Chapter 310 Killing Fantasia's Avatar

310 Killing Fantasia's Avatar

Hearing Alister's sneer, Fantasia turned a deaf ear to it and acted tough, "Even if you reduced my power by half, you still can't defeat me."

Facing Fantasia's reply, Alister nonchalantly commented, "Boring."

Getting already bored with hearing the same arrogant tone from Fantasia, Alister sighed, "Sigh, I have enough fun. You have already shown all of your parlor tricks and it's now time to end the show."

Snapping his fingers, thousands of Nine-Colored Cosmic Swords appeared. Just like how Alister could create copies of his Dimensional Mirrors, the same went for his Nine-Colored Cosmic Sword star artifact.

His three star artifacts had already been tempered by the Chaos Body and the Sea of Chaos so they were already stronger than god-level star artifacts. Aside from the lack of divinity, his three star artifacts were no worse than the hero authorities in terms of sheer power.

After creating a thousand copies of his Nine-Colored Cosmic Sword, Alister activated the Never-Miss Targeting talent and launched all of them towards the thousand nightmare creatures army.

One by one, the nightmare creatures died as soon as his Nine-Colored Cosmic Sword pierced them. With the concept of severance, Alister's Nine-Colored Cosmic Sword severed the connection those nightmare creatures had with Fantasia.

Normally, even his Nine-Colored Cosmic Sword couldn't sever the connection between those nightmare creatures and Fantasia since they were connected by her fantasy divinity. However, Fantasia's power was reduced by half which weakened the fantasy divinity she could use from her avatar.

So at most, Fantasia's fantasy divinity was only slightly stronger than Alister's superpowers and star artifacts but it wasn't to the point that it could be immune to it.

With the elimination of the thousand nightmare creatures, Fantasia no longer had any subordinates and she could only rely on herself. The thousand nightmare creatures were eliminated too fast that Fantasia couldn't even attempt to protect them.

Of course, even if she could react to Alister's attacks, she wouldn't protect those thousand nightmare creatures since that it would cost her more divinity to resist Alister's attack than summoning another army of fantasy creatures.

She couldn't summon a fantasy creature stronger than her especially when her power was reduced by half. She couldn't even defeat Alister, let alone her fantasy creatures.

'If I can't defeat him, I might as well retreat and find a way to descend into this world with either my main body or a stronger avatar.'

With that thought in mind, Fantasia started to withdraw her avatar and return to the God Realm.

But before she could leave, Alister activated his negation superpower and Chaos Body to interfere with Fantasia's avatar withdrawal, "Did you think I'd allow you to leave?"

"This world isn't a place where you can come and go as you please. Since you dared to intrude in this world, then leave with your life!"

Noticing that Fantasia wanted to run away, Alister used his Movement Petrification talent.

And with that, Fantasia couldn't withdraw her avatar as well as perform any movements.

If it was before, Alister's negation superpower wouldn't work as Fantasia's fantasy divinity was stronger than his negation superpower. However, with Fantasia's power being reduced as well as using his Chaos Body, Fantasia couldn't even use her fantasy divinity anymore. Hence, she could no longer withdraw her avatar back to the God Realm.

He didn't want Fantasia to withdraw her avatar since killing her avatar would do him good. After all, a god's avatar contained a fragment of their soul and so if he killed Fantasia's avatar, he could slightly weaken her by destroying her soul fragment contained within her avatar.

With that plan in mind, Alister didn't even wait for Fantasia to plead for her life and immediately used his Chaos Body.

Gathering the chaotic power of his Chaos Body towards his Nine-Colored Cosmic Sword, Alister combined it with the concept of severance and obliterated Fantasia's avatar, destroying her soul fragment!

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