Chapter 16: Dinner at Valbell.

Ente speaks to Selene, sitting on the bed and looking down at her.

“Very well, then. Ojou-chan, your name is Selene right. I heard it from your fellow servants that you were picked up by Prince Milano, is that right?”

“For, time being.”

Though Selene wanted to say that she’s kidnapped would be more correct, but before she could reply, Ente continues rapidly, bringing her face closer to Selene while doing so, as if to pressure her.

“I’ll be honest with you. The reason Prince Milano picked you up is solely because he aims for your magic power. Commoners who have magic power is valuable after all. And other than that area, you have next to no value at all.”

“That, wrong.”

“I’m not wrong. Oh, don’t tell me that you thought you were someone special to Prince Milano that deserves all his love and affection? If that’s the case, that’s very arrogant of you.”


After all, she herself is just a bait used to lure in Arue, a sprat to catch a mackerel. But Ente didn’t know any of that. That’s why she thought Selene Aquila have a feeling for Milano, thus seeing her as a love rival and so the hostility arises.

Princess Ente is so pitiful that she doesn’t know of this fact, thought Selene as she looks up at Ente with sympathy. Annoyed by such look, Ente brushes her chestnut hair up in irritation. This little shrimp, even though her appearance looks like a fleeting snow fairy, but she have a pretty strong mentality isn’t she.

Every time Ente meets someone who yearns for Milano, she’ll find her target’s shortcomings, abuse said target thoroughly, before crushing them completely by saying that they’re not worthy enough for Prince Milano. Verbally torturing at what her target’s concerns in a rapid-fire pace is the talent that none can surpass Ente.

According to the information Ente had obtained, Selene’s definitely not someone of high status, and in addition to her mysterious special talent, Prince Milano seems to take a pity on her unfortunate circumstances, thus he decided to take her to Helifalte and take care of her. If that’s the case, then straight up telling her with the fact that, no matter how great of a talent she possesses, she’ll never be suitable for someone of the Prince’s calibre, because in the end she’s just a commoner, would be the most effective way to deal with her.

However, Selene’s still calm after her verbal attack, seemingly undaunted. Most of the woman Ente has verbally abused up until now will either cry and run away, or so confused that they falter when they try to argue back to Ente. And even if they do manage to argue back at her, she’ll use the authority of the number 2 princess of this entire continent to absolutely pulverize them. That has always been Ente’s surefire plan.

Yet even when she tells her the grim truth that love between different statuses is not possible, Selene’s still calm and composed, making Ente slightly taken aback. Just who exactly is this shrimp? For all the young maidens out there, Prince Milano’s heart is like the greatest throne that any one would strive to sit upon, yet here she is, calm as if she’s unconcern with that.

Or maybe it’s just that her brain computes at awfully slower rate than most people. Ente refreshes her mind and prepare to wield the absolute weapon in her armory―― the authority that comes from being the princess of a great nation, and using said weapon to obliterate Selene’s fortress. And there’s also one more thing up to her sleeve as well, the fact that she has known Milano for far longer than Selene.

“You see, I’ve been close to him since way before you were even born. Let me guess, you probably didn’t know anything about his childhood life at all, yes? How about it, do you want to know as well? You want to hear it right?”

“No need.”

Selene refuses with stuffy look on her face. I don’t even want to know about the Prince’s past. Seeing Selene’s irritated expression, Ente smiles smugly when she knows that she can stirs up Selene’s usual blank expression.

“I wonder where’s your home country? Do tell me right now.”


“Aquila! Aquila you said! That’s the country of horses and deer isn’t it!”

Ente, taking advantage of the fact that there’s no one else around, burst out laughing uncontrollably. Aquila’s local specialties are horses that are raised on fertile grassland, and furs from animals such as deer. Thus some heartless people call Aquila ‘the country of horses and deer’ as an insult to them.

‘A dumb shrimp that only speaks like an infant, and on top of that, is from a tiny teeny little country. It isn’t really necessary to care about her that much perhaps?’

Still, Ente continues even further. Saying that Aquila, compared to Valbell, is just a little country, and that Selene who used to live there is just a country bumpkin.

