Chapter 364 Analysis, Template For Unpredictable Chaos Godhead

364 Analysis, Template For Unpredictable Chaos Godhead

With that plan in mind, Alister already has an idea of how he would start condensing his godhead.

First of all, Alister planned to condense a godhead for every power or element he had. In other words, he would become the God of Unpredictable Chaos, the God of Soul, the God of Energy, etc.

The more godheads and divinities he had, the more advantage he would have when facing against gods with lesser godheads and divinities. Not only would he defeat them in quality, but also quantity.

If this plan of his worked out well, then he would become the strongest god and would become invincible at the same power level.

"First, let's start by analyzing the chaos element and laws and then condensing it into a godhead. It's troublesome considering I don't have any manuals or guidebooks on how to condense a godhead."

"But the first god started with either being a god already or having to ascend to godhood and creating the first godhead by himself. Since someone had done it before, then why can't I?"

With that mindset, Alister didn't give up just because he didn't have the manual on how to create a godhead.

Unlike the first god, Alister already has supreme authorities aka his simulated talents. Those supreme authorities contained laws and even a template of a godhead.

So as long as he copied the template and replicated it into himself, then theoretically, he should be able to condense a godhead, generate divinity, and become a god.

With that in mind, Alister lay on his bed and meditated. Or more like, he was in a sleeping position. Cheêck out latest novels on n/o/ve/l/bin(.)c/o/m

No one stated that he had to be in a lotus position during meditation so Alister decided to become a god by sleeping. That sounded a lot cooler than becoming a god by meditating.

After Alister slept, he entered his mindscape.

When Alister remembered that bitch's hateful actions, he swore to kill or enslave Fantasia after he became a powerful god in the God Realm.

Alister never leaves behind loose ends since he even killed Sophia Frost, the murderer of his parents. Although Sophia Frost wasn't hostile to him and also wasn't powerful enough to threaten him, regret would always happen later on so Alister wanted to prevent that from happening.

Even if he became stronger than Fantasia to the point she would no longer become a threat to him, Alister still wouldn't spare her life.

"Well, I'd eventually defeat Fantasia so rather than thinking about that bitch, I should focus on analyzing the laws and elements of chaos."

With that in mind, Alister activated his absolute mind superpower and Analysis Authority.

Although he was in his mindscape, that didn't prevent him from analyzing the chaos element within the Sea of Chaos.

The Sea of Chaos was far away from Zanna's mansion but Alister has the Unpredictable Chaos Authority. He could do whatever he wanted as long as he could pay for the energy to do it.

So if he wanted to have nigh omnipresence and make himself oversee the Sea of Chaos despite being in Zanna's mansion, Alister could do that with his Unpredictable Chaos Authority and that's what he did.

Alister spent all the time in his seclusion analyzing the chaos laws and elements within the Sea of Chaos. The Sea of Chaos was the most dangerous forbidden area in the Magic Fantasy World but it was also the place with the most concentrated chaos laws and elements.


A few months have passed since Alister started analyzing the chaos element within the Sea Of Chaos.

In front of him, the unpredictable chaos godhead was not that far from materializing!