Chapter 131 Sweets

Name:Your Not So Ordinary Villain Author:
Celes and Celestine reached the Magic Tower and throughout the ride, Celes did not speak to his apprentice. If the young man was to become even more reluctant to join the tower, then it would be his apprentice's fault. He was also annoyed because he needed to face the elders empty-handed.

"Your actions a while ago are so rash. You really had the guts to attack the duke in his own home. Now our chances to convince that young man to join the tower only fell below the critical percentage," Celes did not hold back once they were at his study at the Hall of Time.

"How can I tolerate someone who insulted me?" The woman answered with gritted teeth. She was still angry even after they left the manor. Her pride couldn't accept that someone could insult her.

"Are you telling me that even if the Magus Maximus is going to insult you now, you won't let go of him and attack him too?" Celes straightened his body and placed both of his hands behind him as he stared straight at his apprentice.

Celestine frowned, "That would be a different story. The Magus Maximus is an existence that all of us respect, so even if he insults me, I wouldn't dare attack him."

Celes looked at his apprentice. She had been acting out of it ever since they entered the Ginehart Manor. Then she suddenly lost it and attacked the duke. The Grand Archmage took a step closer and extended his hand towards the woman's head. A red light spread through her body then it disappeared.

He did not find anything unusual with her and everything about her was normal except for her emotion. He stepped back once again and gave his apprentice one last look, "Even though the duke is not part of the tower, he is still one of the most powerful people in the kingdom. If you offend him, then you would also be offending the king who is of a higher status than the Magus Maximus."

The woman avoided his master's gaze and clicked her tongue after hearing those words. She was confident that with her status no one can defeat nor tell her what she should do. Only her master or the other Grand Archmage can boss her around, not an ordinary person like that duke.

"Since you look like you are not going to repent for what you did, I will be sending you to your own solitary confinement to reflect on your mistakes," Celes did not hold back. He needed to discipline his apprentice and the best method so far was to let her be alone.

Celestine's eyes widened when she heard her punishment, "Master! Are you really going to punish me just because I attacked the duke?"

"Yes," Celes's stern voice made the woman shut up. "Attacking the duke is considered a capital offense and in this case, you attacked a general of the royal army which directly serves the king. Because of that, it was like you were threatening the king himself."

The apprentice couldn't believe her ears. This will be the first time that she was going to be in solitary confinement. A white light appeared below her and in the blink of an eye she was already inside a small room without windows and doors.

Now that Celes was free of taking care of the woman, he would have more time to go and convince the youngest Ginehart to join the tower before the elders decided to make any move.

For the following days, Celes did not stop following Cygnus no matter where he went. The Grand Archmage would always be able to find him and would try to convince him to join them. He would also often visit Vergessen to see if he was in.

Every day that he went to see Cygnus, Celes would notice that the young man's approach to the matter was becoming more and more positive. He believed that with a little bit of push, Cygnus would eventually agree to join them.

"He is pretty persistent," Mr. C commented as he cut the freshly baked cake and put a slice on a plate for Cygnus.

"Isn't that good? That only means that his interest in me has increased." Cygnus took a bite at the cake and was impressed with its taste. It was comparable to what he had been serving at Moonvale.

The pâtissier they found was really competent and capable of replicating the cake he had only shown him only once. Even his shop that was located in the slums was doing pretty well because more and more people were going there to taste something they never had before.

Also, ever since he opened an area beside the bakeshop where anyone can dine in, the place has been buzzing and information upon information was collected and stored for his entertainment. While he was reveling in the success of his business, he heard a familiar voice once again.

"As I thought you are here Rigel," Celes came in and directly went to where the master was sitting and sat down on the empty chair in front of him. He then looked at the butler and ordered what he usually orders in the shop.

Mr. C left to prepare the special guest's order and also to give them time to talk with each other. Cygnus looked helpless at the Grand Archmage because he would really stoop so low just to convince him to join them. Someone of his status was almost begging him.

"Rigel, you should make up your mind now. If you don't agree with me now, the tower will definitely come after you." He leaned forward and whispered to him, "The tower is pretty ruthless. If they want something they will go through all lengths to acquire it."

It has been a week ever since the task was given to him and if he couldn't bring back any good news to the other elders, they might do something drastic. Although he was not fully against forcing people, he preferred to do it the peaceful way. He was not really a fan of killing and death, what interested him more were new forms of magic or people who could use unique magic.

"My family won't agree. I have been trying to convince my father to let me be but he still seemed reluctant. Can you please give me more time?" Cygnus faked a sigh and even rubbed his head to pretend and alleviate the headache that was coming.

"I understand." Just as he said those words, the coffee he ordered was served together with a plate of cookies.

The mage's eyes refocused on the cookies and there was a sparkle on his eyes that was also gone just as fast as it appeared. He couldn't deny that the bread, cookies and cakes in Rigel's bakeshop were delicious.

"Please enjoy your coffee," the butler gave the mage a smile to which Celes nodded. He then picked up the cup of coffee and took a sip. "Hmmm, your products here are really delicious, no wonder this shop is so popular."

"Thank you for the compliment. We hired a pretty capable pâtissier and everything here is his work," Cygnus answered with a smile. He looked proud that his business was being praised by a member of the Magic Tower.

They ate in silence as the mage was not willing to talk because he was savoring the flavor of the food. Cygnus also joined him in appreciating the sweets being sold and served at his own shop.

"I'll be taking some take outs with me," he looked at the butler and enumerated his orders. Cygnus who was looking at the man couldn't help but virtually shook his head because the other was already taken in by the sweets.