, but in contrast, we had just cooled down.

“Just a minute… Do you think a woman, whose weakness is being held, will smile like this? If she likes it, you will understand that she is not lying, right?” (Sirius)

“Y-you bastard! You, Commoner, are so cheeky when you’re cheating Fia-san. I will protect her!” (Sieg)

“I don’t want you to say that when you can’t understand her heart. I will protect Fia, so quickly give up and go home.” (Sirius)

“You think that you, a frail adventurer, can protect her!? In that respect, I can hire various adventurers to protect her. Look!” (Sieg)

An escort came up from Sieg’s back and released an intimidating feeling… but it didn’t come out. Rather, he was surprised with his employer’s behavior and felt like it couldn’t be helped.

Without realizing that, Sieg had proudly introduced his escort.

“This man is a powerful man who has fought the Strongest Sword, Lior. He is regarded as a Winning Candidate at the Fighting Festival the day after tomorrow!” (Sieg)

“The Strongest Sword, is it…?” (Sirius)

In this world, he had fought the strongest Lior… but even the fact was getting a bit foiled. If you fight against Lior, it will either be you die or live because he recognized your ability.

I wasn’t sure if it was the truth, but I could at least feel that the middle-aged escort was quite powerful. I didn’t know the standards of the Fighting Festival, but it’s not that I didn’t understand when he was said to be a Winning Candidate.

“And this guy is the son of the Sword Saint, who rivals the Strongest Sword! If these people protect Shimifia-san, she is safe no matter what kind of enemies come for her!” (Sieg)

The Sword Saint… If I wasn’t mistaken, that person was a sword master who had passed away and he was one step behind the Strongest Sword, Lior.

That Jii-san talked about the Sword Saint once before, and he was the biggest rival before he retired.

The son of the Sword Saint appeared to be younger than Sieg. He was a slender man, whose build was almost similar to Reus’. However, his slender body was packed with muscles, which had been trained, giving the feeling of being an expert. From the light swords and armor he had, I thought that he was good at attacking moves, rather than giving blows.

I see… he certainly might be able to protect Fia, if he had such powerful people.

“Hey… rather than the escorts, what about you?” (Sirius)

“My forte is not physical strength! Although I am not strong, I have the financial strength and status to compensate for it. I will protect her with everything that I have… that is my forte!” (Sieg)

I knew what he wanted to say, and there was a part that I could agree with. Indeed, he had the power to hire such powerful people as escorts.

It’s just that… it was another matter whether he fits Fia’s preferences or not.

“Indeed… he is not suitable for Fia.” (Sirius)

“Right? You know, Sieg. You are surely strong in that sense, but I like a person who can protect me with his own strength.” (Fia)

While walking around the town, Fia told me the reason why she liked me.

She fell in love with my back that appeared in a desperate situation. When I listened to her, I had nothing say, other than being embarrassed. In other words, as to what she had said, her preference was someone who can protect her with their own strength.

I thought that Sieg had no choice but to give up when he was told that again, but… he hadn’t given up yet.

“W-well… what if these adventurers can protect Shimifia-san?” (Sieg)

“Yes, I believe that they can protect me for sure. Besides, I understand that you want to protect me because I am a woman, but… if I’m going to say it by using your own words, he is the man of my destiny.” (Fia)

“T-this Commoner adventurer…?” (Sieg)

“Alright, shall we do this?” (Sirius)

Although she didn’t say anything bad, he didn’t know about my situation. He couldn’t understand because he saw nothing but Fia.

Let’s propose a more direct method, which had a larger number of witnesses.

“Those two guards are strong, right? So, shall we… meet each other in the Fighting Festival on the day after tomorrow?” (Sirius)

“Yes. That’s the plan, they are going to win the Fighting Festival and will escort Shimifia-san. In that case, imprudent men will not lay their hands on her.” (Sieg)

“I will also participate in it. If the two over there are defeated or if I become the champion, promise me that you will never ask her again.” (Sirius)

“What!?” (Sieg)

Sieg was surprised with my words, but the two escorts, who were told that they were going to be defeated, hurled an intimidating air.