Furthermore, Ente herself, compared to Selene, she’s the princess of the number 2 country on this continent, and that the world she lived in is vastly different from Selene. Ente continues to verbally abuse Selene and her home country as if she’s singing a song.

However, Ente suddenly notices something. Selene has only been staring at her all this time, not a single hint of anger nor sadness on her face at all. No, on the contrary, it seems like she’s even smiling while listening to Ente.

“Princess, Ente.”

“W-, what is it?”

“Thank you.”


Selene’s thankful for Ente’s bad personality. The worse the princess’s personality is, the less wasteful she’d feel to offer her to the Prince. If she were to be a beautiful girl with good personality and childhood friend attribute, then it’d be regrettable to present her to the Prince, but if she’s like this then there’s no problem at all to hand her over to him. Thank you Princess Ente, for being an asshole bitch you are.

And Selene used to live as a Japanese for a longer period than living in this world in the first place, so she’s not very patriotic for Aquila. Also, because even when she lived in Aquila she lived a hikikomori life, it feels more like Ente’s talking about a country from somewhere else to her.

Besides, having a genuine princess herself insulting you is in itself, an extremely rare experience, if you really think about it. If she wants to have this experience in her past life, then the most she can do is 2D pseudo-experience one. With these reasons in her mind, Selene expressed her thanks.

But from Ente’s perspective, both Selene’s words and actions are incomprehensible. If someone were to insult Valbell, then she’d definitely smash them right through the ground. Yet this pure white girl, she can take the hatred of others and turn it into something untainted. Ente feels pressured by the existence she thought was far more brainless and uncivilized than herself.

“W-, what’s up with you? Is there a few screw loose in your head!? Do you even realized that I’m insulting you!?”

“Princess, Ente, Prince, likes, me, comrades.”


「You likes Prince Milano right? Then I’ll be your wingman.」is what Selene’s trying to say.

But because of Selene’s lisping and lack of words, so to Ente it was more like 「I likes Prince Milano too, so we’re comrades.」And from Ente’s perspective, what she said is completely incomprehensible. While Ente’s still confused, Selene smiles even brighter.

“Do your best.”

Selene’s smile is so dazzling that even Ente, still burning with envious blaze, is fascinated by her for a moment. However, the moment Ente hears Selene’s words of encouragement, that’s when she finally understood Selene’s intention.

――This little girl named Selene, has absolute confidence in herself.

Be it her status or her home country, none of them matter to her. She has absolute confidence that Milano loves her more than anyone else. That’s why even when she was held by Milano, there’s not even a hint of blushing on her face, because to her that’s just a matter of course.

A truly capable knight doesn’t make himself looks intimidating more than necessary. If someone challenges him to a duel, he meets it head on and defeat the opponent in straightforward manner. And just like that knight, one must also possesses a noble, graceful, and prideful soul, something that she has. In this duel of love, she’ll not hide nor run away. If someone challenges her to a duel to win over Milano’s heart, then she’ll accept the challenge and have a fair and square duel with her opponent, isn’t that what this little girl is implying?

This means that the greatest enemy ever in Ente’s life has appeared. Feeling as if this little girl, a natural-born beauty with no other qualities, is mocking her well-decorated self, Ente feels like all the blood in her body is boiling hot.

This little girl called Selene, probably no amount of mockery could penetrates through her defenses. Now that Ente realized it, she fell into silent for a while. A few moments later, she grins at Selene, in which she tilts her head in respond, seemingly puzzled.

“Selene, thank you for supporting me. I’ve take a liking to you now. So I’ll treat you to a wonderful dinner later.”


Upon hearing what Ente said, Selene’s overjoyed, thinking ‘Hooray! My true intention is finally getting through!’. It’s natural that she’ll be harsh on me, it’s because she likes the Prince after all. But now that I’ve told her her my true intention, she finally understands that I’m her ally.

She even offered a special dinner for me as a token of our friendship. Sure Princess Ente might be a bit arrogant, but if you can understand her then she’s a good girl isn’t she, Selene thought.

“You better look forward to it, I’ll prepare a dish that perfectly suited you.”

