Yu Tingfeng finished nibbling on the pigeon’s leg and turned to look at Song Zhaolan.

Sensing the implication in his eyes, Song Zhaolan lowered his head and glanced at the meat left in his hand, as if he didn’t see him, he turned his back and continued to eat.

Yu Tingfeng: “…”

“Hey, this is my Qiuxiang!”

“You promised me yourself.” Song Zhaolan ate in one gulp, “The leader of the Demonic Sect, can’t go back on one’s words.”

Yu Tingfeng was speechless, but the fragrance next to him made him drool. He sat in silence for a while, and suddenly roused——

I am indeed the Demonic Sect leader! If I want to keep my word, I should kill, burn, and loot!

Thinking of this, Yu Tingfeng stretched out his hand and wanted to grab it, but the other party seemed to be prepared. He swallowed the meat in his hand, resulting in his cheeks bulging.

Yu Tingfeng: “…”

“Just how much food can you fit in here?” Yu Tingfeng couldn’t hold back and poked his cheek.

Song Zhaolan chewed quickly, and suddenly his ears twitched and grabbed his wrist: “There seems to be someone coming.”

“Who started the fire here?!” The guidance director ran over angrily. Seeing that the fire in the clearing had been extinguished, the two figures fled in front of him and disappeared in a flash.

“Stop, who are you two! Stop right there!” The guidance director chased after them but bumped into someone.

“Hey, which motherf*cker is so blind…Ah, hello Director, goodbye Director!” Huang Mao turned around and was about to run, but was quickly grabbed by the Director.

“Who did you curse at just now?”

“No, no, I didn’t curse at anyone.”

“Was it you that made the fire here?”

“Fire? What fire?”

“Who else isn’t you?” The director grabbed his hair. “How many times have I emphasized that you can’t dye your hair and perm it, let’s go, follow me to the Academic Affairs Office.”

Huang Mao wanted to cry but had no tears. He suspected that recently, he had bad luck, as whatever he did was unfavorable, and he was getting taught a lesson every turn.

The real culprit, at this time, quietly wiped his mouth and bid farewell to Yu Tingfeng downstairs, and calmly returned to the classroom.

However, there were quite a few people standing in the corridor. Most of them were girls from other classes. They were blocking the entrance of Class A. when they saw him walking over, some covered their mouths and snickered. Some pushed and shouted at their companion to go toward him.

Song Zhaolan looked at them suspiciously, only to feel that their gazes seemed familiar——

That’s the gaze the martial artists used to watch him ascend to be the leader of the alliance.

One of the good-looking girls walked up to him, but he subconsciously took two steps back and said vigilantly, “What are you doing?”

The girl looked back at her companions. Several girls gave her a cheering gesture. She took a deep breath and said, “Song Zhaolan, I want to be friends with you, can I?”

Song Zhaolan didn’t answer and knocked on the glass window next to him, and inside was Yu Xiaohui’s seat.

Seeing that there were so many people surrounding the Alliance Leader, Yu Xiaohui immediately called everyone out to administer justice, put on a cold face, and asked, “What are you going to do to him?”

The girls in the corridor saw Yu Xiaohui standing in front of Song Zhaolan like a mama bear, while she herself had delicate features, a cold temperament and sharp eyes, which inevitably led to some misunderstanding.

The female classmate asked, “Are you Song Zhaolan’s girlfriend?”

Yu Xiaohui blinked, took a step back, and whispered to her allies, “Girlfriend, what is that?”

While the girl was waiting, a dozen or so people quickly formed a circle and muttered like no one else was there—

Xue Canming: “I don’t know, I don’t have any memories of the girlfriend in this body. ”

The leader of Beggar’s Gang: “Does it mean female friend? If that’s the case, Sect leader Yu, you are indeed Brother Song’s girlfriend.”

Song Zhaolan shook his head: “But my mother said that if I have a girlfriend, I have to give her pocket money.”

Yu Xiaohui said: “This is rather complicated. Since I’m your girlfriend, please give me your pocket money.”

Song Zhaolan: “…I won’t.”

Yu Xiaohui: “Tch, you’re not being generous to your friends.”

The two were talking, almost falling out because of pocket money.

The leader of the Beggar’s gang began to make peace: “Sect leader Yu, don’t panic, you are originally our girlfriend, I can give you this week’s pocket money.”

“Well, ok.” Yu Xiaohui took his pocket money.

The meeting ended.

A group of people put up a fighting stance again, surrounding Song Zhaolan in the middle and looking around in a stern manner.

