It's different from the previous 19 floors.

Today, the atmosphere on the 19th floor is much more serious.

The number of bodyguards in black has more than doubled, and they are looking around without expression.

Ji Xinqing saw such a battle for the first time.

"Miss Ji, you're here. The young master is waiting for you in the ward." a bodyguard guarding the elevator door respectfully said.

"OK, I see."

The bodyguard led Ji Xinqing to the ward.

"Miss Ji, come in, please." the bodyguard helped Ji Xinqing open the door of the ward.

"Thank you."

Ji Xinqing walked into the ward and saw Tang Han guarding the door of the inner room. She walked over. She asked anxiously, "assistant Tang, what's the situation of Xiao Wu?"

Tang Han's face was so serious that he shook his head.

The situation is not good.

Ji Xinqing's heart sank, and there was a burning look at the bottom of her eyes. "Hasn't Xiao Wu's fever subsided yet?"

Tang Han still shook his head and said helplessly, "the doctor was still inside."

After a pause, Tang Han glanced at Ji Xinqing, and then said, "last night, the fifth young master was waiting for the young master to come back, so..."

Ji Xinqing squeezed her bag in embarrassment.

What does this mean? Is Tang Han blaming her?

"Me, can I go in and have a look?"

Tang Han respectfully opened the door, "Miss Ji, please."

As soon as the door opened, Ji Xinqing saw the little boy with red cheeks lying on the hospital bed.

Without the ghost spirit of the previous two times, Tang Huaishu lay quietly on the hospital bed, with a drip on his left hand. It was so weak that it hurt.

Ji Xinqing's footsteps froze.

Tang Jinyao was sitting by the bed, holding Tang Huaishu's small hand in his big hand. When he heard the sound of footsteps, he didn't lift his head, but said softly, "coming."


Ji Xinqing looked up and nodded slightly when she was facing him.

"I'll go out first. If anything happens, you can call me again." when I left the ward.

"Mom... Mom, mom... Mom," the weak voice suddenly bumped into Ji Xinqing's ear tip.

Tang Huaishu was lying on the hospital bed, frowning, and the dry lip flap kept wriggling, but it was always this word.

Ji Xinqing was stunned and looked at the ward again. She noticed that Su Yu, the fifth child's mother, was not there!

A touch of anger floated at the bottom of my heart. Ji Xinqing took out her mobile phone and said, "I'll call Su Su."

Little five is her child. How can she not be a mother?

Even if she left the country a few years ago and couldn't take care of Xiao Wu, now that she has returned to the country, why did she entrust Xiao Wu to Tang Jinyao?

Tang Jinyao saw through her mind. Then he turned and glanced at her deeply. His voice was a little hoarse, "don't call her."

Ji Xinqing had turned out Su Yu's number. Hearing his words, she suddenly froze. She immediately asked, "why? Didn't you hear Xiao Wu shouting for his mother?"

"Su Su, since it's him..."

"I said no." Tang Jinyao lightly interrupted her again.

Ji Xinqing wriggled her lower lip and seemed to want to say something, but when she saw Tang Jinyao's eyes, she suddenly couldn't say anything.

Suddenly found that she never understood him.

"OK," Ji Xinqing sipped her dry lips, "then I won't fight."

Ji Xinqing came to the bedside. Across a layer of hat, she fondled Xiao Wu's head and said softly, "Xiao Wu, aunt Ji came to see you. You should get better quickly. My sister is still waiting for you to take her to play..."

Feeling the familiar breath, Tang Huaishu tried to open his eyes. He saw Ji Xinqing's warm face.

"Mom... Mom." he grabbed Ji Xinqing's sleeve with his dripping hand.

The smile on Ji Xinqing's face congealed. She just wanted to explain that she was not her mother. Suddenly she touched Tang Huaishu's eyes and her heart softened.

Ji Xinqing gently pulled open his hand, but unexpectedly, as soon as she released her sleeve, her index finger was tightly grasped by the small hand.

"Mom, don't go."

Afraid of hurting him, Ji Xinqing didn't dare to move again. He just bent down and approached Tang Huaishu for a few minutes, coaxing, "yes, Xiao Wu, mom came to see you. You have to get better quickly, do you know?"

"Mom... Mom, mom," was burned confused. Tang Huaishu called her laxly, one by one.

Somehow, for this little boy with only a few sides, Ji Xinqing's heart suddenly pulled together.

Ji Xinqing didn't notice Tang Jinyao's complex eyes at all, but smiled gently at Tang Huaishu in bed, "mom has been with you all the time, so will you get better?"

Tang Jinyao suddenly stood up, his lips tightly stretched, as if some depression.

After entering the bathroom, a few minutes later, he had a wet towel on his hand and gently put it on Tang Huaishu's forehead.

So repeatedly, Tang Jinyao took the trouble to do it countless times.

Ji Xinqing's fingers were grabbed by Tang Huaishu and couldn't move at all. He just looked at Tang Jinyao's every move.

My heart warmed inexplicably.

He is a good father.

During this period, Ji Xinqing's phone rang countless times.

In the first few months, Ji Xinqing lowered her voice to answer, but later, there were more and more calls. Ji Xinqing simply turned off the machine and ignored those calls.

I don't know how long it took until the sky gradually turned black. Tang Huaishu's red face finally returned to normal.

When I took his temperature, "well, it's all right. The fever has subsided."

Before leaving, Shi glanced at Tang Jinyao meaningfully, said nothing, and then left the ward.

The drip is still beating. Because he has been grasping Ji Xinqing's fingers, Tang Huaishu's back of his hand is covered with an abnormal blue purple.

Ji Xinqing frowned and tried to take out her hand several times. Tang Huaishu pulled her tighter and kept shouting, "Mom, mom..."

Ji Xinqing didn't dare to move any more, so she had to sit quietly.

"Jinyao," Ji Xinqing suddenly called to the man opposite, with a very low voice, "what's wrong with Xiao Wu?"

Xiao Wu had a high fever, but Tang Jinyao's behavior, in her opinion, had a kind of habitual helplessness.

Tang Jinyao lowered his eyes and didn't answer in silence.

Ji Xinqing sipped her lips and asked, "Xiao Wu, does he often have a high fever like today?"

Tang Jinyao's black eyes moved, but still covered all the surging at the bottom of his eyes. He replied, "yes."

It can be seen that there are some things he doesn't want to tell himself. Ji Xinqing is a little stuffy at the bottom of his heart, but he still smiles. "Don't do this next time. Xiao Wu has a fever. He cries for his mother. Su Su should come no matter how busy she is."

"OK, I know." Tang Jinyao looked at her for a long time before he whispered back.

After more than ten minutes, there was a knock on the door.

"Young master, Miss Ji, dinner is ready. Do you want to use it now?" Tang Han stood at the door and said respectfully.

Tang Jinyao's eyes darkened. He looked at Ji Xinqing, "have you eaten since you went back?"

Ji Xinqing was stunned. She didn't react until a long time later. He was asking her if she had eaten after going back in the morning.