Chapter 34: How Clichéd Can This Get?

Name:Your Girlfriend Was Amazing Author:
Chapter 34: How Clichéd Can This Get?

How Clichéd Can This Get?

[Yoo Soojin] Taeyang, you have a field trip to the gate today? Be careful and don't get hurt! ❤️????

[So Yoomin] Taeyang♥ᅲ♥ I really wanted to go with you... I'm so sad I can't see you today ????????

The moment I stepped onto the bus headed for the gate, messages flooded my phone as if they'd coordinated their timing. They seemed to anticipate that I'd be busy getting ready in the morning, making it difficult for me to respond.

Soojin might be familiar with this, but how does Yoomin nail the timing so precisely? With different entry times for each gate, it's not something you can guess easily.

Is it because witches are fundamentally different?

[Yoo Soojin] No worries, if you have any questions, feel free to ask. If there's a way I can help, I will!

Replying to Soojin first wasn't a conscious choice; I simply have a habit of responding to messages in the order they come in.

"Who are you texting?"

"Just a friend."

"I see..."

Minsoo, seated next to me, suddenly looked up. Honestly, I had no plans to accompany him; there was neither a need nor a reason to do so. The idea of pairing up was more of a gate-specific arrangement. My goal was simply to travel comfortably on my own.

Why did he wait for me?

The image of him waving goodbye at the dormitory gate remains vivid in my mind. I couldn't fathom why he would wait for me, especially since he wasn't even engaging in much conversation—just occasional remarks here and there.

"Why did you wait for me?"

"Well, um, we talked yesterday... and you mentioned helping with my love life... so, yeah..."

I opted to tune out, fearing he'd ramble on indefinitely. After reading Yoomin's message, I knew I couldn't afford to delay my response. When it comes to handling messages from women, that takes precedence over entertaining nonsense.

[So Yoomin] Really? ♥! Can I visit your dorm tomorrow? If you say no, I'll just barge in.Contact me after the gate is over! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥????

To sever the Yoomin-Minsoo entanglement, a few more breadcrumbs are in order. Meeting prepared is actually beneficial; there's nothing wrong with that.

Now, that's hardly the issue...

Kim Minsoo has been fixated on his phone for quite some time. When he's silent, he's ignorable, but these occasional furtive glances are irritating.

"Minsoo, if you've got something on your mind, spit it out."

"Ah, well, it's been five hours since I last messaged Yoomin, and she still hasn't replied... Maybe she's busy with the gate?"

Each time he speaks, his sentences drag on. Listening to him is emotionally draining.

"Yoomin must be busy too, I guess..."

"Maybe? I thought I'd resolved any misunderstandings. I was transparent about my counseling session with Instructor Ryu, even apologized, and Yoomin accepted it. Yet, it's been five hours with no contact. She did mention going to bed at precisely 11:27 PM yesterday... Then, I wanted to hear her voice around 5 AM, so—"



"I'm on the verge of nausea. Could you keep it zipped until we reach our destination?"

"Uh, yeah, sure! I was thinking along those lines too!"

Listening any further, and I might've hemorrhaged from my ears. It's almost sad how oblivious Minsoo is to Yoomin's text game. I even toyed with the idea of subtly sabotaging their dynamic during this bus ride.

Conversing with Kim Minsoo in this cramped setting borders on lunacy. His words are like a spray of saliva, and I'm contemplating ways to dodge his verbal projectiles.

Why does he and that fat author keep overlapping in my thoughts? Even though I wanted to see the good in him, I just couldn't. I know his personality is his creation, but do they have to look alike too?

Would this guy morph into that fatass if he gains weight and wears glasses?

I recalled Baek Taeyang's memories mentioning these guys. Media darlings, these ones. Minjoon's squad might be a bunch of lightweights individually, but together, they're like an A-team taking down A-rank monsters. Putting them in an F-rank gate is like bringing a tank to a knife fight.

But they're all men...

From the team leader down to the grunts, a sausage fest. After a bit of chitchat, they seemed alright.

When's Minsoo's fan club rolling in? There's about thirty minutes left until the assembly time.

I'd spot any harem-worthy faces instantly, so I kept my eyes peeled.

"So, Student Baek Taeyang, right?"

"Yes, feel free to keep it casual, team leader."

"Got it. Why's your weapon case so massive, though? What's in there?"

"Just various things."

"Ah, keeping it a secret, huh? Good strategy. Concealing one's true abilities is crucial."

Minsoo and I were surrounded by Minjoon's team and bombarded with questions. It was clear they were trying to size us up, believing we were hot prospects, hence the interim instructor roles.

They sprinkled in some sly compliments and tried to play the "wise elder," doling out advice. If I were some ordinary student, I'd be kowtowing and playing their game, but that's not me.

"Well, yeah... But even if it's just an F-rank gate, Instructor Sukgu is really thorough."

"Caution is never a bad thing. I actually think all hunters could learn a thing or two from his approach."

As soon as the introductions were done, Kim Sukgu glued himself to the gate. He busied himself with a multitude of machines connected to it, analyzing them non-stop. His main worry seemed to be the potential for the gate's rank to change, thereby ramping up the difficulty.

"Oh? Taeyang, the kids are here," Minjoon alerted me. I turned to see a group of students with various shades of black hair appearing from over the hill.

Found her.

Among the sea of dark-haired students, a dazzling blonde stood out. Her intricately rolled bun, haughty demeanor, and upscale clothing made her impossible to miss. It was as if she was announcing, ‘I'm the next heroine!'

After a childhood friend and a teacher, it's now the turn of the rich young lady archetype. While Yoomin also appeared well-off, this girl exuded a different level of opulence.

"Good! The chance of this gate fluctuating is zero," Sukgu declared, his face lighting up as if concluding his thorough analysis.

"What are your thoughts, Team Leader Minjoon?" I inquired, ready to validate the hypothesis I'd formed at the bus stop.

"I'm on the same page as Instructor Sukgu. With no fluctuations in this F-rank gate, everyone should be safe. We'll ensure that," Minjoon affirmed with confidence.

How amusing.

An F-rank gate with no chance of change. A future harem member in the form of a wealthy young lady. Kim Minsoo, our protagonist boasting the [Hero] trait. And let's not forget the A-rank hunter team on standby for any eventuality.

It's all too predictable. Even someone like me, who hasn't read many novels, can see where this is going.

Is it going to be that straightforward?

F-rank gates always change; Mr. Double Chin would never let that slide.

There aren't many ways to connect the wealthy young lady and the pitiful character. The easiest route is to employ the "suspension bridge effect," and this F-rank gate provides the perfect backdrop.

"Taeyang, see that blonde girl over there? She's the daughter of Yoomin's rival group leader."

"Ah, figures..."

The stage is set so neatly, even outlining a main heroine and her rival. Her destiny to enter Kim Minsoo's harem is set in stone.

How clichéd can this get?

Every love story follows a script. That is, until Baek Taeyang swoops in and takes it all away.