“Do you still need to discuss for so long whether you are boyfriend and girlfriend?” The girl was puzzled.

“Yes, after our serious discussion, it was determined that I am not Brother Song’s girlfriend.” Sect Leader Yu said ruthlessly.

The girl felt relieved, but heard her speak again, “Unless he’s willing to give me his pocket money, I’ll be his girlfriend.”

Girls: “……” This is the first time I’ve seen such a blatant gold-digger! Can you at least fake it?

Yu Xiaohui: “Otherwise I could only be Wu Xiaoyu’s girlfriend.”

Girls: “…” Awesome.

“Classmate Song, do you also like this kind of girl?” The girl saw Song Zhaolan staring at Yu Xiaohui who was in front of her, “Classmate Song?”

Everyone was waiting for Song Zhaolan’s answer, but Song Zhaolan hung his head and stared at the money in Yu Xiaohui’s hand, not knowing what came to his mind, he turned his head and said to Wu Xiaoyu, “Since she can be your girlfriend, then I can too.”

The girls: “…….”

What kind of tangled and confusing relationship do you two have? Song Zhaolan, we want to be your girlfriend, but you want to be our sister?

Wu Xiaoyu replied: “But brother Song, you are a boy, shouldn’t you be a boyfriend instead?”

“Would I get pocket money?”

“Of course you would get it!” Wu Xiaoyu took out the money from his pocket again, “I’ll give it to you, if you don’t have enough, tell me.”

Song Zhaolan was satisfied.

Others, however, were not satisfied.

The girl who originally wanted to make friends sadly took her friends away. Before leaving, she looked at Song Zhaolan, then at Yu Xiaohui and Wu Xiaoyu: “You three…… Wish you three happiness.”

Song Zhaolan was quite polite: “Thank you.”

Girl: “……”

Her heart ached.

After the outsiders left, Song Zhaolan and the others turned around and returned to the classroom.

The classmates, of course, also watched this good show. At this moment, they were laughing so hard that the roof was about to break. Someone joked: “Wu Xiaoyu, you are good ah. You are able to do both men and women, the most good-looking boy and the most beautiful girl have both been won by you. ”

Wu Xiaoyu didn’t understand the meaning of the words, smiled kindly at them, and then sighed at his allies.

“Actually, it would be best if you take my pocket money.”

Song Zhaolan: “Why?”

Wu Xiaoyu stood by the window and looked sadly at the sky, his eyes filled with nostalgia for the past: “Because, I haven’t begged for a meal for a long time.”

The surrounding classmates, hearing this, looked at him in disbelief. They hadn’t seen a fool of this kind in many years.

Only to see Wu Xiaoyu completely immersed in his emotions, the corners of his eyes are stained with tears: “I do not know how my brothers are doing, the days without me, do they have a good meal?”

Classmates: “…” He’s sick, isn’t this a case of middle-school syndrome?

Song Zhaolan patted his shoulder: “Hey.”

Several others also patted Wu Xiaoyu’s shoulder one after another: “Brother, come to reality.”

Wu Xiaoyu pretended to be strong and smiled and said to his allies in distress, “Since I was a child, I was determined to make our name in the world, so that we could practice martial arts and have enough to eat. We live just for the sake of a good meal.”


“But I have nothing now.” Wu Xiaoyu was distraught, “Do you know who my parents are now?”

His allies shook their heads one after another, and Song Zhaolan asked, “Who?”

“The richest man in Wulin.”

Song Zhaolan: “…”

Allies: “…”

Classmates: “…….”

Isn’t this a display of wealth? Is there anyone who can manage this situation? Teacher, come quickly, someone is bullying people here!!

Wu Xiaoyu’s expression was sullen, still speaking, “Besides a little of money, I’ve nothing at all now.”

Classmates: “……”

That’s enough, it’s alright, don’t say it anymore, if you do we would want to beat you up!

Not to mention his classmates, even his allies couldn’t listen anymore, especially Song Zhaolan, who was short of money to buy meat, wanted to kick him over.

“What are you all doing, don’t you know class is over? Wu Xiaoyu, what are you still standing next to the trash can, do you want to go pick up trash?!” The homeroom teacher suddenly appeared at the door and shouted.

Wu Xiaoyu was surprised: “Teacher, how do you know what I was thinking?”

The author has something to say:

Teacher: I also know that if you don’t study, you’ll really have to pick up trash in the future!

Wu Xiaoyu: Really!  ☆o☆