Chapter 452:

Name:Your Talent is Mine Author:
Chapter 452:

TL: Etude

Follow me!

Prince Qin Chen led the way, with Ye Tian and the others following behind him.

As Prince Qin Chen emerged from the teleportation hall, many people respectfully greeted him, saying, Weve seen His Highness Qin Chen!

This showed that Prince Qin Chen had a great reputation in Tianlan Giant City and even within the human sacred realm.

Throughout the journey, Prince Qin Chen did not pay attention to those people, focusing only on moving forward, and with a Galaxy level powerhouse acting as a guard, others couldnt get close to him.

Soon, Prince Qin Chen led Ye Tian and the others to a magnificent temple.

The plaque of the temple was inscribed with three ancient characters: Holy Text Temple! Standing at the entrance of the Holy Text Temple, Prince Qin Chen explained, The Supreme Hall of Humanity is divided into an inner hall and an outer hall, and the Holy Text Temple is a very special institution within the outer hall. It is responsible not only for scrutiny but also for investigating various secrets. Its power is no less than some of the institutions in the inner hall! If we want to enter the Supreme Hall of Humanity, we must pass the scrutiny of the Holy Text Temple, and then through the teleportation array inside the Holy Text Temple, we will be teleported to the great world where the Supreme Hall of Humanity is located!

Ye Tian and the others nodded in understanding.

They then entered the Holy Text Temple and were quickly led by a Planetary System level powerhouse into the scrutiny hall.

Standing in the scrutiny hall, a formation enveloped the area.

Then, a fluctuation came, covering everyone.

All right, you have passed the scrutiny! said the Planetary System level powerhouse of the Holy Text Temple.The source of this content no/v(el)bi((n))


Ye Tian was stunned; the process was unbelievably fast, not even lasting a minute.

Was such an inspection reliable enough to ensure accuracy? After leaving the scrutiny hall, Ye Tian asked, Your Highness Prince Qin Chen, isnt this scrutiny a bit too simple?


Prince Qin Chen smiled slightly, When I first came here, I had the same thought as you. But in reality, the Holy Text Temple has already judged our identities from the human origin, causality, and various other aspects. Theres absolutely no chance of error! This time entering the Supreme Hall of Humanity, you will live there for a long time.

If you want to leave, you dont need to undergo scrutiny, but to enter the Supreme Hall of Humanity, everyone must pass through scrutiny. Even those beyond the Galaxy level have to, with no exceptions!

Prince Qin Chen explained this to alleviate any concerns Ye Tian and the others might have had, as this was also for the safety of the Supreme Hall of Humanity.

Because a long time ago, an alien race infiltrated the Supreme Hall of Humanity and even rose to a high level, becoming one of the human elites.

Fortunately, one of the top human beings discovered the identity of this alien race in time, thus averting a disaster.

The thought of an alien race becoming one of the human elites was terrifying.

To prevent such incidents from happening again, the Supreme Hall of Humanity and other institutions adopted very strict scrutiny methods to ensure that alien races could not infiltrate the core human institutions.

Subsequently, Ye Tian and the others arrived at a teleportation array! Standing in the teleportation array, Ye Tian felt somewhat excited.

Because he would soon enter the Supreme Hall of Humanity.

Boom!!! The teleportation began!

This steward was not an ordinary steward.

One by one, women with phantom wings flew in front of Ye Tian and the others.

Clearly, these women belonged to the same race as Manager Yun Sheng.

Ye Tian was still puzzled. Werent alien races forbidden from entering the Supreme Hall of Humanity? What was the deal with these women? They clearly werent human! Ye Tian wanted to check the talents of these women but found he couldnt see any information.

It was as if these women had no talents at all.

Even Manager Yun Sheng didnt display any talents, as if there was no one there at all, just an illusion.

At this moment, Manager Yun Sheng began the allocation.

Ziya, you will be Prince White Bones steward from now on!

Ziya, you will be the steward for Prince of Ten Thousand Laws!

(it was ziya for both in the RAWs)

Soon, all ten women were assigned.

Then, the eight Heavenly Prides were taken away by eight women, as they were to enter the outer hall area, while Ye Tian and Prince White Bone were to enter the inner hall area.

Manager Yun Sheng also left, as Ye Tian and Prince White Bone had already been assigned stewards, so she naturally left the place.

Master, my name is Ziya. Ill take you to the inner hall area, said Ziya with a smile.

Ye Tian took a closer look at Ziya, who appeared to be about 18 years old, with a very cute face and faint purple phantom wings on her back.

Ziya, are you human? Ye Tian couldnt help but ask.

Ziya explained with a smile, Master, Im not human. Im a phantom spirit, born from the human imaginary world, just like how weapons can breed spirit weapons.

The Supreme Hall of Humanity possesses a vast imaginary world, which contains countless data and inheritances. Princes can also fight and cultivate in this imaginary world.

Initially, there were no phantom spirits in this imaginary world, but as countless powerful beings left their marks there, and over time, the imaginary world gave birth to phantom spirits.

Humanity didnt erase our existence but allowed us to assist in human growth.

However, we phantom spirits can only stay in the Supreme Hall of Humanity and cannot leave here, for leaving the Supreme Hall of Humanity would mean leaving the imaginary world!

Phantom spirits!

This was the first time Ye Tian had heard of the existence of phantom spirits.

Now he finally understood why he couldnt detect any talents from these women.

Because these women were phantom spirits, not real life forms, similar to spirit weapons, which also dont possess talents.

Ziya, take me to the inner hall area, Ye Tian instructed.

Yes, Master! Ziya nodded.