Chapter 316: Gluttonous Insect Pouch

Name:You Cultivate, I Farm Author:
Chapter 316: Gluttonous Insect Pouch

"Senior Lu! Senior Lu! I've brought little sister with me!" outside the courtyard came Song Yun's clear voice.

Lu Xuan opened the arranged low-level protective array and saw Song Yun along with the round-faced girl behind him at a glance.


The two bowed respectfully upon seeing Lu Xuan.

"Young friends, please come in."

Although Lu Xuan was not much older than Song Yun, his cultivation level dictated the seniority. With a casual greeting, he ushered them into the courtyard.

"Senior Lu, you mentioned last time that you wanted to raise some Sand-Gathering Snails for fun. Fortunately, my sister here has some, so I asked her to bring them over."

Song Yun said with great respect.

After Lu Xuan helped the Song family solve the crisis of the Blood-Congealing Yin Insects invading, Song Yun's admiration for Lu Xuan reached its peak.

During the incident of resolving the insect king on the square, many scattered cultivators witnessed the process. Many of them spread the word spontaneously, describing it meticulously.

In the rumors, Lu Xuan confronted hundreds of contaminated scattered cultivators alone. Amidst the siege, he instantly used a move to burn the evil insects, annihilating them in a sea of flames.

Then, the insect king revealed its terrifying form, but was still resolved by Lu Xuan with a few strikes. It was said that a sword qi like the scorching sun instantly annihilated the Blood-Congealing Yin Insect king.

This made Song Yun, who loved the way of the sword, fascinated and deeply convinced.

It also strengthened his desire to learn swordsmanship from Lu Xuan even more.

Song Sining followed behind Song Yun and sat down cautiously.

After not seeing each other for several months, she had grown taller.

"Senior Lu, these are the Sand-Gathering Snails I picked from the pond, there are more than ten."

"In addition, there is also a bag of Golden Spirit Stones that can feed them for a while."

The round-faced girl took out two things from her storage bag.

In one wooden basin, there were more than ten Sand-Gathering Snails, slowly ingesting golden sand.

In the other cloth bag, there was a bag full of light golden sand, which Lu Xuan held, feeling its weight.

"Thank you, Miss Sinin."

"However, if you brought so many Sand-Gathering Snails over, how many do you have left?"

Spirit Rain Technique, Wood Growth Technique, Earth Attraction Technique...

Various methods of cultivating spiritual plants came readily to his hand.

"Ah, the Profound Insect Vine has finally matured!"

Lu Xuan came to the center of the spiritual field and saw that the progress bar below the Profound Insect Vine was almost full.

After entering the Sky Sword Sect, he diligently completed various tasks to earn Sword Seals. Finally, he exchanged for a fourth-grade seedling of the Profound Insect Vine.

Then, after carefully nurturing it for several years and establishing a symbiotic relationship with various strange insects, including second-grade ones, the fourth-grade Profound Insect Vine finally matured completely.

Lu Xuan recalled the scene when he had just obtained the seedling of the Profound Insect Vine and sighed with emotion.

He calmed his mind and carefully pulled out the plants in the spiritual field that resembled various strange insects spliced together.

"For it to be of ordinary quality is understandable. After all, it has been cultivated outside the sect for so long and has been transplanted twice. Although there is a Life-Sustaining Bag to maintain its vitality, it will still be somewhat affected."

Lu Xuan thought to himself, and a thought flashed through his mind.

【Profound Insect Vine, fourth-grade spiritual plant, symbiotically formed with various strange insects, after maturity, it can increase the probability of demonic beasts advancing to the fifth grade. It is also the main material for certain specific high-grade pills.】

Lu Xuan briefly glanced over the information in his mind and focused on the light orb that appeared silently.

On the surface of the light orb, countless tiny light spots flickered slightly, as if attracting Lu Xuan to pick them up.

Lu Xuan took a deep breath and gently touched the surface of the light orb.

A faint and pleasant chirping sound came from the depths of his sea of consciousness. Then, the light orb turned into countless light spots and poured into his palm.

【Obtained a fourth-grade Profound Insect Vine, obtained a fifth-grade treasure, the Gluttonous Insect Pouch.】

A strange pouch appeared in Lu Xuan's hand.

The bag was made of an unknown material, and its pale gray surface had wrinkled lines.

Light appeared on the lines, giving the pouch a surreal and ethereal feeling.

When held in the hand, there was a strong sense of hunger transmitted. As time passed, the hunger became stronger and stronger, as if it wanted to devour everything in the world.

Lu Xuan's thoughts moved, and he activated the Pure Jade, instantly spreading a cool breath throughout his body. The intense hunger immediately dissipated.

【Gluttonous Insect Pouch, fifth-grade rare treasure, originating from the skin pouch of an ancient beast, the Gluttonous Insect. It has a huge space inside, capable of holding everything in the world and maintaining the original state of the items before and after.】

【It can be refined into a low-grade magical treasure.】

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