Chapter 230: Im Not Interested In Women

Chapter 230: I'm Not Interested In Women

Three days later...

On a remote hilltop, Chu Liang, Luo Yao, and Monk Pushan—all dressed in their identical robes—walked toward the meeting place in unison. They were out in broad daylight and extremely eye-catching. If they hadn't worn their black robes, they wouldn't have stood out as much.

According to the Eastern-Route Guider's instructions, if they waited here, someone would come take them to the White-Bone Hall.

"My temple's elders said that if the White-Bone Hall makes any unusual moves, we should just observe them first. As long as nothing significant occurs, it's also a good option to wait until we have the hall's location before we take action to destroy it," Monk Pushan said as they walked.

In the current era, the righteous path was clearly superior to the diabolical path in the mortal realm. Diabolical sects were strong, but the combined forces of the Yu Dynasty and the sects in the Divine Nine and Terrestrial Ten were powerful enough to wipe them out.

Despite that, one diabolical sect had managed to continue existing for a long time—the Dark King Sect. One of the most important factors contributing to the Dark King Sect's longevity was its extraordinary concealment methods. Fịndd new updates at

That meant it would be a huge merit for Chu Liang, Luo Yao, Monk Pushan, and their sects if the three of them could arrive at the White-Bone Hall safely and determine its location.

The White-Bone Hall's master was the Elder of White-Bone Mountain, and he was just as important a figure in the sect as the Violet Gold Marquess.

Luo Yao spoke next. "My valley's elders said the same thing. We should all work together to wipe out the White-Bone Hall."

Chu Liang thought about the conversation he had with his teacher before leaving Mount Shu...

Di Nufeng had patted Chu Liang's shoulder and told him, "The Elder of White-Bone Mountain is my prey! Mark my words, even the heavens won't be able to save him!"

So, Chu Liang nodded. "My teacher said pretty much the same thing. We just need to make sure that we destroy the White-Bone Hall. We'll have to play it by ear for the rest of the details."

The three righteous cultivators temporarily reached a consensus on the aim of this trip.

Once they neared the meeting place, all three of them kept silent to avoid being overheard by anyone malicious. Restricted to silence, Monk Pushan paced to and fro restlessly, presenting an obviously anxious expression.

The moment they arrived at the meeting spot, there was a flash of light at a black tree on a hillside in the distance. That black tree gradually took on a human form. It turned out to be a diabolical cultivator that had been in disguise.

The diabolical cultivator was thin and tall. He was also dressed in black robes like Chu Liang and the others, but his face was left uncovered. He had narrow, slanted eyes, giving him an extremely chilling appearance.

The diabolical cultivator walked over, looked at the three people in black robes, and said, "The Eastern-Route Guider?"

"United under the marquess," Chu Liang responded with a secret phrase.

"Mm." The man with the narrow and slanted eyes nodded. "I'm Liu Sen. The Eastern-Route Guider once saved my life, so I decided to pledge my loyalty to the marquess instead of the White-Bone Hall. However, I hit the limit in my cultivation, so I don't have a high position in the White-Bone Hall. I'm taking you to join the hall today in hopes that you can climb to high positions in the future."

It's hard to imagine what kind of person could have had such a gigantic skull!

Dark clouds surrounded the skull, and streaks of lightning flashed about. There were even beams of golden light revolving around the skull, making it look like the realm of gods and demons.

It was no wonder that the righteous cultivators hadn't been able to find where the Dark King Sect was located. It seemed the sect's other halls had to be like this White-Bone Hall. Hidden amid dark clouds, they could move their base at any time, making it impossible for anyone to locate them.

"This White-Bone Mountain can move at any time..." Chu Liang said as he looked at the mountain. Curious, he asked, "Then how do the troops find their way back to the mountain after leaving it?"

Liu Sen glanced at Chu Liang and answered, "The White-Bone Mountain moves along a preset route. Every time there's a change in that route, it is communicated to the troops. We'll all know in advance which area the mountain will move to next. So, we'll be fine regardless of when the mountain may suddenly disappear, just as long as we remember the name of the new area it has moved to."

The closer the flying leaf got to the gigantic White-Bone Mountain, the more terrifying it seemed to the trio. Moreover, there were waves of intense pressure shrouding the mountain, making it difficult for anyone who approached to breathe.

Feeling the discomfort sink deep into him, Chu Liang realized that this pressure was malevolent qi. It would cause righteous cultivators like Chu Liang who were used to the righteous qi in their sect to feel unwell, but it would be the opposite for the disciples of diabolical sects.

Consequently, Chu Liang concealed his discomfort.

Liu Sen led them through the mountain pass where many pavilions were situated. They eventually arrived at a chamber with a signboard hanging outside that read "Chamber of Loyalty."

The neighboring chambers all had names like Mountain of Corpses Chamber and Sea of Blood Chamber, so the sudden appearance of a Chamber of Loyalty was rather out of place in a diabolical sect.

Liu Sen's leaf landed, and the trio and Liu Sen disembarked.

However, before they could even enter the Chamber of Loyalty, a loud shout rang out overhead. "Enchantresses, we welcome the two of you to White-Bone Mountain!"

The group of four turned to look and saw two women in red robes in the distance, descending from the sky with a trailing beam of scarlet light that looked akin to a waterfall.

A dozen or so envoys carrying banners flew out from the eye sockets of the skull. They yelled as they emerged from the inner palace, giving the two women a very grand welcome.

Meanwhile, everyone on the mountaintop was sticking their head out, trying to catch a glimpse of the women's beautiful faces. It seemed that the two women were quite popular among the members of White-Bone Hall.

"They are the Enchantresses from Scarlet-Robe Hall. I'm sure you've heard of them, right?" Liu Sen gave the trio an introduction of the Enchantresses. "These two women should be Enchantress Liu, who is ranked second, and Enchantress Yi, who is ranked fourth. They have many fans in the diabolical sects. After all, there aren't many women in diabolical sects, and it's easy for those who are beautiful to have their good looks ruined. It's quite rare to see women in diabolical sects become famous like them—huh? Why are you turning away?"

Liu Sen had turned his head to look at the trio when he was speaking and noticed that one of the three newcomers was behaving strangely. The newcomer was turning away, making it so that his back faced the two Enchantresses instead. He looked rather out of place.

"Oh," Chu Liang uttered, turning away in fear that the two Enchantresses would notice him. Simultaneously, he replied, "I'm not interested in women... Even just glancing at them annoys me."

1. Disciples of the diabolical sect ☜

2. It means “Black Feather”. ☜