Chapter 179 Face Off

Name:Your Not So Ordinary Villain Author:
Mr. C did not even make sure if the elder was still breathing before he flashed towards Celes who was clearly shocked from what had happened. He didn't even have the time to react when the enemy was already in front of him. He stared wide eyed at the enemy standing right in front of him.

"Your holy flames won't have any effects on me. Holy power can only work on creatures that have a spirit and that is something I don't have." The butler did not hesitate to kindly inform the man of the reason why he didn't flinch even after being burned with those sacred flames.

The elder was silent for a moment before he sighed and totally slumped on the hard ground. He then laughed and stared at the sky. "I guess I'm not that mighty then." He mockingly laughed at himself because now he knew that he was not undefeated.

Mr. C did not speak for a while before he turned around and started to walk away. Celes gave the man's back a puzzled look. "Why aren't you killing me?" He asked.

"My master will deal with all of you so I don't have to do it myself. However the clean-up might be passed on to me so I should go and prepare myself." The butler answered without looking back however the next question stopped him in his tracks.

"Who is your master? Since I'm going to die, don't I have the chance to at least know who your master is?" He was genuinely curious.

"You've already met him so many times and speaking of which, I thank you for taking care of him during his stay in the tower," the butler looked back and this time the nanites in his face were gone.

Celes choked when he saw the face behind the enemy who easily defeated them. He had seen him several times and came in contact with him during the times that he was running around to convince Rigel Ginehart to join the tower. If he was that butler then the master he was talking about would be, Rigel.

Mr. C turned around and went straight to where the dark child was laying. The nanites covered his face once again. He then lifted the child and entered a gate that appeared before him. A laugh escaped the elder's mouth before he surrendered and sighed in defeat.

Not far from where the fight happened, a woman watched as she could feel the fear in her heart rising. Celestine took several steps back and turned around. Her master was defeated and she already knew that it was Rigel, their enemy because she also recognized that face. She went back to the arena where most of the apprentices were.

She was in a daze as she walked without direction not until Lilia came and patted her shoulder. "Where did you go Celestine? Everybody is looking for you, we thought that you went out and tried to fight the enemy!"

Celestine frowned and shrugged off the woman's hands. "What do you care about? I can do whatever I want." She glared and turned her back on the woman as she continued towards where her friends were.

Lilia was confused as to why the woman was acting like that. She could only sigh and return to her post of helping the wounded. She couldn't afford to slack off right now just because of one woman.

Ezio was silently going around and was also helping in making sure that everything was alright, especially those who were wounded. He needed to feign ignorance even though he was itching to go out there and fight too. He gritted his teeth and after a while he finally sighed and resigned himself into his current fate.

Isaiah Blackwood was also helping around when he noticed that all of the apprentices were in the vicinity except for Rigel. He frowned because he felt that there was something wrong. He tried to look around but the man was really not there.

During that time, he remembered Duke Ulysses's request of him but he quickly shook his head to get rid of those thoughts. If Rigel was running around, it was not his concern since the man gave the impression that he was the kind of person who would go where there was chaos. He sighed instead and stooped down to help one of the healers wrap a bandage on one of the wounded.

At the same time, at the highest part of the tower two people were staring at each other. During the fight of Mr. C and the other elders below, Cygnus took this chance to enter the Hall of Saints and visit his master. He was welcomed and was even offered a seat by the Magus Maximus himself.

They had been staring at each other for at least five minutes now but no one was willing to talk. If the Magus Maximus was patient Cygnus wanted to show that he was patient too. But the longer their stand still was, the more bored he was becoming. He really couldn't tolerate this long-standing silence but he needed to endure.

The Magus Maximus had been thinking hard about it. Everything that happened so far coincided with his disciple's entrance to the tower. When that child entered the tower, so many things started to happen that was why when he came knocking on his door he was not that surprised.

He stared at his disciple and thought about those days when he was eagerly studying everything that he was teaching. Now it turned out that he was only pretending. There was not much change in his expression after he realized that he was deceived and he couldn't entirely blame the child for this because he allowed himself to be deceived.

Cygnus sighed, "I really can't stand this silence." He tilted his head to the side as it rested on his fist. "Aren't you going to say anything?"

The Magus Maximus was silent for a full minute before he decided to answer. "Should I say something when I am no longer surprised by your appearance in this place? Your casual appearance here already told me everything."

Cygnus laughed, "Yes you are right. There's nothing to say but I doubt that you will remain in your seat once I start to tear this tower apart, from its very roots to its green leaves and fruits."

"And how will you do that?" The Magus didn't react at all and was treating their conversation as simply a nonsense talk.

"Hmm, yes how should I do that?" he leaned on the chair and placed his finger on his chin to feign that he was thinking about it. "Then should I start with the dungeon below?" He then shook his head, "No, no I should start with those hidden laboratories! Oh, wait, I can start with those who have attacked the city!" He clapped his hands and grinned at the Magus.

Cygnus was right, the Magus would have a reaction as long as he mentioned those things to him. The narrowing of his eyes as he gave him a glare and the clenching of his fists as he held back himself from standing up and attacking him right there and then. This man was really good at restraining himself.

"You've been my disciple for a couple of months and now you are running in here to blame and accuse me? I am having a difficult time grasping the situation and the reason why you are doing this?" Instead of answering, the Magus tried to switch the story and shift the conversation's direction.

"Oh, I like where this conversation is going. You are looking to shift the blame to me because my family hated mages. Next you are going to justify that I have planned all of this with my family as my backer. You will then spout every excuse written in history to prove that you are innocent and then when I slip up, you will use this as an excuse to take me down. Am I right?" The grin on Cygnus's face couldn't be compared with how the Magus was clenching his jaws at his words.

"I do not intend to do so and please do not assume. Trying to guess what's on my mind won't work." The Magus had an unnoticeable frown on his face while saying those words.

Cygnus burst out in a laugh and was even patting his thighs, "Guessing what's on your mind? I am not guessing what's on your mind because I can actually hear them loud and clear."