In the end, Pristin had to return home after delivering only the food basket to the soldiers.

‘How far are you planning on isolating Her Highness?’

Did he want his niece to die alone from insanity? The thought sent shivers down her spine.

‘I guess he wished for something like that.’

Pristin tried not to think negatively. However, no matter how much she thought about it, it was hard not to see the current situation negatively.

If it was only temporary, it might not be so bad, but the uncertainty of being trapped alone in a small house for a long period was concerning for the young princess.

As Pristin’s thoughts reached that point, she became extremely anxious.

“For now, I can only observe the situation.”

Unfortunately, that was all she could do at the moment.

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

It has already been about fifteen days since Claret was blocked from contact with the outside world.

Meanwhile, Pristin never skipped a single visit to the princess’s house. As if to make up for her absence, she put more effort into her diet than usual. It was hoped that her sincerity, which was not a big deal, would be a little comforting to Claret.


And one morning, Pristin woke up in bed from a bad dream.

“…with a sense of foreboding.”

It was a nightmare about the soldiers setting fire to Claret’s house in the evening when the dusk fell.

Pristin, who was sitting absent-mindedly on the bed for a moment, murmured, shaking her head.

“It must have been just a bad dream.”

But even when making meals or gathering herbs in the mountains, Pristin couldn’t concentrate because of the dream she had today. She almost cut her hands with a knife when chopping vegetables and accidentally nicked herself with the pickaxe while gathering herbs.

‘It seems like I can’t go on like this.’

Finally, Pristin decided to visit Claret’s house once again. Thankfully, when the three meals were delivered today, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. However, the image of Claret’s house burning against a dark backdrop in her dream was still vivid.

When the darkness fell to the point where it was slightly uncomfortable ahead, Pristin left the house. And with a strained look on her face, she headed to Claret’s house.

When she finally arrived at Claret’s house…


Nothing was happening. A sense of relief flashed across Pristin’s face.

It was when she turned around casually and was about to go back home.

‘…Wait a minute.’

Something was off.

‘Why aren’t there any soldiers on guard?’

The soldiers were always standing by the door of Claret’s house. They had never been away on twenty-four-hour shifts.

But now, not even an ant was seen. It was a time when Pristin was standing there, embarrassed by an unusual situation.


Suddenly, flames began to soar from one side of the wall. The embers spread as fast as oil in the house. Pristin was so surprised that she couldn’t move on the spot. The embers were spreading as she had seen in her dreams. Only then did Pristin realize why the soldiers were away.

“The princess is in danger.”

When the thought flashed through his mind, Pristin only thought that she should save Claret. Her legs moved faster than her head. Pristin quickly ran toward Claret’s house and called out to her.

“Princess, princess!”


“Come on out!”

However, no matter how much she screamed, there was no movement in the house. Pristin kept running toward the house with a frustrated heart.

And when she finally arrived, she opened the door without delay and went inside.


Claret was sleeping as if she were dead. She was frightened when she saw it.

Pristin quickly approached Claret and shouted at her to wake her up.

“Princess, you must wake up. Princess!”


“Princess! Shit.”

Even though she shook her and shouted, Claret didn’t get up.

‘It doesn’t make sense for her to be able to sleep through such a situation.’

Pristin was convinced.

‘They must have put sleeping pills in the food.’

Since she had prepared the meals herself, Claret would have eaten them without suspecting anything. Pristin swiftly surrounded Claret. Fortunately, Claret was much smaller in height and build than Pristin. However, it was still no easy task to move Claret. But as the fire spread rapidly and Pristin felt the threat to their lives, she tapped into a supernatural strength. With all her might, Pristin carried Claret out of the house.

‘The fire is too strong.’

Soon the whole house was going to collapse. If they didn’t escape in time, they would both be dead. Pristin struggled to get out of the house with wobbly legs. And not long after the two had fled the house, the wooden house began to collapse at an alarming rate with a strange sound.

With a sigh of relief, Pristin gently laid Claret on the ground, looking at her with a face that showed both exhaustion and concern.

“Keugh, keugh!”

Shortly afterwards, Claret woke up with a cough.

She looked around in astonishment at the chaotic scene around her and called out to Pristin.


“Are you awake, Princess?”

“How did we end up here? And what on earth is happening…?”

“The soldiers gave sleeping pills to the princess and set the house on fire.”

Pristin explained the situation to Claret with a serious look.

“The emperor must have instructed them to kill the princess.”

“Oh, my God, then…!”

After hearing Pristin’s explanation, Claret looked very flustered. She trembled and opened her mouth, shocked at the fact that she had just been in a near-death situation.

“Thank you very much, Pristin. If it weren’t for Pristin, I wouldn’t be here right now.”

“I came here because I had a bad feeling about my dream today… and now all this is happening. Your Highness, we need to get away from here immediately.”

