Chapter 371 Long Term Plan Of The Wright Pantheon

371 Long Term Plan Of The Wright Pantheon

At first, Alister had planned to make the sharing of faith energy to 20% only. But then when he realized just how much faith energy he needed in order to become stronger, Alister changed his mind and increased it to 50%.

Anyway, he knew that most of the grand-level powerhouses would accept his offer even if he made them contribute 50% of their faith energy to him. After all, 50% might be a lot of protection fee to pay, but it's still better than not becoming a god and having no ticket to the God Realm.

Fifty percent of 2 billion was 1 billion. Losing 1 billion might be painful, but not earning 1 billion was more painful.

At least, looking at the bright side, Alister wasn't greedy enough to take 90% of their faith energy.

'It's too self-destructive if I were to take more than 50% faith energy from them. After all, I also want the gods in my Wright Pantheon to become stronger. If I take all of the resources from them, that's like putting the cart before the horse.'

'If I leave enough resources for the gods in my Wright Pantheon, then they become stronger. And when they become stronger, they will be able to travel more worlds and have more believers. The more believers they have, the more faith energy I have.'

'In other words, 50% faith energy is the most I can take from them as a protection fee. More than that would hinder their growth and would also hinder my plan to obtain more faith energy.' n/ô/vel/b//jn dot c//om

Alister thought as he bestowed the grand-level powerhouses with the Divine Covenants.

At first, Alister didn't care much about faith energy since he wasn't a god yet in the past. But after he became a god, he realized just how important faith energy was since it could be converted into divinity.

And since divinity was an energy of the gods, it's like mana which could be used to increase the power of a mage. If he wanted to become stronger, Alister knew that he needed to create faith energy generators like what Fantasia did by traveling to other worlds in this universe.

But that didn't mean it was still useless. At least, the hero authorities he had after becoming the apostle of Lilyana Rue Fae were used as a template for his godheads.

An example of that was using the Unpredictable Chaos Authority to create the Unpredictable Chaos Godhead.

On one hand, Alister still possessed the Unpredictable Chaos Authority. Not only that, he still has the Unpredictable Chaos Godhead.

Although it sounded redundant to have both since the Unpredictable Chaos Authority was naturally weaker than the godhead version, having the hero authority version still gave a small boost to his power.

No matter how small it was, Alister still wouldn't hate such a boost in power since those were his capital for fighting against gods that had higher power levels than him.

Countless quantitative increases would lead to a qualitative change.

'Now that I have become a god, I no longer need the identity of a hero. As the God of Unpredictable Chaos, I can finally start my pantheon.'

'Normally, a hero becoming a god wouldn't be able to remove his identity as a hero and apostle of god. Just like how Toshokan Hondana and the rest of the heroes were bound to Fantasia.'

'But due to the system's deal with Lilyana Rue Fae, I gained the hero identity and hero authorities and became Lilyana Rue Fae's apostle in name only. Other than that, I am not enslaved to her unlike in Toshokan Hondana's case.'

'Regarding the case of the hero party, I can easily solve it now that I have become a god. It also helped that Lilyana Rue Fae is suppressing Fantasia's main body so even if Fantasia discovered that her connection with Toshokan Hondana and the hero party is severed, she can't retaliate!'