Translator: Keeez

Chapter 2: Mouse Butler.

Selene Aquila had the memories of her past life.

However not much of that memory is worth mentioning. She was born in Japan as an ordinary person, not different from the rest on that world, and she was a male in her past life. In any case, these are already in the past, and the existence that exists right now is Selene Aquila, not any other else.

When she was born in this Aquila Kingdom, Selene was sure that the memories of her past life as a Japanese person would come in handy in her new life. In actuality however, her past memories turned out to be quite a troublesome nuisance instead. After living as a girl for eight years, her physical discomfortness had already gone, but the problem lies within her mentality.

For Selene who was born with memories of her past life, she felt like her mother was “An obaa-san that I didn’t know but is connected by blood.” rather than her actual mother, and thus she kept some distance from her because she didn’t know how to properly interact with a woman. Further more it took her a long time before she realized that the Japanese manners are weird in the eyes of the people in this different world, not to mention that she’s still a child as well.

Language is also a challenge for Selene.

For her who had studied English for eight years yet still barely able to pass the test, she felt like she was talking with an alien whenever she hears the language of this different world.

Not to mention that she have very few people whom she can interact with regularly, so naturally her chances to practice the language are few as well. Although she finally barely managed to listen to others comprehensively after eight years of effort, but when it comes to constructing structurally and grammatically correct sentences in her head and speaking them out loud, that skill doesn’t improve if one doesn’t have the chance to practice it with other people, as a result she can only speaks like how a baby would.

And because of various circumstances, although Selene’s status might be that of a princess, but in reality she has already become a prisoner. However, if you were to ask ‘So Selene’s past memories are just pure curses to her isn’t it?’, the answer would be no. For Selene, her past life’s memory fragments were also a blessing.

If Selene doesn’t have her past memories and is truly just a little girl, then she probably would’ve gone insane a long time ago from being unable to endure this imprisonment life. But with Selene’s past memories as a hikkikomori, this environment turned out to be extremely comfortable for her to live in.

Though this place might be considered filthy and tiny by the aristocrats, but compared to her past life’s garbage-filled room in the housing complex, this room is far cleaner and more spacious. She had three meals a day delivered to her without fail by just sleeping, and without the urgency of time, there’s no need for her to work hectically as well.

In addition, her big sister who is both cute and kind takes pity on her, she often brings sweets or picture books for her, and more importantly than anything else, she often hugs Selene with her soft, fragrant breasts as well. For Selene who loathed the word ‘Christmas Eve’ and ‘Valentine’s Day’ in her past life, this alone makes her enjoy her confinement.

In short, this prison that is usually referred to as hell on earth is a heaven for Selene. But still, even for the genuine hikkomori like Selene, to be locked up alone in this eternally dark room all day long for years is still a bit too much for her.

Since Arue has to come here secretly, it meant that she can only come once every few days. But that didn’t mean Selene is lonely―― Selen gently reaches her hand out to the black tiny shadow that is approaching her.

“Come here, Butler.”

『Yes. Did you call for me, my princess?』

And the real identity of that black shadow is a small mouse about the size of Selene’s palm.

His whole body is covered in glossy black fur, with pure white fur from around its throat to its abdomen. With this feature that made him look like he’s wearing a natural tuxedo, Selene had given him a red ribbon and tied it around his chest.

『It is truly regrettable. Your elder sister is also a lovely person just like you, but to think that someone even more beautiful than her such as the princess can not attend the ball like this……』

“Not really, want to go.”

Butler muttered vexingly, but Selene only shakes her head slowly without a change in her expresssion. Although not severe, but Selene still has a phobia of other people, so naturally she doesn’t want to go out to social party or things of that sort.

『But still my princess! This Butler still thinks that it is unacceptable! Why is it that such a kind-hearted person as the princess must be treated this way? Those humans called us vermins, yet you’re the only one who reaches your hand to us!』

“Not really, kind.”

In contrast to Butler’s heated speech, Selene’s expression is pretty calm. In fact, her first encounter with Butler is not really that romantic. It’s just that Butler was caught in a rat trap in the corner of the room and Selene freed him. She felt sympathy for the frightened black mouse who was caught in the trap, and also since she has a lot of free time, she came up with the idea of secretly raising him in the room.

『The one who saved my life, granted me power, endowed me with intelligence is you, the merciful princess. Ahh, if only I had the power akin to that of dragons, destroying such a prison like this would be a cake walk!』

On her palm, Butler is holding his hands in front of him while lamenting like a poet, Selene’s lips bloomed into a smile as she finds him funny. Aside from saving his life, Selene doesn’t remember ever giving him power or intelligence. All of that happened without Selene’s knowledge.

Most of the royalty in this world have the special power called “Magic”.

It’s not the so-called typical ‘magic’ such as attacking with fireballs or wind blades, but rather something like strengthening physical prowess, speed up the wound recovery process, and the specialty of each country’s magic varies slightly. The seal that is used to lock up Selene is one of such applied magic as well.

And of course Selene who is of royal blood also have this special power as well, but the person herself doesn’t know of it yet.

