Chapter 325 Start Of Simulation, Chosen Hero (Black)!

Chapter 325 Start Of Simulation, Chosen Hero (Black)!

This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

After the simulation cooldown had ended, Alister pressed the [Simulation] button.


[The host can choose three of these talents: Chosen Hero (Black), Laser Eyes (Gold), Flight (Purple), Eternal Youth (Black), Second Chance (Black), Truthful Liar (Red), Bountiful Harvest (Blue), Wretched Goblin's Favorite (Blue), Eagle Eye (Gold), Scammer (Green)]

[Chosen Hero (Black): In every Hero And Demon King World, you will have the identity of a chosen hero. The hero power or authority you will awaken will be far stronger than the rest of the heroes. Furthermore, your hero identity is granted to you by the universe's will and the gods can't deprive you of your hero authority.]

[Laser Eyes (Gold): Shoot a powerful laser from your two eyes that can evaporate an average god's body.]

[Flight (Purple): Have the ability to fly at the speed of Mach 20.]

[Eternal Youth (Black): You will no longer be eroded by the flows of time and can maintain an eternally youthful appearance.]

[Second Chance (Black): After your death or even something you deem as a "failure", you will be granted the ability to reverse the time of the universe, returning to the time where you can either prevent your death or failure.]

[Truthful Liar (Red): Your lies will eventually become true, for the better or worse. You can't control which lie will become true.]

[Bountiful Harvest (Blue): Crops grown and sowed by you will yield ten times more.]

[Wretched Goblin's Favorite (Blue): Become a wretched goblin's favorite sex toy. Have 100% of being impregnated by a goblin even if you are infertile.]

[Eagle Eye (Gold): You can see things from afar as if they were near with the limit only being your eyesight blocked by an obstacle. You will also be more aware of small details in everything you see.]

[Scammer (Green): You can scam any normal human.]

After seeing the ten simulated talents he could choose from, Alister didn't hesitate to choose Chosen Hero, Eternal Youth, and Second Chance.

Those three were the only three black-grade talents among the ten drawn simulated talents so it wasn't a difficult choice for him.

As for the aura rings, they were up to the heroes to create them.

All the nine heroes' mana cores had the mark of the Goddess of Fantasy so it was the main reason why their mana cores were ready-made. Unlike Alister who acted calm, the rest of the nine teenagers had fear and confusion written on their faces after being transported to this unknown room.

After all, unlike Alister who was used to transmigration, the nine teenagers were just average students on Earth who were suddenly summoned to Fantasia as heroes.

Alister's ability to accept things that came his way was far stronger than the nine teenagers combined.

While the nine teenagers were panicking, the Pope who stood at the center of the priests' circle formation greeted to Alister and the nine teenagers, "Welcome honorable heroes from another world! Welcome to the world of Fantasia!"

"Fantasia, the Goddess of Fantasy, has entrusted the ten of you to save this world from the Demon King's malevolence!"

"The Demon King and his demon army will threaten the world and the lives of every living being in Fantasy if they aren't dealt with. So please, honorable heroes, lend us your strength and vanquish those evil demons!"

"Fantasia, the Goddess of Fantasy, will reward you for eliminating those vile demons!"

As if on cue, all the priests aside from the Pope bowed toward Alister and the nine teenagers.

The priests' actions had startled the nine teenagers but Alister remained indifferent to it.

In Fantasia, there used to be only nine heroes but due to Alister's Chosen Hero (Black) talent, he would be included as one of the heroes regardless if the Hero And Demon King World had a hero quantity limit.

His identity-type simulated talent would change the laws of the world and reality of it to insert Alister as if he were part of it.

So in Fantasia, there were now ten heroes and Alister was included in it. Even the natives of this world wouldn't think that it was unusual for the world to have ten heroes instead of nine.

While the priests were bowing towards Alister and the nine teenagers, one of the nine teenagers stepped forward and reassured, "Don't worry! We will protect the world from those vile demons and eliminate them!"

"No matter how strong the Demon King and the demon army are, we ten heroes are stronger!"

The teenager who stepped out and acted as the leader was none other than Takahashi Ken, the Sword Hero!