Bonus chapter in hope of building good karma. Praying for my gacha success~

Jiang Ying’s side account’s follower number kept counting up. He looked at his most recent follower’s username, feeling a little complicated for a while.

Who the hell wanted to be followed by Qi Zhu? Who cares even if it’s his side account. 

So he clicked on Qi Zhu’s Weibo homepage, found the [Remove Follower] option in the upper right menu, and clicked on it.

Ta-da. Gone. He’s done a good deed. The world was saved, he felt at peace. 

Might as well do something productive. Throughout the afternoon, Jiang Ying was reading the original novel of “Auspicious Snow”, and found himself absolutely engrossed into it. He understood why this was considered a big IP. The plotline was engaging, the characters were interesting, and the writing style kept making him read until he forgot the time. 

The character he was going to audition for was called Xuan Moling, the villain in the novel. After reading the original novel, Jiang Ying finally understood why the novel fans and netizens voted for him to play this role. 

This character was somewhat similar to himself – both of them were flamboyant people who kept doing everything willfully, easily arousing the reader’s ire.

The author had done a meticulous job in making sure all their characters were well-rounded, believable people. None of the characters were purely evil for evil’s sake – the antagonist was someone who was pushed down into the wrong path, step by step. He was a villain with a good backstory, making the audience pity him despite all of his despicable actions throughout the plot. In the end, the author managed to tie up all loose ends, making the ending very satisfying. 

Although the character was very good, Jiang Ying knew that what the majority of netizens wanted to see was the uplifting parts of the plot. 

When Jiang Ying emotionally recovered from reading the story, he had already missed dinner time.

His Boss Crab’s Weibo account had a cool signature: “A Lone Wolf”. He had zero people he followed but he had hundreds of thousands of followers. All of his followers were his fans from the “Fight!” app, all were mesmerized by his fighting prowess. 

Today was a bit different. He had received countless @ and private messages due to the previous Qi Zhu’s hot search. In the minds of many people, he was this… diehard fan who had been hiding his identity for many years.

Hm… something was wrong. Hadn’t he already removed Qi Zhu from his followers list?

After flipping through Weibo for a few minutes, Jiang Ying found out that when he was engrossed reading that novel, Qi Zhu followed his account again. 

He and Qi Zhu had always been at odds. Their Weibo accounts never followed each other. That’s precisely why Qi Zhu’s hard-headed attitude in following Jiang Ying’s side account made him uneasy. It felt like the universe had tilted or something.

In the end, he didn’t remove Qi Zhu’s following again, instead he decided to read the private message he received first.

He loved to socialize since he was a child. He also loved being the center of everyone’s attention. In all of his accounts, he loved to read and reply to all the private messages he received from all sorts of people. If it’s from his fans, he would reply with a big smile reaction meme, but if it’s from his fans, he would reply with a provocative smile reaction meme. 

He was fair and just, so he would reply to all. 

Most of the private messages received in this account today were from Qi Zhu’s support club. This fanclub had always been serious and focused on controlling the public opinion of Qi Zhu. They were also always on the lookout to recruit new talents to join in their ranks. This time, they seriously wanted to recruit him. 

The more official invitation was like this—

[Greetings. I heard that you are also a fan of Qi Zhu; are you interested in joining our official support club? In the future, we will have fan activities, such as: visiting our gege on the filming site, countering anti-fans, organizing a watch-along every time there’s a new drama, and also commenting on them together.] 

Such an invitation of this type always made Jiang Ying laugh his ass off. He replied to all this type of invitation with a flashy rejection. 

However, there were also… unique… way of invitation. Those always caught Jiang Ying’s attention. Not in a good way—

[Sister, I have a recording of Qi Zhu-gege’s sexy panting sounds. All with an ASMR-level of sound quality, guaranteed to satisfy all your imagination. We collected all of them from his various dramas. Do you want it?]

Jiang Ying: “?” 


What the fuck. Why would he wanted that???

[Sister, as we all know, it is impossible for a fan of Qi Zhu-gege without being greedy for his body. Come, take a look at this battle-damaged makeup. So handsome, so cool, so lustful.]

[picture] [picture]

Jiang Ying: “??” 


Not greedy. Not lustful. Absolutely not.

[Sister, I have a beautiful photo of Qi Zhu-gege‘s sexy abs, do you want it?]

[picture] [picture]

Jiang Ying who accidentally clicked on the picture: “…”


Okay… those abs were really nice. Sexy even.

He was jealous of that.

He was really not a fan, please, can anyone believe him already? He really, truly, seriously just wanted to have a serious fight last night. That’s it.

After he became famous because of that fight, just how many photos of Qi Zhu he received today?? 

The source of this calamity was definitely that screen recording [ACD] posted, which painted him as this diehard, ardent fan of Qi Zhu. His fangirls probably could smell this from miles away, thinking that they had found another one who would join their rabid ranks. So, it was no surprise that they would share their precious “materials” with him, in hope to lure him over to join their official fanclub. 

[Peace-loving Boss Crab]: Who is your sister?

At nine o’clock in the evening, Qi Zhu, who was reading his script, received another message from Jiang Ying.

[Big-Clawed Crab]: [poke poke]

[Big-Clawed Crab]: It must be so amazing to have abs.

[Big-Clawed Crab]: Spits.jpg

[Big-Clawed Crab]: SpitsOtherDirection.jpg

[Big-Clawed Crab]: SpitsAllDirection.jpg

[Class Leader]: ?

[Class Leader]: You don’t have them?

[Big-Clawed Crab]: …

For the next minute, Jiang Ying suddenly lost all interest in chatting with Qi Zhu. 

The Weibo he posted just now had already received replies from netizens, but everyone was still obsessed with it.

[Peace-loving Boss Crab is not a star-chasing sister… Is it a star-chasing brother instead? ]

[Wow, we found a rare species – Qi Zhu’s male fan.]

Jiang Ying couldn’t believe this shit. The world, nay, the universe was against him. He was obviously not a fan, but nobody believed him in spite of his effort to clarify his previous actions. 

He opened the “compose new post” input box on his Weibo, and typed: [Have you ever thought about it? I’m really not a fan. Just because of…]

He and Qi Zhu’s relationship was in fucking tatters. Saying that he was Qi Zhu’s fan was a slander to the highest degree. This was beyond an insult to his dignity! 

However, halfway through typing his post, the QQ icon flashed a new notification from Qi Zhu. 

[Class Leader]: [poke poke]

[Class Leader]: What were you doing around this time last night?

With a thump in his heart, Jiang Ying gave up what he’s doing and switched back to the QQ chat interface.

[Big-Clawed Crab]: LittleDinosaurSweating.jpg

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