Butler, who had been sleeping and eating Selene’s leftovers that was given to him together with her all the time, had somehow become a mouse with intelligence and magical power. That’s why when Butler first spoke to her, Selene was so surprised that she almost jumped through the roof.

Thus, Butler who possess the human-like intelligence has become Selene’s irreplacable friend.

One day, he pleaded with Selene, saying that he wishes to have a name. Selene decided to give him the name Butler because of his black and white appearance. Since then Butler has always stayed by Selene’s side, following her around like a real butler.

“Enough, of that, Paradise, want go.”

『Ohhh, yes right! We should prepare immediately. Princess, to the door please.』


Prompted by Butler, Selene didn’t walk to the iron door, but instead she stands in front of the small window for letting light in.

Stretching out as far as she could using her tiptoes, she pushes the poorly-fitted window and saw the full moon shining with bluish-white light.

『Tonight’s moon is truly wonderful. Surely it is here to illuminates the path the Princess would take.』

Butler skillfully jumps off of Selene’s shoulder like an acrobat before, kii, he squeals in a small voice. Immediately after, a large number of mouses surged into the room from the window that Selene opened. These guys are mouses that lives in the forest, and they respected Butler as their leader.

And it seems like Butler call these mouses ‘Princess Selene’s Bodyguards’.

『You lots, you all made sure that you’ve cleansed yourself of filth properly yes? I will not tolerate even a single hair on Princess’s bed!』

When Butler said so in dignified voice, the mouses squeals lightly as if to salute him before crawling into Selene’s bed in a line.

Within seconds, Selene’s blanked puffed up, making it look like a little girl is sleeping on the bed with blanket over her body. This is Selene’s dummy for when she goes outside, though it is not completely indistinguishable, but at least it gives her ease of mind.

“Then, substitute, please.”

『Understood. Then, please enjoy your time.』

There’s two way to go out from the inside of this room. The first one is the stury iron door that was also sealed, and second is this little window. Though this warehouse is a cheaply-built building, but its height from the ground to the second floor is still high enough that even adults couldn’t climb up. Not to mention Selene who’s still just a young girl, it would simply be impossible for her to climb down without something to grab onto.

――Yes, that is if she doesn’t have something to grab onto.


Selene climbs out of the window and grabs onto nearby ivy. This ivy is very sturdy that it could support several more of such a tiny girl like Selene.

The place where Selene is locked up is supposed to be hidden, only a handful of people is allowed to approach this place, so the area surrounding this building hasn’t been properly cared for in years.

As a result, the walls of Selene’s room is covered by thick vegetation with thick layer of ivies tightly packed. This thick layers of ivies formed a natural ladder for Selene. It’s as if the god of the forest took sympathy on a pitiful little girl, thus giving her a helping hand.

And so Selene slips out the window and descends down the wall using the ivies. At first she was nervous when descending, but now she’s already used to it. In no time, Selene landed on the soft grass and stood up, breathing in deeply and fills her lung with fresh air that comes from the trees.

For Selene who has almost no pigments on her body, the sun’s dazzling light feels like it was burning her. However unlike sunlight, the faint light from the moon gently wraps around her body. In the fairytale-like world of night that has no one but her, Selene is master of this world.

When she takes the first step, she looked beyond the trees and saw the dazzling brilliance lights and heard elegant music coming from the royal palace. Though that place has always been lit up with sparkly light, but today the lights are illuminating even more dazzling than ever. The grand party to welcome the prince is probably ongoing right now.

“Holy prince……”

She muttered with sour expression.

She had heard the stories about the prince from Arue many times in the past. His appearance is outstanding, is smart at both military and literary, and is also from a great country as well, so many titles that it was like a joke. He is also rumored to be the holy prince by the people. That man is currently on his journey throughout the continent in search of a suitable parter for him.

Whenever she thinks about him, Selene would feel a gut-wrenching anger. If he’s that great then there’s no need for him to search for his partner at all, all the girls would’ve thrown themselves at him willingly. Selene’s understands deeply the feelings of all the unpopular guys all around the world, so she clicked her tongue, irritated.

“Damn you, holy prince.”

What a debauched prince. Though people might say that he’s a holy prince, but surely in reality he’s just a sex-crazed prince1. Though she has never met him, but Selene has already assumed so out of her resentment.

“Nee-sama, is she going to be okay?”

But whether he’s the sex-crazed prince or the holy prince is has nothing to do with her, Selene’s just worried about her big sister. Such a pure-hearted and kind sister of her is crossing the line for her sake, so she fears that her sister might fall prey to him.

That said, there’s nothing she can do right now. For Selene, be it the prince or the gorgeous party or the fairytale-like palace, they’re all just a pipedream to her.

Selene sighs while shaking her head before changing her mood. The only time she can move around without being seen is only during the night until before dawn. Instead of dreaming about the far-fetched fantasy, it’s better to focus on having fun with what’s in front of her.

The destination is the place that Selene and Butler called ‘Paradise’.

Shaking off the feelings that are holding her down, Selene steps out into the forest that she knows like the back of her hand.