CH 47

Name:Your Regrets Are Late Author:
“Your Highness. Isn’t the Marquis Luxen will be inherited by Viscount Ramed?”

“That’s what I knew too.”

“The appearance of the eldest daughter whom everyone thought was dead so suddenly!”

“I heard that she healed Princess Veloche’s chronic disease.”

“Yes. It’s questionable whether that is true. The seizure of Her Royal Highness…”

Princess Veloche was the only royal descendant of the Elioter Empire. Talking about her illness could be considered blasphemy, but Viscount Blanche didn’t stop.

“Lady Luxen seemed to be on good terms with the person who killed her family.”

“Yes. I felt it strange too, Your Highness.”

“I don’t know if it was her temporary means of holding hands or if there is another intention… But that’s not important now.”

“What Count Luwen said is right. It’s the right of succession…”

“Somehow, it was strange that His Grace, the Duke, obediently gave permission at that time.”

What Count Luwen, the scribe, brought out made everyone speak in agreement one by one.

“Everyone knows the conditions for receiving the right of succession in this empire.”

There were three conditions in total for receiving the right of succession. The first was to give the first surname by the head of the family when entering the family register. Second, it was an exceptional moment when the emperor intervened. Lastly, when an oracle from the goddess came down, the temple bestowed a divine name.

Still, discussing the succession right was a very sensitive issue. The emperor could only do it when all their relatives had died, and only the collateral family remained. Moreover, it had been a long time since the last oracle from the goddess came down, which was given to the illegitimate son of Marquis Luer. For this reason, it was common practice for the head of the family to give the first surname.

The difference between having succession right and not having succession right was when both the head of the family and the family’s lineage died due to an accident. Among collateral and illegitimate children, the person with the first surname would be given priority. That’s why the meaning of the first surname within the Elioter Empire was great.

“Anyway, we have to protest right now or somehow stop it!”

“I will go to His Grace and tell him. Let’s discuss this again later.”

“…Your Highness!”

“Discuss this again?”

“What does Your Highness mean? This is a serious matter that needs to be addressed right now!”

Everyone had gathered since early morning to make a final decision on Lillian’s succession right. Disagreement poured out from all over the place at Charelize’s decision to push it back.

“Didn’t Your Highness tell us to discuss it again later?”

“If you have a brain, think about it and speak again later, Viscount Blanche. How much time…”

“Little Count Artian, what do your words mean to someone who is the age of your father!”

Emotions soon flared up, and sharp words continued to come and go.

“By the way, how did Her Excellency, the predecessor Grand Duchess, come to the succession ceremony?”


“That’s… Your Highness…”

“From what I know a little bit, I hear that she and Lillian are acquainted.”

Those who had seen Charelize for a long time noticed that her nerves were very sensitive now.

They couldn’t do anything about it right now. The vassals didn’t like each other, so they were using this moment to bite and fight each other. It was also because no one had even mentioned the most important part. Also, the point was blurred, leading to the results of slandering each other. They knew it was their own fault, so many of them were clearing their throats.

“I was surprised too. Wasn’t she the one whom we thought would never come?” At least Count Kanelli, who maintained his composure with a calm attitude, opened his mouth.

“Ah, t-that’s right. She was the one who put his son, the previous Grand Duke, in the dormitory and never looked for him…”

“When she was young… Her Excellency, the predecessor Grand Duchess, never cried even when she lost both her father and mother. But she cried as soon as she saw Lady Lillian.” Count Luwen recalled his memory, and everyone nodded.

Everyone seemed to be thinking the same thing. The predecessor, Grand Duchess Innovestin, wouldn’t cry until the end, even though her parent’s funerals were held at once. In addition, after losing her husband and daughter, she also sent Grand Duke Innovestin, her only child and surviving family member, to the dormitory. Then she never looked for him.

Rumors circulated that she had returned without even seeing the face of the Grand Duke Innovestin, who missed his mother. Just like the rumors, they didn’t know what she thought inside and regarded her as cool-headed. It was necessary to investigate the fact why such a person suddenly appeared and shed tears in front of Lillian.

“My daughter said she saw her giving Lady Lillian an invitation to the tea party.” Viscount Blanche told a story he heard from his daughter last night.

“I already heard about it. Whether it was given to finally end her seclusion life, or whether it was another simple reason… only time will tell.” Charelize, who had already heard about it from Hailey, nodded.

“Little Duchess.”

“Say it, Count Kanelli.”

“With the eldest daughter of the Marquis Luxen… including her right to succeed and the predecessor Grand Duchess, everything is going in favor of Princess Lillian.”

“I know. Strangely enough… this is the situation now.”

With Count Kanelli’s opinion, Charelize also agreed. She couldn’t get rid of the feeling that she needed to tell everything she had accumulated from before.

“Lady Luxen knew how to make poison.”

“How could a noble lady…?”

“She said that she didn’t waste her time while hiding.”

Charelize raised one corner of her mouth, recalling what Iris had said to her.

“Did… something happen?”


“Your Highness?”

“I’ll call it a day. You all must be tired, so go back and rest.”

The meeting ended abruptly, with no answer to be given.

Charelize went back to her office and looked at her work, which had been pushed back for a while. Meanwhile, a guest came to her.

