Chapter 300 Executing The Pope, Destroying The Holy Church

Chapter 300 Executing The Pope, Destroying The Holy Church

Hearing the Pope's scream, Alister nonchalantly replied, "Yes, that's what I want. Let your Lord Fantasia descend into this world. As the Apostle of the Goddess of Law And Balance, it's my duty to kill evil goddesses like Fantasia."

"However, it's not up to that evil goddess whether she could kill me or not. One thing is for sure, even if she descends, the Fantasia Cult will be destroyed and exterminated before she arrives."

Afterward, Alister started torturing the Pope as well as spreading his propaganda of killing all heretics in the world.

Because of that, those humans who were watching from below dared not even pray for Fantasia's descent. After all, they were afraid that Alister could see through their thoughts and catch them for praying towards Fantasia.

They didn't want to be executed for being a heretic so to protect themselves, they no longer worship Fantasia.

In front of Alister was the corpse of the Pope tied on the wooden cross. Countless sharp long blades pierced through the body of the Pope as if the Pope's corpse was a pin cushion. Embark on a journey to the beginning at n0v#lbin★

Although the Pope's corpse remained on the wooden corpse, his soul was already obliterated by Alister and it was impossible for the Pope to reincarnate.

Those citizens from the Henea Kingdom as well as the top powerhouses in the world had witnessed Alister torture the Pope.

However, none of those human citizens intervened since they didn't want to be the next one to be tortured. The same went for the top powerhouses as they didn't care about what Alister did to the Pope.

Even if Alister's torture of the Pope was cruel, none of the top powerhouses found it unusual since they had lived long enough to see the dark side of the world. None of them were weak-hearted and it could be said that some of them even tortured their enemies or prisoners.

'Since I won't use the corpse of the Pope as a warning for those heretics, I might as well create a hundred-meter sword and insert it in the heretical church. The sheer size and sharp sword intent of that hundred-meter sword will be enough to serve as a warning for those heretics.'

Knowing that this incident would be written in history, Alister decided to use it to serve as a warning and prevent the future generation from worshiping Fantasia.

After all, he planned to take ownership of the Magic Fantasy World so he wouldn't allow it to be used as a faith power generator by that Goddess of Fantasy.

Even if Fantasia wasn't really an evil goddess, Alister didn't care since history was written by the winners.

As long as he could force Fantasia to descend into this world to test the power of her avatar, Alister would ignore the lives of the heretics that he had sacrificed.

After all, this was only a simulation and he could just reset it after he ended the simulation. His only purpose was to test the power of Fantasia and ensure that she wouldn't be powerful enough to threaten him in the full-dive simulation.

With that plan in mind, Alister summoned a hundred-meter blade and it was a replica of his Nine-Colored Cosmic Sword. Of course, only the appearance was replicated and it didn't have any connections with his Nine-Colored Cosmic Sword star artifact.

However, its power was no worse than a grand-level artifact but it could only be used by him.

With the appearance of the hundred-meter blade above the sky, Alister moved his hand downwards.

With a signal from his hand, the hundred-meter blade descended and it landed on the heretical church, destroying it in the process.

"All that's left is to wait for the descent of Fantasia's avatar."