When I calmly accepted and retaliated the intimidating air, the two escorts were smiling while feeling amused, and then they whispered to Sieg.

“…That’s fine. I will accept. But, if you run away, I will keep chasing you until the end of the world!” (Sieg)

“It’s decided, then. We will go to the receptionist’s table, but if you can’t trust me, you are welcome to come along.” (Sirius)

Turning our heels without waiting his reply, Fia and I started walking towards the arena. When I looked back, while walking, Sieg and his escorts were giving us a sharp look while following us.

Although he was troublesome, this would help him not to be a fool and instigate the escorts to forcibly take her away.

“Sorry for the trouble. There are too many stops on this long-awaited date.” (Sirius)

“What are you saying? It was originally my fault, so I am glad that Sirius will do it for me. Hey, can I go to your room this evening? Anyhow, let’s go!” (Fia)

I was progressing towards the arena, while calming the excited Fia. And then, I was officially accepted for the Fighting Festival.

I joined the Fighting Festival in order to make Sieg understand and inform him that I was really the guy who would protect Fia.

According to Sieg, I had to show that I was powerful enough to win the Fighting Festival, and I thought Fia would be less targeted if that man knew who was protecting her.

This was said when I walked together with Fia, a rare Elf.

There wasn’t only an Elf around me, but also unusual Silver Wolfkin and a saintess who could see Water spirits. And, there was no such thing as adding another person now.

I was already an adult adventurer, and I didn’t need to be afraid to stand out.

Besides… if my disciples were the only ones who stood out, it would be inexcusable for me, as their Shishou.

I would not repeat the failure I had done in the school.

“Aah, Hokuto. Thank you for letting us be alone.” (Fia)

“Woof!” (Hokuto)

“Wha!? Please get back, Shimifia-san!” (Sieg)

In the meantime… Hokuto, who understood that this was no longer a date, revealed himself, and Sieg, again, made noises.

It was evening by the time we finished registering and we returned to the inn.

Emilia was recovering at that time, but as soon as I came back, I was suddenly hugged. No… it was closer to sniffing my scent than hugging.

“…I sense Fia’s scent, but… it seems you haven’t arrived to that stage yet.” (Emilia)

“I want to retort in various ways, but if you can understand that, I want you to release me.” (Sirius)

“…” (Emilia)

“Won’t you leave me!?” (Sirius)

Since I wasn’t able to separate from her, even if I tried, I had to explain to my disciples, as it was about the details of me participating in the Fighting Festival.

“I agree. Sirius-sama will surely win the championship, and if you do so, Fia-san will be able to openly walk with Sirius-sama and us.” (Emilia)

“You are very excited, but it’s harsh when you don’t considering Fia-san’s feelings.” (Reese)

“I also don’t want Fia-ane to wear a hood. Besides, I will also work hard. Even if it is difficult to do, I am motivated!” (Reus)

“Thanks… you guys.” (Fia)

Fia had a smile on her whole face because of my disciples’ kindness. She was telling them words of gratitude and hugged them one by one.

“With this, we will have First and Second Place in the Fighting Festival! Of course, the winner is Aniki!” (Reus)

“It’s not a good idea to decide that, but try to win First Place. Reus, don’t ever retract your hands, even if you hit me in the match, alright?” (Sirius)

“That’s for sure, Aniki. I will do it with full power!” (Reus)

“Aah, come at me with all your strength.” (Sirius)

During the next two days, I walked around the town, while dating and sightseeing with Fia, but I couldn’t see any stronger escorts, other than the escorts brought by Seig.

If there were existences that could become our walls, it would be those two. So, I firmly told Reus not to be careless.

“He is the son of the Sword Saint who fought against Lior-Jiichan, huh? I’m not sure who I will fight, but my arms are tingling!” (Reus)

…Although there was something that I was a bit worried about with Reus, should I talk about it on the day of the Fighting Festival?

