Chapter 352: Feeding Medicine

Name:You Cultivate, I Farm Author:
Chapter 352: Feeding Medicine

In front of the Thunderstone brimming with a vast amount of thunderous power, any trace of embarrassment in Lu Xuan's heart vanished in an instant.

There was no other reason; he had been given too much.

Moreover, the Thunderstone was of great use to him at the moment.

Previously, when he had helped Zhong Hao, a true disciple, to rear spirit insects for a period of time, he had obtained a section of Fourth Grade Fallen Thunder Wood. Unfortunately, its cultivation conditions were complex, and it barely sustained vitality in the spiritual field using the Purple Electric Sword Qi to nourish it.

Fallen Thunder Wood required nourishment and stimulation from natural thunderous energy, and the Thunderstone was precisely condensed from countless bolts of thunder, making it the most suitable for the Fallen Thunder Wood.

Pausing for a moment, he said, "The lust-feeding insects can be considered as a collective embodiment of various desires. Correspondingly, certain treasures have immense allure for them."

"When I was stationed on the Empty Abyss Island before, I encountered a situation where evil cultivators were causing trouble. After resolving it, I obtained an enchantment-type treasure, which might be able to lure the lust-feeding insects out of the beast's body."

Lu Xuan casually fabricated a reason and took out a piece of pale yellow jade cloth from his storage bag.

"When your gaze falls upon this treasure, your mind will be influenced by the illusions of desire depicted on it. So, both of you, pay close attention later to avoid falling into a trap inadvertently," he cautioned, opening the pale yellow jade cloth and facing it towards the Snarling Shadow Beasts.

Both individuals nodded upon hearing his words.

On the jade cloth, the originally motionless figures began to move with various rhythms, exuding an intoxicating atmosphere.

After a moment, the bodies of the beasts trembled slightly, and a faint pink aura oozed from their mouths and noses.

At first barely visible, it gradually condensed into a pink mass, constantly changing its form until it finally transformed into a pink insect.

Upon seeing the Blissful Heart Sutra, the pink insect experienced tumultuous changes caused by the aura, flying towards the pale yellow jade cloth as if riding on clouds and mist.

Lu Xuan's spiritual power surged as he set up a simple restriction, trapping the pink insect inside.

"This is the lust-feeding insect. Apart from possessing exceptional illusion techniques, it doesn't pose much of a threat."

"This creature was drawn out from the Snarling Shadow Beasts raised by Senior Brother Zhong. So, Senior Brother, it's up to you to deal with it."

Lu Xuan spoke softly.

As the lust-feeding insect belonged to the demonic path and had already entered its growth period, it wouldn't have much value even if taken back for cultivation. Therefore, he didn't bother to claim it.

The burly cultivator nodded, and the patterns on his body quietly changed. The moment Lu Xuan released the restriction, a black thunderous light struck the pink insect, pulverizing it into countless specks.

"Many thanks to Junior Brother Lu for helping to extract that strange creature from the spiritual beasts' bodies."

Zhong Hao clasped his hands, gratitude evident on his face.

"This pill..."

Controlling the Snarling Shadow Beasts, Zhong Hao spoke softly, the pink pill in front of him appearing extraordinary at first glance, indicating its considerable value.

Lu Xuan fed the Enchantment Pill to the male beast, and soon both Snarling Shadow Beasts were engaged in intimate behavior.

"I'll give you a show to liven things up!"

Lu Xuan waved his hands, and a pale yellow jade cloth unfolded, facing the two Snarling Shadow Beasts directly.

In their line of sight, numerous beings of their kind were indulging in a paradise, with many postures causing both beasts to blush.


With the dual effects of the Enchantment Pill and the Blissful Heart Sutra, coupled with the presence of their partner by their side, the male beast finally returned to normal.

"Look! Torturing them actually made them develop feelings."

Lu Xuan looked at the seemingly aroused mother beast and couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

Gradually, a deep black water curtain formed around the two beasts, isolating them from the surroundings. Occasionally, thunder could be felt rumbling from within, indicating the intense battle.

The fierceness of the fight was evident.

"Alright, they've finally entered the reproduction stage smoothly. Now, all we need to do is patiently wait for them to conceive new Snarling Shadow Beast cubs."

The burly cultivator breathed a sigh of relief, looking towards Lu Xuan.

"This time, thanks to Junior Brother Lu, we were able to discover such deeply hidden and mysterious Lust-Feeding Insects."

"I've been raising spiritual beasts for so many years, but I feel inadequate compared to you, Senior Brother."

Lu Xuan waved his hand dismissively.

"Senior Brother Zhong, you're too kind. Your ability to handle high-grade spiritual beasts for the sect is proof of your skill in beast taming. I just got lucky this time, stumbling upon records about the Lust-Feeding Insects."

"Haha! Junior Brother Lu, there's no need to be modest."

"Since I just used up one of Junior Brother's pills from the Left-Hand Path, it seems to be of considerable grade. I'll compensate you with a Thunderstone."

In high spirits, Zhong Hao laughed heartily, taking out two pieces of thunder-shimmering peculiar stones from his storage bag.

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