Chapter 179: Heavenly Origin Tomb

Chapter 179: Heavenly Origin Tomb

"It's a mess in the Immortals' Marsh tonight..." remarked a crow as it gazed down at the groups of Ba below.

Accompanied by a crow, the Dual Wielder flew at a low altitude over the Immortals' Marsh.

"Well, besides the Gold Ba, there's nothing that can cause me trouble. If a big one approaches you, just let me know; it won't affect our mission," said the Dual Wielder.

"If the target gets killed by the Ba, it would save us some effort," remarked the crow.

Because the Immortal Art: Heavenly Sight and Hearing consumed a tremendous amount of energy, the crow only activated this technique after they had entered the Immortals' Marsh. At this moment, the immortal art had just locked onto the target and was guiding them toward it.

"It better not," the Dual Wielder said with a sinister smile. "For the trouble this Chu Liang has brought me, I must personally end his life to vent my anger."

"We're almost there," the crow said. "This time, I'll watch you do it."

As soon as the conversation ended, Dual Wielder sensed a cautious figure ahead.

Chu Liang crouched down as he moved forward cautiously, carefully navigating the surroundings and attempting to find a safe path. He was constantly witnessing groups of Ba passing by as they fled from the Immortals' Marsh. It reminded him of scenes from the end of the world.

Along this route, he didn't encounter too many powerful Gold Ba or Silver Ba. The number of high-level Ba was obviously smaller.

It seems safe? He thought to himself.

Just as he was pondering, he saw a dark gust of wind swooping in from a distance, carrying a strong killing intent.

Who is it?

Chu Liang had to escape quickly as the clone had no weapons, but the person was quick, catching up to him in the blink of an eye!

Eventually, he caught sight of the gust of black wind. The figure had a fierce gaze, wore a mask, and wielded two blades.

Danger loomed as the Dual Wielder unsheathed his blades, his figure dissolving into remnants of black light, swiftly passing by Chu Liang. Beneath the moonlight, a faint shadow was cleaved in two by the black light.


At that moment, Chu Liang's body stiffened, swayed, and then collapsed to the ground. His body was cleaved into two. Blood sprayed into the air, and with a heavy thud, the pieces hit the ground. Th.ê most uptodate novels are published on n(0)velbj)n(.)co/m

The Dual Wielder turned around, glancing at the two severed body parts. After a moment of contemplation, as if unsatisfied, he drew his blades again and severed the head from the upper half of the body.


However, after that cut, he still appeared unsatisfied. Raising his hand again, he pierced the heart.

He paused for a moment, then swung his twin blades, clanging and cutting the body several more times.

"That's enough," the crow perched on his shoulder couldn't help but interject, "We'll have enough meat for dumplings if you keep cutting like that."

"Phew—" Dual Wielder stopped, took a deep breath, and inquired, "Is he finally dead?"

"Absolutely," the crow asserted, "If he's still alive, I'll take your surname."

The Dual Wielder finally felt satisfied as he transformed into a gust of black wind and flew away.


"Arggghhhhhhhhh." Chu Liang exclaimed, his consciousness snapping back to his body that was drenched in cold sweat.

Although it was just a clone, the sensation of being killed felt undeniably real.

He had essentially experienced death!

Who was the masked man?


With a roar, the mouth instantly engulfed a large expanse of water, then closed. Chu Liang, along with the unusually calm little girl, was forcefully pulled into the strong vortex.


Chu Liang held the little girl in his arms, trying his best to protect her. They tumbled and eventually landed on a soft surface. The water that had been sucked in with them poured down from above like a torrential downpour, making a loud splattering sound.

"You nearly got me killed..." Chu Liang shook his head, intending to give the little girl a piece of his mind, but then he saw the little girl calmly walking forward.

Chu Liang lifted his eyes and saw a crystal-like palace ahead, crafted entirely from lustrous glass, sparkling and translucent. The inside of the fish belly felt like a vast cave, with walls emitting a gentle purple glow, casting a dreamy atmosphere over the palace, making it appear grand and majestic.

There was a crystal palace hidden inside the fish's belly!

Chu Liang was shocked but dared not make a sound. Seeing the little girl walking straight ahead, he couldn't help but follow suit.

The doors of the crystal palace stood wide open, and as Chu Liang stepped inside, he was once again filled with astonishment.

Upon entering, Chu Liang was met with six bodies scattered across the glass-like floor, each lying in different positions. Despite their varied poses, they all shared a golden complexion, emanating immense power.

They were all Gold Ba!

One Ba was enough to cause them considerable distress, yet there were six here. Upon closer inspection, Chu Liang realized that they had been dead for quite some time.

It was unclear how long it took for these dead cultivators to level up into Gold Ba since they became Ba, and likewise uncertain how long these Gold Ba had been dead. Nevertheless, these bodies had been lying around for quite some time.

The little girl remained remarkably calm, her gaze fixed straight ahead as she passed through the corpses of these Gold Ba as though she didn't notice them. Without a glance backward, she reached the inner hall of the crystal palace.

However, upon entering the inner hall, Chu Liang found no glass floor; instead, he stepped onto a spacious and smooth lawn, with a massive stone monument standing proudly in the center.

Ancient characters were carved into the stone monument, and although Chu Liang could only vaguely discern their meaning, he grasped the general message.

The first few prominent characters read: "Tomb of Jiang Kui."

Following the prominent characters, a line of smaller text continued: "I caused all the Ba and calamities in this marsh. I acknowledge my guilt, but with my lifespan nearing its end, I am incapable of rectifying this situation. I vow that my life's cultivation will transform into stalks of Celestial Herb of Ascension after my death, nurturing more talented cultivators who will bring pride to the human race."

Underneath the stone monument stood a leaf, large and ostentatious, with golden veins spreading out like a spider's web. Its shape and appearance were identical to the Celestial Herb of Ascension depicted in the illustration!

Beside the stone monument lay a small crystal coffin. It was already open and the place was a mess.

Without hesitation, Chu Liang immediately fixed his gaze on the Celestial Herb of Ascension!

What one seeks with effort in vain for a long time often comes effortlessly!

Haven't I endured all these hardships for the sake of this very thing?! He thought to himself.

According to the message on the stone monument, it seemed that every stalk of the Celestial Herb of Ascension here was a manifestation of the spiritual energy of the powerful individual buried here.

The Celestial Herb of Ascension's willingness to approach humans made sense—it was actually drawn by Jiang Kui's vow made during his lifetime! Considering this, the individual lying below was likely a powerful cultivator, possibly of the eighth realm.

There weren't many cultivators at the seventh realm, but they existed nonetheless. Yet, there were no rumors of any Eminent Ones emanating such spiritual energy after death. It was likely that only individuals at the Heavenly Origin Realm possessed the ability to make such a wish before their death.

This was a Heavenly Origin Tomb[1]!

As his excitement surged within him, he watched the little girl calmly walk straight to the herb and pluck it out without hesitation.

She pulled out the stalk of the Celestial Herb of Ascension and started stuffing it into her mouth!

She wants to eat the Celestial Herb of Ascension raw?! Chu Liang's eyes widened in shock, and he immediately shouted, "Stop!"

1. The tomb of an individual at the Heavenly Origin Realm ☜