After that… we had a welcome party for Fia, again.

Two days later… the Fighting Festival began.


“That’s for sure, Aniki. I will do it with full power!” (Reus)

“Aah, come at me with all your strength.” (Sirius)

Reus was also motivated, after all.

“Reus, let me tell you this. I will not forgive you if you hurt Sirius-sama.” (Emilia)

“Eh!? What shall I do then?” (Reus)

“Stop it just before or fight Sirius-sama without hurting him.” (Emilia)

“Nee-chan!” (Reus)

…And the motivation was dampened by the irrational order.

Presenting Hokuto

That day… Hokuto-kun met a female Elf, who his Master rescued when he was a child.

Hokuto-kun was surprised when she suddenly hugged his Master, but he understood that she liked his Master, and since there were many people who understood his Master, he accepted her with satisfaction.

And… the next person who liked Master, Reese-chan, came to his Master’s room.

Hokuto-kun was a child who could read the air.

Hokuto-kun, who understood her intention, quietly left the room and decided to sleep in the juniors’ room.

“Ehehe… Hokuto is fluffy, isn’t he…?” (Fia)

“Sirius-shama…” (Emilia)

The room reeked of alcohol, but the night passed while being stroked by Fia-san.

Next day, Hokuto-kun waited in front of his Master’s room in the morning.

As expected, his master immediately came out and he seemed to be going to make a cake in the carriage.

And when the cake was baked, his master let Hokuto-kun sample it.

By the way, Hokuto-kun lived with the mana from the atmosphere, so he didn’t need to eat meals.

But… what was important for Hokuto-kun was to eat the things that given to him by his Master.

Things like Frisbee and brushing… Hokuto-kun couldn’t be satisfied unless his Master did it. They were priceless.

On that day, Fia-san and Master were happily going out for a date.

Since Hokuto-kun wasn’t specifically informed, he followed his Master, but… he saw that those two were very close and were holding their arms together.

Again, Hokuto-kun was a child who could read the air.

Hokuto-kun thought of leaving them alone, so he erased his presence and hid his appearance. He decided to watch over his Master and Fia-san, while hiding behind a building.

The Master’s happiness was Hokuto-kun’s happiness.

Hokuto-kun was very happy when he watched those two walking together.

In the meantime, they found a man who wanted to be Fia-san’s lover, so Hokuto-kun crept from behind to deal with them. If he could speak specifically, he wanted to sandwich him between the ground and his paw.

Of course, his Master would have noticed, but in order to not worry Fia-san, he purposely pretended not to notice Hokuto-kun’s tenacity.

Although Hokuto-kun was worshipped by the beastkin several times, while he was hiding in shadows, he kept watching over his Master while giving appropriate treatments.

After a while, his Master was involved with the strange men.

He thought about interrupting them immediately, but his Master started talking seriously, so he decided to wait and see.

The discussion with the men was over, and his master started walking. It seemed the destination was the arena.

Apparently, the date was no longer a date, so Hokuto-kun didn’t hesitate to appear before those two.

That evening… Hokuto-kun was delighted for getting brushed by his Master.

His Master and Reus were asleep, and when Hokuto-kun also thought about getting some sleep… he felt a presence from the hallway.

When he quietly went to the hallway, as to not wake his Master up, there was Fia-san, wearing a sexy negligee.

“Oh, what’s wrong, Hokuto?” (Fia)

No matter how many times this was said, Hokuto-kun was a child who could read the air.

Hokuto-kun, who had presumed her intent, returned to the room, held Reus-kun in his mouth and went to the hallway. Although Reus-kun was somewhat dull, he remained asleep due to the exceptional power adjustment by Hokuto-kun.

“Hehe… thanks.” (Fia)

And then, Hokuto-kun put Reus-kun in the room where Emilia-chan was sleeping, and he also slept in that room.

The Master’s happiness was… Hokuto-kun’s happiness.