“Away? But where?”

“Anywhere. We can’t stay here any longer.”

“But this is Pristin’s home.”

“This may be my home, but it’s not my true home. While I’ve grown attached to it, that’s not the most pressing issue right now.”

Pristin stated in a composed tone.

“For now, you need to get yourself to safety, Your Highness. We can deal with the aftermath later.”

“But where exactly…”

Clop, clop.

Then she heard the sound of horse hoofs from the other side.

Naturally, Claret stopped talking, and Pristin, startled, wrapped her arms around Claret’s shoulders.

“We’d better hide first.”

The two quickly hid behind nearby bushes as they heard the sound of approaching footsteps. After a brief moment, several masked individuals revealed themselves in front of them.

‘They couldn’t possibly be sent by the Emperor…’

Pristin whispered with a tense expression as she scrutinized them.


Claret made a startled sound of surprise. Startled, Pristin asked in a heightened voice.

“What’s wrong?”

“That person…”

“Do you know them?”

“Who is it?”

At that time, the man in the vanguard shouted loudly as if he had heard the voices of the two. Pristin froze on the spot. If that person was indeed a close aide of the emperor, the two were dead.

However, Claret slowly rose from her spot. Pristin was startled and tried to stop her, but it was too late. With an incredulous expression on her face, Claret approached the man. Pristin, watching this unfold, was unable to move, her face pale with shock.

“…General Brian?”

“Your Highness!”


Pristin looked at the two alternately with a bewildered expression.

Both of them were looking at each other with a surprised expression, it seemed like they already knew each other. Besides, the atmosphere wasn’t bad, and Pristin instinctively realized that the situation was not threatening to them.

“Pristin, it’s all right to come out. They’re on our side!”

On our side?

‘But how?’

All of the close aides of the previous emperor either defected or perished…

“We greet Your Highness!”

“We greet Your Highness!”

All the men got off the horses and knelt before Claret. Pristin finally came to believe that they were allies of Claret but still felt dazed from the situation.

What the hell was going on here?

“He’s General Brian of the royal guard, Pristin.”

“I am glad you are safe, Your Highness.”

“If he’s part of the royal guard, then isn’t he serving the current emperor?”

Pristin asked, with lingering caution.

“Your Highness was just about to be attacked in your own home. Someone tried to set it on fire.”

“And we rushed here after realizing that the dethroned emperor had instructed something horrible against you.”

“The dethroned emperor…?”

“Albert III has been driven out.”

At General Brian’s words, Pristin asked in a bewildered tone.

“Then the general is now serving…”


General Brian nodded and replied.

“His Highness the Crown Prince has regained his place.”

“Is brother alive?”

Claret, who had been quiet until the day before yesterday, asked in a trembling voice. General Brian nodded once more.

“Now he is the emperor of this country.”

“I can’t believe it… My brother is alive!”

“I will explain everything in detail on our way back. His Majesty wishes to see you.”

General Brian said, looking at Claret with an affectionate expression.

“Please accompany me to the palace. I have come to escort you, Your Highness.”

“Just a moment.”

Then Claret called Pristin.


“Yes, Princess.”

“Come with me.”


Pristin’s expression wasn’t as bright as Claret had hoped. Just as she was about to ask why, Pristin’s voice reached her.

“I cannot go with you right now, Your Highness.”

“Huh? Why…?”

“I need to take care of things around here first.”

Pristin went on in a quiet voice.

“You should go ahead. Right after the coup, the palace will surely be chaotic. I won’t be able to contribute much so my presence will only be a burden.”


Claret furrowed her eyebrows, showing her surprise at the unexpected situation.

However, she quickly understood Pristin’s perspective and nodded in agreement.

“I’ll be sure to pick up Pristin later. So…”


“So, you must stay here. Understand?”

“…Yes. Of course, Your Highness.”

Pristin replied with a slight smile on her face.

“Have a safe journey.”

“Pristin, you too. Take care of yourself until we meet again.”

Claret said, her eyes slightly filled with tears, embracing Pristin.

Pristin, with an affectionate expression, hugged Claret in return.

“I’ll miss you a lot.”

“Me too, Your Highness.”

With that farewell, the two parted ways.

Pristin watched in silence as Claret and her companions gradually moved away, declining the offer of the soldiers who offered to escort her home. The princess occasionally turned back, attempting to meet Pristin’s gaze, leaving a lingering impact on Pristin’s heart.

Finally, when Claret completely disappeared from sight, Pristin let out a sigh, her expression filled with complexity.


She didn’t want to get involved any further, especially with the forces that should not be tangled with. The feeling of being deeply entangled was overwhelming.

“What should I do?”

But it was already too late to withdraw. She had already immersed herself too deeply.

In fact, it had been like that for a long time, but Pristin didn’t know that yet.