Chapter 705: Evil-killing spirit thunder "Restoring Thunder"

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Chapter 705: Evil-killing Spirit Thunder "Restoring Thunder"

Thoughts flashed through his mind, and a gray-white flask appeared in his hand.

There are many patterns of evil beasts on the surface of the bottle, all of them are menacing.

There was an evil spirit inside that was as strong as substance. The evil spirit was churning endlessly. When his spiritual sense penetrated into it, the cold evil energy seemed to hit his face like huge waves, which made Lu Xuan couldn't help but shudder.

His spiritual consciousness exited the bottle, and his mind focused on the gray-white narrow-necked bottle, and he immediately learned the detailed information about it.

【Yin Sha Bottle, a sixth-grade treasure. A pill-forming monk collects the evil spirits from hundreds of ferocious beasts and uses special means to condense them into the evil spirits. 】

[The Yin evil energy in the vase is extremely powerful and can invade the physical body and disturb people's minds. If it is poured out completely, it can turn an area into a wasteland. After refining the Yin evil energy, it can be controlled freely. Auxiliary monks and monks have corresponding magical powers. 】

“Sixth grade treasure...”

Lu Xuan was satisfied. This fifth-grade evil spirit fruit gave him an unexpected surprise.

“There is also this evil spirit fruit, which can strengthen the physical body after taking it. It is also considered a rare treasure.”

Lu Xuan, who had found many rare treasures from the sword grass light group, had high expectations for these two fifth-grade sword grass.

He looked at the gray-white spirit fruit in his hand that was full of evil spirits.

Lu Xuan focused his mind on it, and after confirming that it would not endanger himself, he let it grow freely. From time to time, he took out some ferocious beast bones and let it absorb them quickly.

“For an ordinary spiritual planter like me, being covered in evil aura is too conspicuous.”

Two fifth-grade sword grass plants have not been fully mature for a long time.

After harvesting the evil spirit fruit, Lu Xuan returned to his previous life style as a spiritual planter. The cycle started over and over again, and half a year passed quickly.

When I occasionally go out, I just go to the Zhaixing Tower, or have a small gathering with a few Jiedan masters I have met nearby.

The sixth-grade Yuanci Spirit Wood has grown a small seedling. The seedling is about three inches long and translucent. The surrounding area is filled with a special force field. The spiritual power can silently pull the flying sword at Lu Xuan's waist.

"However, something special will happen after taking the spirit fruit. A powerful evil spirit will condense on the monk's body. Although it can be used to fight the enemy, it is difficult to hide it."

Under Lu Xuan's deliberate stimulation, he had already become confused and alienated into an existence that was neither human nor ghost.

The spiritual thunder was golden and dazzling, upright and bright, and seemed to be able to sweep away all the filth in the world. It seemed to be alive and constantly wandering around Lu Xuan.

“No specific grade?”

A trace of doubt flashed through Lu Xuan's mind. He focused on the golden spiritual thunder and instantly understood its detailed information.

【Evil-killing Spirit Thunder, a superior spiritual thunder, is particularly effective against evil spirits and demons. Its power depends on the number of spirit thunders. If there are enough, it can cause great damage to disaster-level evil spirits and even Nascent Soul Lord. 】

“I see, I don’t know how effective a wisp of evil-killing spirit thunder will be on evil cultivators of pill formation, or on evil spirits of the same level.”

 Lu Xuan thought in his mind, temporarily put the evil-killing spirit thunder into an exquisite jade box, sealed it with a talisman, and continued to pick the remaining thunderstorm lotus.

The dots of light in the sky turned into the shadow of a classic book and poured into his body instantly.

【Harvest a fourth-grade thunderstorm lotus and obtain the treasure "Shenxiao Zhenfa" * "Controlling Thunder"]

The moment the shadow disappeared, a thought appeared in Lu Xuan's mind.

Soon, a torrent of information appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness.

He learned from this that the "Thunder Control Chapter" of "Shenxiao Zhenfa" came from the ancient sect Shenxiao Sect and was part of its fundamental cultivation method.

There are detailed introductions to various spiritual thunders as well as methods for collecting and using them, which can help monks better control and control spiritual thunders and give full play to the power of spiritual thunders.

“As expected of a light group, give me a pillow as soon as I feel sleepy.”

Lu Xuan was overjoyed after understanding the skill information in his mind.

He was still worrying about how to refine the evil-killing spirit thunder just now, but he didn't expect that the corresponding treasure would be opened from the light group immediately.

Although "The Thunder Control Chapter" is not a specific practice method, but more of a secret technique, it is still of great use to him.

Most of the divine thunder and spiritual thunder are fierce and domineering, and extremely difficult to control. When he entered the thunder sea before, even if he only collected the most common spiritual thunder, he had to be careful to avoid causing a spiritual thunder riot.

Now with this "Yu Lei Chapter", this dilemma can be solved very well.

He carefully understood the information that appeared in his mind. After digesting and absorbing it, he seemed to have been immersed in the study of thunder methods for many years, and had a detailed understanding of many spiritual thunders.

How to collect, how to refine, how to use...

The uses are endless.