Chapter 368: The Blue Reed Spirit Rice

Name:You Cultivate, I Farm Author:
Chapter 368: The Blue Reed Spirit Rice

One beast wielded the swift force of thunder and lightning, while the other boasted a robust physique and unique bloodline. The stage was set for an explosive confrontation.

Deprived of their aerial advantage against each other, the battle between the two juveniles intensified immediately.

The Four-winged Thunderstorm Tiger, slightly faster, circled the Lion-Bird Beast, avoiding direct confrontation. It occasionally unleashed torrents of lightning bolts, striking towards its adversary.

Steady as a mountain, the Lion-Bird Beast dodged the lightning bolts while waiting for opportunities to counter. When evasion was not an option, it braced itself against the attacks with its sturdy body, occasionally launching spirit energy bullets or slashing with its sharp claws, creating crescent-shaped spirit blades.

After a brief exchange, the Lion-Bird Beast began to show signs of fatigue, gradually weakening under the relentless assault.

Seizing the moment, the Four-winged Thunderstorm Tiger, confident in its speed, closed the distance in a flash. A barrage of over a hundred lightning bolts merged into a blinding storm, crashing down on the Lion-Bird Beast. It then pounced, baring its sharp fangs.

Bombarded by the onslaught of lightning, the Lion-Bird Beast felt numbness spreading throughout its body. Facing its imminent adversary, a sense of powerlessness welled up within.

"Is this the end?"

This thought briefly crossed its mind, followed by a series of flashbacks: being scorned as a mongrel, ridiculed for its low intelligence, and recognized only for its brute strength. Then came Lu Xuan, a beacon of light, illuminating the darkest recesses of its spirit.

"Can I do this?"

"I can!"

With a ferocious roar, an infinite surge of power erupted from its blood, causing its body to swell. It met the thunder head-on, its wings tightly ensnaring the Four-winged Thunderstorm Tiger.

Despite the continuous barrage of lightning strikes, the Lion-Bird Beast was undeterred, focusing solely on overpowering its opponent. The standoff ensued.

One was firmly ensnared, while the other battled against the severe injuries inflicted by the lightning.

Driven by an unyielding belief, the Lion-Bird Beast refused to let go.Fôll0w current novÊls on n/o/(v)/3l/b((in).(co/m)

Eventually, the Four-winged Thunderstorm Tiger conceded defeat, emitting a pained cry and projecting a plea for mercy.

Exhausted, the Lion-Bird Beast's massive wings relaxed, its body rapidly shrinking and plummeting down, singed.

Indeed, he discovered a particular type of spirit rice.

"Let's improve your diet today," Lu Xuan announced, scattering a handful of spirit rice before the Seven-Colored Pheasant Demon.

The Blue Reed Spirit Rice, pale blue and round, bounced like tiny balls on the ground, drawing the pheasant's attention with its elasticity and vibrant hue.

Favored by poultry-type spirit beasts, this second-grade Blue Reed Spirit Rice contained rich spiritual energy.

The pheasant, captivated by the bouncing grains, spread its colorful wings, scooping up the rice and swallowing it whole.

Unknowingly, it consumed all the Blue Reed Spirit Rice, fully engrossed.

Lu Xuan continued to feed it this favored diet, gradually increasing the portions.

Seduced by the delicious rice, the pheasant, limited by its intelligence, succumbed to the culinary delight, amassing a significant amount of spiritual energy ready to produce a rare spirit egg, given the right catalyst.

And for that catalyst, Lu Xuan had already planned a little surprise...

Chicken films! Under the "Blissful Heart Sutra," he refused to believe in asceticism.

"No desire? Let's spice things up."

Summoning the Seven-Colored Pheasant Demon, Lu Xuan closed the door, hands clasped behind his back, exuding calm.

"I've called you here for a duel of illusions," he announced.

"I possess an illusionary artifact of the fourth grade, which ensnares anyone who gazes upon it."

"Knowing your talent in illusions, I propose a wager: if you can withstand looking at my artifact for half an hour without being affected, I'll let you have your way afterward."

"If there's a reaction, then in the future, you'll have to lay Seven-Colored Pheasant eggs regularly. How about that?"

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