
Actually, the reason why he rushed back to the palace several times before was not because Wen Chan felt unlucky, it was because he had met Liang Yanbei.

Wen Chan knew that he was not a person with strong self-control, he was the type of person to allow his emotions to grow freely. However, after taking the eyes of the world into account, he didn’t allow it to do so so freely, so later, when his inner feeling grew into towering trees, the roots and branches turned into sharp blades. For more than 20 years, it grew in his heart and gave a thousand cuts to his heart which was incapable of healing.

Wen Chan really had enough of such consequences brought by indulgence. He knew that if he did it again, he would definitely not be able to bear it, after being reborn, he had already arranged his life and path clearly.

First of all, the number one clause is to reduce the meeting up with Liang Yanbei.

It was May now and Wen Chan was sure that Liang Yanbei had gone to join the army and it was unlikely for him to wander around in the streets of the capital, so he was not in a hurry to return to the palace.

Wen Chen wanted to take a good look at this extremely prosperous capital again that had not yet been destroyed by the Zhong family’s sword.

But cracking sounds could be heard from Wen Chan’s plans already. He didn’t expect that his plans, even before it was planned properly, would be smashed into pieces by Liang Yanbei who fell from the sky.

So the cause of the matter is this, Wen Chan was feeling gluttonous and decided that he wanted to eat braised chicken, so, he took the guards who had changed their clothes and a little eunuch who would have the urge to sell their master at a critical time, to eat braised chicken.

There were a lot of people on the street. Qin Qi and Shu Hua slowed down the speed of the carriage and were moving slowly along the route. Who would have thought that an old woman would suddenly rush out halfway, and would throw herself in front of their carriage without any explanation? Qin Qi and Shu Hua were quick-eyed and quick-handed. They promptly pulled the reins, but the old woman was too close.

Even though the carriage traveled slowly, it was already too late for them to stop immediately. Seeing that the horseshoe was about to step on her head, suddenly a red and white figure appeared obliquely.

That person raised their foot to kick. And immediately kicked the old woman, who fell on the ground and rolled away several times from the horseshoe. He flipped over into the air with the support of the horse’s head and landed firmly on the side.

Qin Qi and Shu Hua also reined the horse. They turned their heads to look and found that the person in the red and white clothes was Liang Yanbei.

When the pedestrians on the road saw this, they stopped one by one and stretched out their necks to enjoy the show.

Wen Chan was originally resting in the carriage, but when the carriage stopped abruptly, he was caught off guard and turned over from the ruanta. Fortunately, there were soft cushions underneath. So it didn’t go as bad as him getting hurt. Wen Chan got up and patted his clothes. He said in his heart that these three underlings were truly getting worse and worse. They can’t even stop the carriage properly, I should do something about it.

He lifted the curtain of the chariot and got out of the carriage in two or three menacing steps. When he lifted his fingers and pointed at his subordinates to lecture them, he suddenly saw Liang Yanbei who was standing by the side. He was immediately choked on when he was on the verge of speaking. Wen Chan retracted his hand with a very agile movement and turned around to return back to the carriage.

Just when he stepped up a leg, the sound of Liang Yanbei came from behind, “Your ninth highness, why are you in such a hurry to leave after seeing me?”

Today, Liang Yanbei was wearing a long dress of white color, inside, his belt was embroidered with ruyi2 clouds by golden threads and there was a red and black interlocking emerald stone embedded in the centre. On the outside, he was wearing a layer red muslin dress which had the color of a Chinese flowering crabapple. His black hair was tied up high with a jade hairpin of light bluish-green color, there was a shallow smile on the delicate eyes, making it impossible for the people to tell whether he was really happy or if it was merely an expression.

After listening to what he said, Wen Chan put his leg down again and turned around with an unenthusiastic expression on his face. He said, “Liang must be joking. It’s just that I suddenly remembered that I haven’t done something.”

After several meetings and conversations, Liang Yanbei had already gotten used to the cold and indifference that he gave himself. And he didn’t care about it at all. “It seems like every time the ninth highness sees me, you will suddenly remember that you haven’t done something.”

“I have not done a lot of things.” Wen Chan replied with a vague expression. Even though his face looked calm, his heart was already in a mess.

What’s going on? Shouldn’t Liang Yanbei go to the Martial Arts Academy to practice at this time? How come he is still wandering around in the streets? How did he run into him as soon as he left the palace?

Liang Yanbei pretended to be deeply hurt and sighed, “Nevermind. The number of matters increases every time your highness sees me.”

It was unbearable for Wen Chan to see his pitiful appearance the most. He forcibly held back the words that were about to slip out of his mouth and continued to act indifferent after taking a breath.

At this time, Xie Zhaoxue came from behind. He first glanced at the old woman who was lying fainted on the ground and then walked to the side of Liang Yanbei. He then said with lingering fears, “You kicked too ruthlessly. You almost kicked the weary old body to death.”