“It’s been a while since I’ve said my greetings to the little Duchess.”

“Baron Alec!”

“May Goddess Resina’s blessing reach you.”

“May you be protected too. You must have suffered a lot.”

It was Baron Alec who went looking for vallesium flowers.

“While I couldn’t see you… It looks like you get a lot of wounds.”

“Vallesium is a flower that can only be obtained from cliffs…”

At Charelize’s question, who found several scars on his face, Barone Alec scratched the back of his head and replied shyly.

“…I’m sorry.”

“I-It’s nothing, Your Highness. I also found other herbs that help me… In addition…”

Seeing Charelize apologizing right away, Baron Alec waved his hand.


“By the way, Your Highness. I am saying this with the intention of opening all possibilities…”

“Did something happen?”

“Actually, I thought I would need it for my research, so I kept it separate from what I will give to Your Highness.”

Baron Alec looked around and spoke as quietly as he could. “I bumped into His Grace on the way and dropped one as I tried to give it to Your Highness in a hurry.”

“…With His Grace?”

“He asked me what it is… After all, most responses are that they couldn’t recognize it unless they were experts. Anyway, I told him it was a request from Your Highness.”

“What did he say?”

As something had happened with Duke Marsetta, Charelize asked what happened next.

“However, in that short moment, His Grace immediately noticed it was a vallesium flower.”

“His Grace… How did he know?”

“I don’t know either. Each color is different, and they’re distinguished by their appearance… Why does His Grace know about vallesium flowers…”

“So, what happened after that?”

“He took it, saying it was too dangerous for Your Highness.”

“…did he know that it is poisonous?”

“It seems so. What he said was…”

Baron Alec was genuinely puzzled.

“I think so. What he said was….”

Baron Alec was genuinely wondering.


“Your Grace?”

“Isn’t that a vallesium flower?”


“It’s dangerous as its root can turn into poison. How dare you try to give it to Charelize!”

“Her Highness… is the one who asked for it, Your Grace.”

“…I will keep it for now, so let her know.”

“Your Grace!”

Then, he told all the conversations he had with Duke Marsetta.

“I also knew it because I followed someone and learned about it, and I had seen related books.”

“Yes. Except for Your Highness’s case, this one is too easy to pass… But I think it’s a bit odd.”


“The more I thought about it, the more it bothered me, so I asked…”


“His Grace said that he heard it when passing by, then he kept his mouth shut.”

“Anyway… You have worked hard. You can relax for the time being.”

“I will leave now, Your Highness.”

Charelize wondered how Duke Marsetta recognized the vallesium flower and figured of its use.

“Please, I hope it’s not what I think.”

As Baron Alec closed the door and left, Charelize tapped her fingers on the desk several times.

“He didn’t even give me a chance to become a filial daughter for the rest of my life, but I hope it’s not like what I thought… I don’t want to commit the unfilial act of killing the Duke with my own hands.”

She hoped it wasn’t Duke Marsetta who caused her mother’s death.

“I was so moved by the motherhood of the Duchess I had seen that day… I adjusted it so that you wouldn’t die.”

And now, she knew her mother had met with Iris. She couldn’t just leave it alone like this.

“Head maid.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“Do you remember the guest who came to my mother the other day?”

“What time… is Your Highness asking about…?”

Charelize immediately called the head of the maid.

“When I wear cotton cloth all over my body…”

“Ah, I remember. Madam… She told everyone to leave, but I don’t know the details…”

“You can tell me what you know.”

“Looking at the guest figure, I think she was a woman.”

“As expected.”

“And she was wearing a silver bracelet on her left wrist.”

The head maid described the guest who came and how the guest dressed. At the mention of a silver bracelet on the left wrist, Charelize seemed to have seen it somewhere. She decided to put it on hold because of the confusing memories that came to her mind.  

Charelize thought it wasn’t good to make a hasty judgment. So she left open the possibility it might be someone else.

“Your Highness…?”


“I’m sorry for not being of any help, Your Highness.”

“No, thanks to the head maid… I got a good clue.”

As things got increasingly twisted, she unknowingly let out a deep sigh. She said it wasn’t like that to the head maid, who urgently apologized.

“Thank you for giving me the video orb right away. I have already delivered my mother’s letter to the previous emperor.”

Charelize grabbed her, who was about to leave, and thanked her.

As she was about to leave, I grabbed her and said thanks.

“… I also… f-feel thankful.”

The head maid suppressed her feelings that she was about to cry and lowered her head.

* * *

Soon after, Duke Marsetta and Charelize received a call from the emperor. Everyone knew that it was going to be about Lillian’s succession right.

They rode in a carriage together, but as if they had promised, they didn’t talk at all. Duke Marsetta occasionally looked after Charelize. Feeling disgusted by his actions, she pretended not to notice and closed her eyes.

Lillian had been away from the Duchy for a few days because she had spent time with Lady Luxen.  Arriving at the Bachelat Palace and going inside, both Iris and Lillian were there.

“Greetings to His Majesty the Emperor. May the blessing reach you.”

“I see the Father of the Elioter Empire, His Majesty, the glorious sun.”

With a slight nod, Harbert IV received their respective greetings.

“As for the succession rights of Lady Lillian, after consulting with the duke…”

Then, he immediately brought up the succession right.