Chapter 51: Visualization! Strengthening The Soul!

Name:Yuan's Ascension Author:
Chapter 51: Visualization! Strengthening The Soul!

This chapter was first shared on the Ñøv€lß1n platform.

The looming black pagoda occupied only a tiny fraction of this mysterious region, yet the terrifying aura it exuded made it the focus of this vast space. It drew Wu Yuan's full attention.

This! Wu Yuan's consciousness converged on the black pagoda, sensing its terrifying grandeur, yet it also a strange familiarity that stirred a comforting warmth within him. It felt as if he was a wanderer who had finally returned home.

Wu Yuan composed himself as memories from his past resurfaced.

The black pagoda looks almost identical to the one from my previous life!

In the late 21st century, deep within the Blue Planet, the Human Federation unearthed a relic from an ancient civilization. Within this discovery lay evidence of a bygone era when formidable beings, capable of reshaping the very fabric of the sky and earth, roamed the planet. After the passing of countless years, this civilization had been buried, and many traces were erased. But buried in the middle of that mysterious relic was a completely intact black pagoda.

In the subsequent years, the Human Federation advanced rapidly, breaking through the limitations of biological technology. Ancient martial arts were revived, and humanity's understanding of biology experienced a quantum leap as the interstellar era commenced. The boundaries of human biology were shattered time and time again.

During the 21st century, the strongest human on the Blue Planet could barely lift a thousand catties of weight. But by the time Wu Yuan rose to fame, the grandmasters of martial arts within the Human Federation possessed strength that surpassed tens of thousands of catties.

All of these were secrets of the Federation that Wu Yuan only came into contact with after becoming a grandmaster and entering the top martial arts circles.

As a martial arts grandmaster himself, he had been able to get a close look at the over 100-meter-tall black pagoda and even touched it with his hands. Right after touching it, he experienced no abnormalities. However, several years later, just as Wu Yuan stumbled upon a faint clue to surpassing his physical limitations, he suddenly found himself transmigrated to the Middle Land.

When he first transmigrated over, he couldn't help but wonder about the mechanics behind such a phenomenon.

He was a firm believer in rationality, dismissing the concepts of fate, luck, and reincarnation. For him, there had to be a logical explanation for everything, including his transmigration.

This day, after consuming nine Soul Condensing Pills in a row, his soul had grown incredibly powerful. His consciousness was able to enter the upper dantian lobe, where he saw the black pagoda inside.

It was at that moment that he received his first clue. His arrival Middle Land should have an inseparable connection to that mysterious black pagoda.

This mysterious place should be the upper dantian lobe, where my soul originates from and resides. With a simple thought, Wu Yuan could withdraw his consciousness like a receding tide. With a mere thought, his consciousness could enter this space.

The black pagoda in the upper dantian lobe, is it illusory? It is only visible in my consciousness, but cannot be physically interacted with. It seems a bit different from the black pagoda I previously touched with my hands.

The black pagoda he had touched in his previous life filled him with a sense of majesty, but that was all. Meanwhile, the black pagoda in his upper dantian lobe emitted a comforting warmth, embracing his entire being. His consciousness was instinctively reluctant to leave.

Black pagoda! Wu Yuan's consciousness observed the black pagoda from a distance. Gradually, he felt himself relax, growing increasingly immersed in this sensation, maintaining just a sliver of consciousness to keep himself awake.

At the same time, invisible tendrils of power emerged from the black pagoda, fortifying his soul! The growth of his soul was very faint, almost undetectable, but Wu Yuan keenly registered this change.

What's going on? I haven't done anything. Simply by calmly observing the black pagoda, my soul has unknowingly grown stronger? Startled for a moment, a thought struck him. Could it be that I have just undergone the legendary Soul Visualization?

Throughout his past life and in the Middle Land, Wu Yuan had come across numerous tales and ancient literature that mentioned Visualization.

With a single thought, he could easily sense every facet of his surroundings, no longer needing to concentrate to merge into the environment as he did before. With a mere thought, he could sense the minute details of his musculoskeletal system, far surpassing ordinary Internal Vision. With another thought, he could distinctly feel the upper dantian lobe situated in his brain!

The eternal black pagoda floated within, surrounded by a faint, almost imperceptible veil of blood-red mist.

When Wu Yuan attempted to Visualize the black pagoda again, he felt his soul writhe in pain, as though about to burst apart. This revelation made him understand that he must wait until his soul was fully healed before attempting to Visualize again.

The blood-red mist enveloping the pagoda... it appears to be the peculiar energy that previously infiltrated my body.

Wu Yuan scrutinized the blood-red mist, attempting to manipulate it. Yet, the thin layer of mist clung stubbornly, draped over the black pagoda. With his current strength, he could not pry it away.

Is this all the blood-red mist there is?

He possessed some knowledge about the black pagoda. However, when it came to the enigmatic blood-red mist, he was utterly ignorant. How was it generated? What was its purpose? Were there any adverse effects? He knew nothing at all. All he could do was adapt to the circumstances as they arose.

I shall proceed with caution. I have only recently unlocked the upper dantian lobe. The mere ability to Visualize the black pagoda and fortify my soul is already invaluable! Wu Yuan wasn't in a hurry to figure everything out.

The upper dantian lobe concerned a vital aspect of life, one couldn't afford to be careless with it.

His consciousness receded from the upper dantian lobe like a tide. As he surveyed his surroundings, he saw light filtering in. The martial hall had grown much brighter.

How long has it been since I commenced Visualizing? Wu Yuan suddenly felt a rumble in his stomach. He was a bit hungry.

Clang~ The doors swung open. Outside, the sky was already bathed in light. The area was devoid of people, save for Gu Ji, who remained in the lotus position within the pavilion.

"Young Master," Gu Ji rose, "How is the Soul Condensing Pill?"

"It has some effect." Wu Yuan mumbled vaguely, "Uncle Ji, what time is it now? How long have I been in seclusion?"

"Just some effect?" Gu Ji sighed inwardly, "Ever since you first entered the martial hall, you've been in seclusion for a total of twelve hours."

Twelve hours? After a quick calculation, Wu Yuan understood. He had spent about six hours Visualizing the black pagoda.

"Uncle Ji, I'm a bit hungry. I'll go and have my meal now," Wu Yuan said, heading directly for the inner mansion.

A maidservant was already there with a meal prepared.


Over the course of several days, Wu Yuan practiced the Tiger Leopard Bone Training Technique while simultaneously ingesting spiritual liquid, striving to boost his physical constitution to its current limit. At the same time, he would periodically attempt to Visualize the black pagoda, ascertaining whether his soul had fully recovered.

A full eight days later, Wu Yuan could finally confirm that each Visualization session lasted about six hours, and he would need a gap of at least four days before he could Visualize again. As for the blood-red mist? Wu Yuan still didn't understand it.

On this day, he emerged from the martial hall once more.

"Uncle Ji, let's not delay any longer, we shall set off for Southdream Martial Academy tomorrow," Wu Yuan said softly.