Chapter 138 Magic Tower

Name:Your Not So Ordinary Villain Author:
Early the next day, Cygnus together with Astrophos who was already disguised as Astros and Mr. C set out towards the Magic Tower. The ride was silent since the butler was not into talking and the master was pretending to be asleep. It took them thirty minutes to finally reach their destination.

They alighted from the carriage and found that the elder was waiting for them together with his apprentice. There were no other people beside them which was much to Cygnus's preference because he doesn't want to gain any attention.

Once all of his luggage was brought out, Celes teleported them directly to his room which was in the Hall of Time. Since Astro was there as an aide, he was given the room beside the Cygnus's then they proceeded to tour the place.

While walking on the halls lit by magic, Celes did not forget to explain how the Magic Tower works and what were the things they needed to take note of while staying there. He also explained the overall structure of the tower.

"The tower is made up of seven halls. The Hall of Songs is the lowest floor and it is where the novices stay and train. That is also the place you visited last time. The next floor is the Hall of Flames, it is where the newly promoted mages will be staying. They will continue their education and training at that level." While introducing the halls, he did not forget to look at them to check if they were listening.

Cygnus already had an idea about the halls since Astro already gave him a rundown of it before they departed from the manor. He did not speak though and showed an expression of interest to assure the elder that he was listening.

When he made sure that they were focused on him, he continued with his introduction. "The third level is called the Hall of Conquest. It is where the mages take requests and missions to make a name for themselves and also to earn money for their families. The fourth level is the Hall of Vestige, it is where the mages who specialize in research stay."

Cygnus pretended to be amazed at everything that the elder was saying even though he was already bored because of it. He would prefer to return to his room and rest than to listen to all of these explanations.

"The fifth level is here, the Hall of Time. This is where the Archmages should be but because most of them are out, it became a place where their apprentices stay. This is also the place where the warrior mages are stationed since they are guarding the Hall of Knowledge. The Hall of Knowledge holds all of the information that the tower had collected for many years." Celes became proud after introducing the fifth hall which caught the master's attention.

"Do I have the permission to enter the Hall of Knowledge?" Cygnus suddenly asked as his face lit up after what he heard.

Celes could understand his enthusiasm sadly that hall was not a place where he could be, not right now. "Sadly you can't enter the Hall of Knowledge and the Hall of Saints, which is the highest level and where the Magus Maximus is staying. Aside from those two halls, you can access the first through fifth halls without any problems."

Cygnus was a bit disappointed but he could somewhat understand why it wasn't accessible to them. Celes chuckled when he saw the young man frowning after hearing what he had said.

"You don't have to worry though, each hall has their own library where you can go and read whatever you want. Each of the halls also has a canteen where you can go and eat anytime. There are also training rooms for groups and for individuals. The training room for individuals needs to be reserved though." Celes informed them to make up for the fact that they can't access the higher floors.

They continued to walk around as the elder showed him where he should go if he needed something. He was also given a token with the elder's name which he can use as a pass. He can use it to access any facilities that he would use in the future.

"Now that I've toured you, let's go to my office first because we have something more to talk about." Celes gestured for them to follow them until they reached the elder's study. Just like before they were served with tea and treats.

"Thank you," Cygnus gladly accepted the tea and drank it. He was happy that the tour was finally done.

"Since you are not yet a mage, you'll need to attend combat training arranged by the tower. There you will meet other apprentices. Some of your time will also be dedicated to lessons about magic and about the tower." The elder brought out a paper that contains the schedule of classes where he was assigned to.

Cygnus took the paper and read through it. It was not fully packed and he had more free time but he doubted that it could be used for leisure activities. He was sure that the elders wanted to see him work diligently.

"I understand. Will these lessons start tomorrow?" He gave the piece of paper to Astro which the man dutifully kept.

"Yes, my apprentice, Celestine, will go with you since you have the same schedule." Celes looked at his apprentice only to see her unhappy face.

"She seemed unwilling, is she still holding a grudge because of what happened last time or because she feels that her position is being threatened right now?" The master had enough of her sour face ever since the beginning so he didn't hold back.

"What did you say!?" Celestine stood up from where she was sitting and glared at the man. She had been holding back and he had the audacity to say those words.

"I am just telling the truth and you are not the only person who felt uncomfortable right now because every time I see your face, I remember how you disrespected my father and even attempted to take his life. So you don't have the right to glare at me." If worse comes to worst, he can always fight the woman.

"Your father disrespected me first so he deserves it!" Her voice rose and the temperature inside the room suddenly shot up.

"At what part did he disrespect you? My father is only stating the truth. You are merely an apprentice with no achievements to your name and yet you dare to talk to him just because you can use magic? My father won battles and brought prestige to our kingdom. His achievements can't be compared to someone like you." The master's voice was stern with no room for argument.

He also looked at the woman with cold eyes which made Celestine unable to speak. She could only clench and unclench her fists without the chance to retaliate and even before she could think of doing so, she heard the man speak again.

"You with no name should know your place. Ginehart is not someone or someplace where you can flaunt your status as an apprentice of one of the elders in the Magic Tower so don't give me that attitude. If you can't stand me, then better take another way when you meet in any place inside the tower." His words pierced through the woman that all she could do was walk out.

She did not want to embarrass herself any longer, especially in front of her master. Celestine was even indignant because her master did not even defend her.

Cygnus sighed after the woman left. He looked at the elder in fear that the man might get angry with him because of what he did. The look of surprise in his face was priceless when he saw that the elder was actually smiling at him.