“Thank you!”

And so Ente bows to Selene with a gentle smile on her face before leaving the room.

But the moment Ente left the room and closes the door, she smashes a nearby flower vase down to the floor, making the nearby maids that’re cleaning the floor tremble in fear. Although Ente’s temper has always been bad, but it seems to be even more violent than usual today, thus the maids could only look at the situation from afar, frightened, in fear that if they get close they’ll end up like that vase.

But fortunately, or perhaps unfortunately, all of her hatred is now focused at the picture of Selene’s bright smile, thus Ente didn’t do anything more than that.

“Using words against that shrimp would be a waste of time…… seems like it’ll be necessary to directly show her just how different she is compared to me.”

Ente mutters.

That little girl Selene isn’t just any ordinary person.

Her beauty is peerless from the young age, as if loved by God, so beautiful that it blurs out her own ornaments. Her behavior is also far more mature than any child of the same age.

It wouldn’t even be strange if Milano is already captivated by her. What a cunning little devil, yet divine, she is.

However, compared to herself who’s the princess of Valbell, she’s just a mere commoner.

Because the only thing that can rule this world is absolute authority and power. That’s what Ente believes.

Ente must show that cocky girl just how inferior she is compared to herself, in a direct and tangible manner.

Thus, to tell the head chef that she wants the ‘Special Menu’ for today, Ente headed toward the castle’s kitchen.


『Princess, I’ve returned.』

“Good work.”

『I’ve observed the kitchen for a while but found nothing that seems to be poisonous. So please rest assured.』


Selene didn’t think of anything in particular when Butler reports the intel to her. Selene’s the kind of person that will eat anything as long as it fills her stomach, so she’s not a picky eater, though it’d be better if the food is delicious too. However, Ente said it herself that she’ll prepare her special recommendation, so she’s kinda looking forward to it.

Time passes, and now it’s time for dinner. Milano, done with his formal greetings, returns to Selene’s room immediately, but at the same time, the middle-aged male head chef has come to their room to call them to dinner.

“The dinner is now ready sir. Tonight we’ve prepared our nation’s signature dish, cooked to the best of our abilities. And also……”

“Also what?” (Milano)

The head chef seems to be having a hard time speaking, but Milano urges him to, so he opens his mouth to continue, but for some reason he looked exhausted.

“Princess Ente said that she’d love to invite you, Prince Milano, as well as Selene-dono, to have dinner together with her.”

“Princess Ente said that? But why would she invite Selene to her dinner? I thought I already told her that Selene’s just one of my servant though.”

Milano expressed his suspicion. That prideful Ente would never ever sit on the same table with someone of lower status. Not to mention that Ente having favorable impression toward Selene is simply inconceivable. A slight uneasiness looms over him, but at that moment, Selene grabs Milano’s pant.

“It, okay.”

“Selene, there’s no need to concern yourself with it you know? I can go ahead and refuse Ente for you. You don’t like formal dinner aren’t you?”

“It, okay, get along.”

Selene’s resolve is made out of steel as she looks at Milano with serious eyes. She and Princess Ente is now good friends after all. And the proof is that she even sent someone to directly invite her to dinner. If that’s the case then she’ll join the dinner as Ente’s friend to bond with her more. In high spirits, Selene goes on ahead without waiting for Milano. Having a bad feeling about this, Milano follows behind Selene to the dining room.

“Oh my, Prince Milano, and also Selene, I’ve been waiting for you two.”

In a stark contrast to Helifalte’s hallway, which is overly-decorated with expensive furnishingsjust like the guest room here in Valbell, this castle’s hallway is mostly empty with the Princess Ente being the only person here. But instead of expensive furnishings, there are lots of handsome butlers lined up against the walls. Rather than a line of humans, it’s more like a line of exquisite statues to flaunt her power.

“I went ahead and asked Otou-sama and Okaa-sama to excuse themselves from the dinner table today. I, Ente Valbell, on behalf of Valbell Kingdom, will be your host for tonight’s dinner, Prince Milano.”

“Is that so, thanks for having me.”

