Chapter 315 Subordinate Exoffus, Exoffus Becomes A Transcendent Overlord!

Chapter 315 Subordinate Exoffus, Exoffus Becomes A Transcendent Overlord!

Exoffus hadn't forgotten about Alister since he and those two human traitors were watching Alister's battle against the Tentacle Saint while they were in the dimensional gap.

Since there were only a few Transcendent Saints in the human race, Exoffus couldn't forget Alister, the Fourth Transcendent Saint of the Human Race whose title was proclaimed by Alister himself as the Sword Saint.

Exoffus was the Third Transcendent Saint of the human race and he greatly attached importance to those who could become a Transcendent Saint since they were a powerhouse that the human race badly needed.

The first time that Exoffus encountered Alister, he knew that Alister was someone who was decisive and would only do things that he was certain of. He also noticed how cautious Alister was when Alister didn't expose his power to save and prevent Margaret from being raped by that tentacle monster.

With how steady and cautious Alister was, Exoffus looked forward to this junior of his surpassing him and being the first human to achieve Transcendent Overlord power.


'Isn't Alister's growth too fast? Although I estimated that it would only be a matter of time before he became a Transcendent Overlord, it seems that his power isn't even at Transcendent Overlord and might have already surpassed it!'

'I have already met the Monster Overlord and the Monster Overlord's power, I could still catch a glimpse of it. However, Alister's power is so deep and profound that I couldn't even estimate his power. It's way above Transcendent Overlord which only means that he has reached the realm above Transcendent Overlord.'

'Above the Transcendent Overlord is the legendary power of Demigod!'

When that absurd thought came into Exoffus' mind, he gulped and looked at Alister in a different light.

'As long as the human race has a Demigod, the human race can finally survive and even prevent the Technology World from having malicious thoughts towards Earth. A Demigod can deter another Demigod and even several Overlords wouldn't be able to threaten a Demigod.' Read latest chapters at Only

Because of that, even when the Monster Overlord and the Monster Saints invited him to defect and come to their side, Exoffus refused while those two human saints didn't.

Exoffus didn't trust those foreign invaders and he knew that even if he accepted their invitation, he would have to be wary of being betrayed by them.

Exoffus awaited this day of someone surpassing him. He had already prepared himself to become the sharpest sword of whoever surpassed him as long as that person's goal was to protect the human race or at least defeat the foreign invaders.

Of course, if the human who surpassed him had ill intentions towards Earth and the human race, then Exoffus wouldn't hesitate to sacrifice his life just to bring that person down with him to the afterlife.

However, after hearing that the person who surpassed him had the goal of defeating the Technology World, Exoffus was relieved and didn't hesitate to accept Alister as his boss.

With his absolute mind superpower, Alister could see through Exoffus' thoughts and he knew that Exoffus was a trustworthy subordinate.

After all, Alister never planned on harming this world since there was no point for an emperor to have no subjects under him.

So after accepting Exoffus as his subordinate and knowing that Exoffus was sincere, Alister didn't hesitate to pass on pure mana to Exoffus' mana core.

Alister could see that Exoffus only needed just an opportunity and as long as that opportunity was obtained, Exoffus could break through and become a Transcendent Overlord.

Alister's mana was from a Six-Digit World which was higher in quality than the Transcendent World's mana.

So after receiving Alister's pure mana, Exoffus was astonished to witness that the bottleneck he dreaded was easily broken and he successfully became a Transcendent Overlord!

After perceiving the power in his body, Exoffus didn't forget who gave him this opportunity and immediately kneeled on one knee and lowered his head to Alister, "Boss, thank you for giving me this opportunity to become a Transcendent Overlord! I won't hesitate to do everything for your cause!"