Chapter 268: Seriously Shameless

Chapter 268: Seriously Shameless

The Wanderers of the North and South had yet to leave Mount Shu and were dining leisurely.

Scholar Sun said, "The Mahjong Tournament’s on today. Don't you want to go watch it?"

"No. I have always despised gambling," Elder Huang replied righteously.

Scholar Sun snickered.

He knew why Elder Huang said that. If Elder Huang bet ten times, he would lose nine. If he chose to bet on Big, the result would always be Small. Whatever he bet on, the result would always be the opposite. He was like a guiding light in the gambling scene. It was no wonder he despised it.

Scholar Sun added, "But Jiang Yuebai is competing too. Aren't you a fan of that young lady?"

"Placing small bets can make a person happy, but making large bets is bad for their health. How could such a mentally stimulating game like mahjong be considered gambling?" Elder Huang said as he stood up.

His plates were suddenly empty. At some point, he’d cleared off all the food on his plate, and he was now ready to leave.

Scholar Sun rolled his eyes.

When the two old men arrived at the venue of the Mahjong Tournament, they found an unusually large crowd gathered at one side of the venue.

This was the semifinals, so there weren’t many participants still playing in the tournament. That meant the people in this crowd were all spectators, and they had all gathered there to watch the same game.

With their keen eyesight, the two old men could see the state of the game without getting closer, so they stood in place to watch the game.

The most eye-catching person at the table was a delicate, fair-skinned girl, who had her hair up in a ponytail. Looking innocent and happy, she completed a hand and immediately pushed the tiles down.

The girl said, "Huh? It seems I’ve won again!"

It was the Heavenly Winning Hand.

"She got the Heavenly Winning Hand for the twelfth time? Heavens! Where exactly did this girl come from?"

"She’s a little demon from Silver Sword Peak. It seems her original form is a koi fish, so she’s overflowing with good luck."

"Even if she was born as a koi fish, she shouldn’t have such ridiculously good luck, right? Is it perhaps because she has other mystical abilities?"

"Whatever it may be, she hasn’t used any divine skills, so she hasn’t broken any rules."

"It’s unbelievable..."

"Senior Brother Xu is going to be eliminated in the semifinals!"

The onlookers whispered to each other, expressing their astonishment.

The person beside Liu Xiaoyu'er was Xu Ziyang, who was sitting perfectly upright. He kept a composed expression, but slight ripples were breaking out in the calm of his mind.

This little girl... is ridiculously amazing.

Is she really going to end the game by putting out sixteen consecutive Heavenly Winning Hands? Cheêck out latest novels at

Xu Ziyang had great mental and physical prowess, but this was mahjong. Even if he remembered all the tiles’ positions, it would do nothing to affect Liu Xiaoyu’er’s winning streak.

Xu Ziyang gradually furrowed his handsome brows. Just after he had decided to focus on winning this round so that he could leave with dignity...

He gave Liu Xiaoyu’er the winning tile.

Everyone around them fell silent.

If it had been someone else, they might have already spat out a mouthful of blood earlier due to the absurdity of this situation. Fortunately, Xu Ziyang was able to remain calm.

He stood up slowly and exhaled deeply. Then he turned and left.

All the spectators were now looking at Liu Xiaoyu’er. Their gazes made the little girl extremely nervous, but she couldn't leave just yet because Chu Liang had given her a task to do.

Before leaving Silver Sword Peak, Chu Liang had told her that if she were to win her game very quickly like before, she should go to his table... to cheer him on.


That evening, the remaining participants of the fighting tournament were drawing lots on Heaven-Reaching Peak.

"He’s seriously shameless," Jiang Yuebai fumed.

She was thinking about Liu Xiaoyu'er’s presence at the mahjong game earlier in the day, and she still felt pretty angry.

Jiang Yuebai and Chu Liang had been evenly matched. Yet, the moment this little girl went over to their table, Chu Liang's luck suddenly increased. Jiang Yuebai and Chu Liang had similar strategies, so it was obvious that the one with better luck would take the lead and have an easy victory.

That was how Chu Liang had won the game. He had used this "small" advantage to defeat Jiang Yuebai and the remaining two unimportant players, advancing to the finals of the Mahjong Tournament.

Chu Liang was now one of the candidates to become Mount Shu’s Mahjong God.

Xu Ziyang empathized with Jiang Yuebai greatly. Just the mention of the koi-fish girl left him speechless.

However, after a moment of contemplation, he said, "Ordinary koi-fish demons shouldn't have such ridiculously good luck. She must have some mystical ability that enhances her luck."

Hearing that, Ling Ao’s expression darkened, with a hint of malice flashing in his eyes.

While those three were in conversation, the last participant, Chu Liang, arrived. Unsurprisingly, he had brought Liu Xiaoyu'er with him.

"You’re here to draw your match from among the top four. Why did you bring her?" the supervising elder asked with a chuckle as he brought over the tube with the lots. "There are no weak options."

Chu Liang grinned and replied, "No matter what, the name on the lot that Xiaoyu’er draws will definitely be the best opponent for me."

Jiang Yuebai smiled. "All right. Then, let’s have little Xiaoyu’er go first."

"Thank you, Big Sister Jiang," Liu Xiaoyu’er said politely.

Then she approached the tube.

The supervising elder knew that Liu Xiaoyu’er would be drawing a lot on Chu Liang’s behalf, so he let her reach into the tube.

Liu Xiaoyu'er pulled a lot out and handed it to Chu Liang.

Chu Liang looked down and saw two words: Xu Ziyang.