Though Ente doesn’t seems to notice this, but Milano replied to her in a tone as if he’s accepting a duel. It’s very likely that Ente herself forced her parents to stay out of this dinner. Something like a forced blind date so to speak. So that two young people may enjoy their alone time together.

However in this context, there’s something that doesn’t make senses here. That something being Selene standing right beside him.

If Ente wants to be alone with Milano then why would she invite Selene over? Unable to solve this puzzling problem, Milano, guided by a butler, walks to his seat on the huge table covered in crimson red table cloth. And on his opposite side is Ente sitting on her seat with elegant movements, her dress seems to be even more elaborate than earlier.

“Selene, could you please sit over there?”

The seat Ente points to is at the far end of the table, a place far away from both Ente and Milano. It’s as if she’s putting Selene on a shameful public display, pilloried. Feeling like she’s the only one rejected here, Milano glares at Ente without hiding his dissatisfaction.

“Princess Ente, why is it that you have Selene sit so far away from us? It’s still too far no matter what the reason is.”

“Oh my, it can’t be helped isn’t it. After all, Selene’s just your servant, no? Hey, Selene, you’re okay with that seat right?”


Selene nods honestly. Though Milano didn’t show it on his face, but he really wants to spit right into this princess’s face. It’s as if she’s trying to tell Selene that the world we live in and hers are very far apart. And yet, Selene accepted it calmly. Even when in reality she’s a princess herself as well, albeit from a small country. Though he wants Ente to treat her appropriately, but it’s not like he could just tell her that fact either.

On the other hand, Selene felt grateful for Princess Ente’s considerateness. Ente must’ve understood her intention of wanting to support her love from the shadows, thus she have her sit far away no doubt. As she thought, Princess Ente is good at reading other people’s intentions more than she initially assumed, Selene’s impression of Princess Ente becomes firmer.

“Now, it’s time for us to dine. Head chef, please bring over the food. And of course, bring Selene’s portion as well.”


The head chef, seemingly nervous, signals the other chefs to bring the food over. Soon after, the butlers carry trays of food over. The foods are colorful local cuisines, they’re as luxurious as they can be, and the amount is definitely too much for just two people. The same menus were served in front of both Ente and Milano, but nothing is served yet in front of the far-away Selene.

“I don’t see anything being served on Selene’s table though?”

“I already knew that. Well, head chef, would you please bring over the 『Special Menu』for her?”

“But Princess Ente, that is……”

The head chef opens his mouth as if wanting to say something, but when Ente glares back at him, he ordered his subordinate to bring the thing over, his face as if he has accepted his fate. Then, with a don sound, the chef serves the food in front of Selene, the food that made both Selene and Milano’s eyes widen in surprise.

“Th-, this is……!”

Selene and Milano said the same word at the same time. The food that was served in front of Selene is different from the food served to Milano and Ente. That dish is thrown-away chicken parts such as cartilages and skin, things that nobles wouldn’t eat, deep fried and served on a plate, a dish so ridiculous that they couldn’t even dare to call it food.

“Now, Selene, please enjoy your meal. Freshly fried chicken’s bone and skin.”

Ente smirks, seemingly in a good mood.

“Princess Ente! What is this absurdity!?

“My? I think the dish suited Selene perfectly, or is that a no by any chances? She is, after all, a child of common birth, no? So I think we should serve her something that’ll suit her tastes.”

Without a single hint of guilt on her expression, Ente replys happily.

Actually, fried food is something that only poor people would eat. It’s made from animal parts that nobility would consider unedible, heated for a long time to tenderize them, then seasoned and made edible somehow. In aristocratic society, serving this to someone is like implicitly telling them ‘Your status is about as low as this food.’, the greastest insult one could spit.

If she couldn’t understand by words, then all I had to do is directly show her in tangible way like this. How’s it Selene, me and Prince Milano’s going to dine in luxury in front of you, yet you’ll be alone, eating the food of slaves is misery. It’s a childish method, yet vile and nasty that tramples on one’s dignity to the utmost.

“Now let us dine. Make sure you eat lots.”

Ente, seeing the mountains of fried food served in front of Selene, kindly said to her.