Chapter 55 On Time

Name:Your Not So Ordinary Villain Author:
Ginehart didn't look that disturbed as he was still calmly looking at Astrophos. Without giving him any answers, the major approached Cygnus. The Grand Mage looked with wide eyes at the major's actions.

"Sir Rigel, why don't you join me in hunting these magic users?" Ginehart casually asked which put a crease on the man's forehead. "If we don't decide now, we will be killed by those monsters."

"Tsk," he did not want to face those people again but he could not say no. Astrophos was busy holding the front while Nina was supporting the soldiers. With no other option, he nodded his head and followed behind the major.

"Do you know how to use magic sense?" Ginehart asked. They bypassed the ogres while they were being distracted to go behind them because there was a high chance that the magic controller who was controlling the ogres would be there.

Cygnus stopped for a while and closed his eyes, he let his mana flow into the surrounding when he picked up a mana signature not far from them. "To the right, at least five meters away."

The major and Cygnus changed their direction and indeed found magic users guarding two other people who had their eyes closed. Sensing that there were intrders, the guards faced Ginehart and Cygnus. There were six guards and the other two were controlling the ogres.

"Are you ready? You can support me from behind and don't get caught." Ginehart unsheathed his sword and stretched his neck before he vanished from where he was standing and was teleported near the enemy group. In the blink of an eye, he slashed his sword and two of the enemies fell to the ground.

One of them tried to attack the swordsman but Cygnus sent several wind blades towards them as several magic circles appeared above them which conjured a dust-colored small whirlwind with its pointed end directed at the enemies. Ginehart also took the chance to slash the enemies while they were distracted by Cygnus.

The master did not stop there as he continued to use wind attacks to disrupt the movements of their enemies. This was noticed by the other side so they sent two of them to deal with Cygnus. The master saw that two of the guards avoided the major's attack and was heading his way.

Fire and sharpened roots simultaneously attacked him. Cygnus propelled himself up using his wind magic to avoid the attack. Both magic collided with each other and created an explosion that pushed Cygnus further. He got his breath knocked out from him when he landed with his back on the rocky part of the area where they were fighting.

The throbbing pain from his back after the bad landing was not helping his case. He tried to sit down but his vision suddenly turned blurry. Cygnus still tried to stand as he shook his head to clear himself from the dizziness just in time when he saw something orange that was flying his way.

In the last moment, he ducked down and was able to avoid the blazing fire ball then he rolled away to avoid a root that was aiming to pierce him. He continued to roll right and left to avoid several of the attacks and put up a shield in front of him when one tried to sneak in. He whistled and several sharp invisible winds cut through the roots that were attacking him.

Cygnus managed to stand up as he stretched both of his arms forward with his palms on top of each other facing the direction of the two magic users. A green magic circle appeared on his palms followed by a roaring whirlwind that suddenly split into two when he separated his right and left arms. The sudden attack caught the two magic users in surprise, one wasn't able to defend and was hit right on his chest the impact knocked him back as he hit a large tree hard. He coughed up blood after the whirlwind disappeared.

The other one was lucky enough to be able to defend himself from the attack. He was also smart enough to set up a magic circle below Cygnus's feet. The ground below him suddenly turned soft as he was slowly pulled down and when his feet were buried to his knees the soil hardened. Cygnus was trapped and he couldn't move.

A magic circle appeared above Cygnus and wood spikes rained down on the master. He had no way of moving so he did the next thing he could think of. A whirlwind covered his body which prevented the wood spikes from leaving holes in his body.

Ginehart saw that the other was cornered but he could not move from his position. They were in an unfavorable situation but all they could do was bear and deal with it. Ginehart made a 360 degree turn which barely cut the four magic users that were ganging up on him.

Cygnus spread his hands with the whirlwind around him also spreading which broke the magic circle and pushed his enemy back. He immediately used his wind to dig the ground to free him from the soil that was preventing him from moving. Another whistle sounded and more wind blades rushed towards his enemy. These blades also reached the enemies that were surrounding Ginehart.

The major took that chance to stab the one who lost his footing after being hit by Cygnus's wind blades. His sword pierced the enemy's chest all the way through his back and he dropped dead. Cygnus maintained his control over the wind blades he sent out because he was already running out of mana.

Beads of sweat were trickling down his face and his breathing was becoming irregular. He had been fighting since the beginning and his control over his mana was not that perfect, add to that the fact that his stamina was not that good. He was easily exhausted and could lose focus anytime.

Defending and attacking at the same time was not his strong suit. He could already feel the wind blades disappearing one by one. This was also noticed by Ginehart so with a burst of strength he attacked the other three before they could attack him. His footsteps were firm and full power that was transmitted to his arm and to his sword.

Two of the magic users were severely injured while the other managed to get away from him but he met with one of Cygnus's wind blades. The major took that opportunity to get near the enemy and slashed his neck which instantly killed him.

The wind blades totally disappeared and Cygnus was left defenseless against his enemy. This opportunity was seized by the magic user but before he could attack a large piece of stone was already impaled in his body. The other magic users that were controlling the ogres met the same fate.

Astrophos came rushing to them while panting. He was relieved to see that both of them were okay. "Luckily I was on time." He helped Cygnus to his feet and held his arm to keep him from falling down.

"How can you be here?" Ginehart walked towards them, all ragged with his clothes torn and his face full of scratches, even his sword was a bit chipped after slicing through the elements that were thrown his way.

"Well, a Captain Violett Cazal came to help, together with soldiers wearing the same uniform as the ones in your group," Astrophos answered.