Chapter 65 Ghost

Name:Your Not So Ordinary Villain Author:
Just as the atmosphere eased up, the information relayed by Cgynus and Astrophos made the major silent. Hwaquin had already given him a rundown on the information they got yesterday but looking at how serious the other two were, this matter was not to be taken lightly.

He listened intently without making much comment. After they told him everything that they inferred from the discovered magic circles, Ginehart called for one of the soldiers stationed outside the room. He gave him an order before he sent him away.

"Thank you for that information," Ginehart nodded to both of them.

"Now that we've told you everything we know, we will leave and as promised, we won't have anything to do with this case any longer. So, we hope that you can catch the culprit." Astrophos stood up followed by Cygnus.

"Please, can't we talk about this a little longer?" Ginehart also stood up and wanted to stop them but the looks on their faces said otherwise.

"Major, we are indebted to you but we are not obligated to do whatever you want." Cygnus was firm with his word and his gaze did not waver.

Ginehart yielded and did not force them any longer. Astrophos and Cygnus left without giving the major a second look. They walked back but after a few meters, Cygnus could not hold it any longer and started to laugh.

The mage stopped on his tracks and stiffly looked back only to see that the other was bent down while laughing his mind out. He did not know how to react to the other's action and all he could do was look around to see if there were people looking at them.

"Ah, that was so fun!" Cygnus straightened himself but his shoulders were still shaking. "You are too stiff, Grand Mage, no prying eyes can know what is happening here right now."

The mage took several deep breaths before he was able to say a word to the man, "I don't get why you are laughing?"

Cygnus chuckled while shaking his head as he walked up to Astrophos who was looking at him all confused. "Grand mage, haven't you found the major's reaction to be so funny?"

The mage gulped at the sharp look being given to him by the other man. He did not understand the other's humor and he was sure that he would not understand it even in the future. "I'm sorry, I don't really get what you are talking about."

"Sigh, alright then, I won't bother you any longer with this matter. Let's go." He completely lost his smile at how the mage responded to him.

They returned back to the inn with Nina's anticipating gaze directed at them. Cygnus's mood was ruined so instead of telling them the good news, Astrophos took the job of informing them that they did not need to participate in the investigation any longer.

Nina was thrilled at the news that she left the inn immediately and went out again. Without anything to do, Astrophos returned to his room to meditate. Cygnus stayed on the first floor and enjoyed his tea time as usual.

"Now that you don't have anything to do, master, what's next?" The butler started the conversation since the man had remained silent ever since they returned from the talk with the major.

"Nothing to do? I have plenty of things to do," Cygnus answered. He stared at his reflection on the tea before a small smile appeared on it. The festival needed something to make it more exciting and he wanted to know if those people would really come.

Mr. C thoughtfully looked at the master, "Master, what are you planning again? Does this have anything to do with the magic circles you discovered?"

"You have been with me for so many years now and yet you are still asking these questions. You know that the people I hate the most in all of those worlds are people who use justice and righteousness as an excuse to justify their actions," the master instead answered.

The butler froze for a moment before he got his composure. His master has never liked any heroes. This has been a fact engraved in his mind because ever since he started to serve the master, he was already against heroes, especially those who abused that status.

"I'll be having a walk tonight, so, if someone comes looking for me you already know what to do." Cygnus stood up from his seat, "I'll be in the room for now so don't disturb me."

Night fell and as the second night of the festival continued, though it was not as lively as the first night, there were still a lot of people going around. The security was also tighter than before and any dark alley was closely guarded. There were even mages on patrol just to make sure that no kidnapping will happen again.

As the night deepened and the people on the streets dwindled, the more eerie the surrounding became. The cold wind blew through the town of Alfonso and it brought an unnatural shiver to those who were still out. Even the guards who were patrolling suddenly felt uneasy but they couldn't leave their posts and could only endure it.

Ignus, who was out drinking with the others, left for a while to get some fresh air. He kept on mumbling and kicking everything on his way. Earlier that day, he was called to the major's office and was given disciplinary action for his misconduct during the assignment that was given to them.

He was suspended from duty until the end of the case and he was given a demerit which means that he would be having a difficult time to climb up the ranks. It was news that any soldier doesn't want to hear and yet it happened to him just because of those magic users.

He cannot accept and even tried to reason with the major but the man refused to hear him out. After that, the lieutenant even gave him a lecture which shattered his confidence even more. He was so angry but he couldn't defy them any longer if he wanted to remain in his position.

Ignus suddenly stopped on his tracks when he heard a rustling sound followed by some screeching that made his skin crawl. He looked back but there was no one behind him. Even his surroundings remained silent, so he shook his head as he continued to walk around.

Not long after he made a round around the neighborhood, he decided to return and continue to drink. He hummed to himself and shivered at the night breeze when he heard it again, a rustling followed by a screech like something was being pulled. This time the sound was nearer and he could hear it clearly.

He pivoted around but there was nothing and yet the sound kept coming nearer and nearer to him. He started to break out in a run and yet the screeching sound did not stop like it was following him. Ignus was already sweating and breathing heavily but his destination seemed too far.

He did not stop running though and in exhaustion he tripped on his own foot and fell on the stone pavement with a thud. The sounds also stopped and he was relieved for a moment. He pushed himself up and dusted his pants while standing up and that's when he felt it. A cold breath on his skin that sent a shudder to his entire body.

He froze for a moment as he fought the urge to turn around but he could not help it, he slowly twisted his body and at the final moment, he came face to face with what he could only describe as a ghost. The face was covered in blood with the skin all peeled off and the eye sockets were about to pop out. The teeth were sharp and when he looked down the ghost was holding an ax in its distorted arm.