Chapter 175: Soul Attack Talent!

Name:Your Talent is Mine Author:
Chapter 175: Soul Attack Talent!

TL: Etude

“It was the Tyrant Dragon Emperor who fell!” Kuruo Emperor said with a hint of sadness. As one of the thirty-six Emperors, the fall of the Tyrant Dragon Emperor was a significant blow to him, signifying that he too could meet the same fate.

“The Tyrant Dragon Emperor? He was ranked 25th among the thirty-six Emperors, a very powerful figure with mystic-grade defense and strength talents!” Many Saints were shocked by this revelation.

Ye Tian also frowned slightly, as he knew a bit about the Tyrant Dragon Emperor. The Tyrant Dragon Emperor was a witchman, a member of the Witch God Temple, possessing mystic-grade strength and defense talents. Unfortunately, he didn’t have any weapon or boxing talents to further amplify his combat power, but his strength was still formidable. An Emperor with a mystic-grade defense talent was incredibly hard to kill, as it could amplify defense by a hundredfold. Even without resisting, the Tyrant Dragon Emperor could withstand the attacks of numerous ordinary Emperors without harm. However, now, an Emperor with two mystic-grade talents had fallen, which was shocking news.

“Kuruo Emperor, how did the Tyrant Dragon Emperor die?” Frenzied Sword Saint asked further.

“He was ambushed and killed by three Emperor-level ferocious beasts. The Tyrant Dragon Emperor could have handled them, but unexpectedly, there was a terrifying beast with a soul-type talent. It launched a soul attack that ignored all defenses, annihilating the Tyrant Dragon Emperor’s soul in just a few moves,” Kuruo Emperor explained, his eyes revealing a trace of fear.

“Soul attack talent!” The Saints present changed their expressions dramatically.

This was a fearsome talent that could bypass both attack power and defense. Only those with strong cultivation or soul talents could resist it. A regular Emperor with weak combat strength could potentially use a soul attack to kill one of the thirty-six Emperors. Soul talents were terrifying abilities that could directly annihilate an opponent regardless of their combat strength.

“Kuruo Emperor, does this mean that the thirty-six Emperors, if they don’t have a countermeasure, can’t withstand this soul attack?” A Saint asked in horror.L1tLagoon witnessed the first publication of this chapter on Ñøv€l--B1n.

“Not necessarily,” Kuruo Emperor clarified. “The beast with the soul talent is likely just an ordinary Emperor-level beast, but its soul force amplified by the talent was stronger than the Tyrant Dragon Emperor’s, hence annihilating his soul. We aren’t sure how many attacks it took, as we only received a transmission from the Tyrant Dragon Emperor before his death, warning us about this beast. We speculate that as long as one’s cultivation is high enough and their soul force is strong, they can resist such soul attacks. Moreover, Empress Yue, one of the thirty-six, has a treasure that can resist soul attacks. She has already gone to the spatial rift to hunt for this beast, and if found, she will spare no effort to kill it! Blood Eye Witch Emperor, with his Blood Eye talent, a kind of eye technique attack, has a similar but not as powerful effect as the soul attack. It can also harm the soul and should be able to resist the beast’s soul attack talent.”

Kuruo Emperor concluded, “That’s all for today. I have other matters to attend to,” and left with the other Emperors.

The Saints didn’t leave immediately but started exchanging goods and information. Ye Tian stayed and approached Frenzied Sword Saint.

“Frenzied Sword Saint, do you know of any sword skills beyond the golden level?” Ye Tian inquired.

Frenzied Sword Saint curiously asked why Ye Tian was interested in this.

Ye Tian casually replied, “Just curious about what’s beyond the golden level. When I fully comprehend sword intent, maybe I can try to cultivate such sword kills.”

Frenzied Sword Saint seemed to believe him, doubting that Ye Tian, at his age, had fully comprehended sword intent, as it had taken him decades without achieving it.

“Beyond the golden level, there are indeed more powerful sword skills. I heard that the Battle Axe Emperor has one, which was borrowed by the third-ranked Emperor, Lu Shi. However, Lu Shi only mentioned that such skills was impossible to cultivate. Despite fully comprehending sword intent and mastering ten golden-level sword skills, he failed to cultivate a sword skill of that level. Only the Battle Axe Emperor has access to it, and Lu Shi swore not to disclose its contents,” explained Frenzied Sword Saint.

“How can one borrow that sword skill from the Battle Axe Emperor?” Ye Tian showed great interest.

Frenzied Sword Saint advised against it, mentioning that even Lu Shi couldn’t learn it and that the price for borrowing it was enormous. Lu Shi had paid the price of ten golden-level sword skills just for a glimpse, and the Battle Axe Emperor, despite unable to comprehend it himself, guarded it jealously.

Ye Tian outwardly seemed to give up the idea but internally resolved to find a way to borrow that sword skill.