Liang Yanbei spread out his hand innocently, “If I hadn’t kicked her, her head would have probably burst open under the horseshoe. So it could be regarded that I was saving her life.”

Xie Zhaoxue ordered someone to lift the old woman up and turned his head to salute Wen Chan. He said, “Your ninth highness, the area around He Yue house has been sealed off now. If the affairs of your highness are to be done there, I am afraid you won’t be able to do it today.”

Originally he wanted to rush to the He Yue house to have their stewed chicken. But now that he had heard about the closing of the He Yue, he naturally could not ride his chariot there. It’s just that he was a bit curious about the reason why the He Yue house was closed. Out of the corner of his eye, he gleaned at Liang Yanbei who was standing beside him, and responded while suppressing his curiosity, “Okay.”

Wen Chan’s identity was much more respectful than anyone present there and he didn’t need to greet any of them. So he turned around directly and climbed up the carriage. He said to Qin Qi and Shu Hua, “Go back to the palace.”

Ah Fu who was standing beside Qin Qi and Shu Hua stealthy glanced at Liang Yanbei with shifty eyes and he immediately understood the reason why Wen Chan returned to the palace every time he saw him.

The farce which had arisen abruptly went away quickly, and many who were watching the fun dispersed, but just as Wen Chan was halfway into the carriage, the old woman who had fainted from the kick woke up abruptly. The acute pain in her body made her howl loudly in grief and her mouth was swearing, “You son of a b***h! Bullying a dying person like me is not an ability! You just wait and see! My leader will definitely avenge me!

Liang Yanbei didn’t get angry on hearing this. Instead, he grinned and said, “OK, OK. Your leader is the most powerful. Someone! Shut her up.”

After speaking, he looked up at the sky and saw a huge dark cloud floating on the sky which was previously clear. He turned to Xie Zhaoxue and said, “It looks like it’s going to rain today. First, take everyone back to the Yamen for questioning. ”

Xie Zhaoxue nodded. Just when he wanted to speak, his eyes saw something. His eyes moved away from Liang Yanbei’s body and asked, “Your Ninth Highness, is there anything else?”

Liang Yanbei turned around and saw Wen Chan who had already climbed into the chariot, now standing by the side of it. His pale yellow brocade clothes made his skin as white as snow. His big eyes were black as ink, and his expression was dull as he looked at the old woman who was whimpering with her mouth gagged.

On hearing Xie Zhaoxue’s question, he turned his gaze. But instead of answering him, he walked towards them and said, “I want to go with you. ”

Liang Yanbei slightly raised his eyebrows, “You wanna go to the Yamen? ”

“Yes.” Wen Chan said seriously.

Wen Chan had originally made up his mind to go back to the palace. But when he got on the carriage, he vaguely heard the old woman’s cursing. And among them, the word “leader” was like thunder piercing the ear, which made him shake from fright, a sky full of panic overflowed from his heart.

It was like two sharp claws were cruelly cutting open his memory, and the scenes of the hell on earth were surging violently. Those people who were wearing the black and white clothes looked like ghosts, penetrating the chests of the people of the capital with their bare hands. And the white ribbon wrapped around their left wrist was stained with demonic blood.

They were like impermanent evil spirits who crawled out of the underworld for one’s life. It was Wen Chan’s nightmare for decades, and his teeth trembled in fear at the thought of it.

The Shengui Sect.

This sect was a mysterious organization that originated from Wuyue island. At first, when the imperial family heard about this sect, they didn’t pay much attention to it. They thought that it was just an amusement that the people of Jianghu found to entertain themselves. But later Shengui Sect took root like a towering vine and spread in Xiliang. The branches spread silently to the capital, colluding with the Zhong family and causing bloodbaths of the defenseless people in the capital, ruining Xiliang’s prosperity and tranquillity.

Except for his younger brother who lived in another country, he was the only surviving heir of the entire Wen Clan. He traced the Shengui Sect along with Liang Yanbei and only after working really hard did they find the old lair of the Shengui Sect which occupied Wuyue Island, in order to sweep away the Shengui Sect, they had to pay a disastrous cost. Zhong Wenjin lost his life. Liang Yanbei was seriously hurt. Wen Chan’s eyes were almost blinded.

It’s a pity that in the end, the leader of the Shengui Sect escaped. After Wen Chan ascended the throne, he sent people to search for a full ten years. But he never found any trace of the leader.

Translator’s corner

Belated Lunar New Year Guys.

If I hadn’t kicked her, her head would have probably burst open under the horseshoe. So it could be regarded that I was saving her life.

Okay, I guess. Is it just me, or do ya too feel like that woman has a hard skull?

Btw guys, don’t forget to take a good look at our Liang Yanbei.

happy yet sick bunny

A symbol of power and good fortune.