Chapter 70: ID 04013224182Thousand Mountains

Name:Yuan's Ascension Author:
Chapter 70: ID 04013224182Thousand Mountains

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In just two days, the power of Wu Yuan's single-armed punch surged by over 10,000 catties. How terrifying was that?

Such progress was close to legendary tales of martial artists who gained immense strength after consuming natural treasures.

However, there was a difference. While natural treasures could vastly increase one's strength in a short time, they were often shortcuts that led to severe side effects down the line. But Wu Yuan was able to grow rapidly without any adverse side effects thanks to the mystical properties of the blood-red mist!

If word of this spread, it would undoubtedly cause shockwaves in the martial arts world. It might even attract the attention of the Land Rankers and Heavenly Rankers, prompting them to launch an investigation into him.

Two days ago, I had to be cautious when facing first-rate Adepts like Gu Ji. There was a hint of a smile on his face.

Now? The considerable increase in his physical constitution had significantly increased Wu Yuan's strength. Among first-rate Adepts, he was most definitely in the top tier.

Even if I am not a match for Savant experts, my odds of escaping are much better. Wu Yuan picked up a towel beside him and wiped the sweat from his body. Then he put on his clothes.

To further improve my physical constitution, I have two options: either wait for my body to develop naturally, or acquire more of that blood-red mist.

How much more blood-red mist could his body absorb? Wu Yuan wasn’t sure. Even after devouring the blood-red mist a few days ago, his body had yet to reach its limit.

This was precisely why Wu Yuan planned to make contact with the Pleiades Guild. Based on his experience, each time he killed an enemy, the black pagoda in his upper dantian lobe would release some blood-red mist, which could be used to refine his body.

But who should he kill? Wu Yuan refused to partake in the senseless slaughter of innocent lives.

Ninedragon Peaks is somewhat weak. It won't offer many suitable targets for me, and the choices will be limited.

Wu Yuan donned his soft body armor and garments. Next, he carefully positioned his throwing knives, checked that they were thoroughly concealed, and finally picked up his saber.

The Ninedeaths Circle? Their methods are too bizarre, and their members far too deranged.

The Pleiades Guild might be an underground organization. But relatively speaking, they are better than the Ninedeaths Circle. At least, they appear to have a moral bottom line.

Wu Yuan recalled the records he had read at the Starcom Consortium, which gave him an understanding of all three major assassin organizations.

When he first discerned the magical effects of the blood-red mist and deduced its origin, a plan had immediately taken root in Wu Yuan's mind. It was none other than to become an assassin! And Wu Yuan's first choice was the Pleiades Guild.

Crackle~ With just a thought, his body trembled slightly. His height shortened a bit to roughly 1.8 meters, and his facial muscles also shifted, erasing his youthful appearance. He also messed up his hair. In an instant, Wu Yuan's entire demeanor underwent a massive transformation. Now, he looked like a saber-wielding cavalier who lived without restraints!

Let's go. After confirming that Gu Ji was still meditating on the first floor, Wu Yuan drifted out of the room along the wall like a wisp of smoke, vanishing into the night.


In the Middle Land, numerous kingdoms vied for supremacy. Powerful individuals emerged with each passing generation, and as time went on, various underground organizations sprang up.

In the past, the actions of certain underground organizations were far too evil, leading to their eradication by a united front.

There also existed underground organizations which, by virtue of their restraint, subtlety in their actions as well as formidable strength, had persisted until this day. Among them stood the Pleiades Guild.

These code phrases were all recorded in the Starcom Consortium's intel. Wu Yuan's words indicated that this was his first visit, and that he wanted to become a full-fledged assassin of the Pleiades Guild.

"While our guild is inclusive, not everyone possesses the ability to pluck stars," the man in the black robe murmured, "You must pass corresponding tests, not just in strength, but also in identity verification."

"I wish to pluck stars, but only those from outside the guild," Wu Yuan chuckled. The Pleiades Guild assassins were categorized into two distinct groups: the first was the guild's in-house assassins, carefully cultivated by the Pleiades Guild, much like a sect's core disciples. The other kind was the affiliate assassins. They were essentially partners of the Pleiades Guild, enjoying more freedom but also fewer privileges.

"That simplifies things," the man in the black robe nodded. There were few prerequisites for affiliate assassins. Generally, they were only required to possess the necessary strength.

"The simplest way to verify your strength is for you to lift this test stone," the man in the black robe gestured towards an inconspicuous yet large stone placed in one corner of the room.

With a single glance, Wu Yuan immediately gauged the weight of the test stone.

"20,000 catties?" Wu Yuan snickered, a hint of disdain in his gaze.

"Haha, the Pleiades Guild doesn't accept the useless. One must at least reach the third-rate Adept level, only then can one qualify to pluck stars," the man in the black robe calmly stated.

Wu Yuan nodded in understanding. Stepping forward, he extended his right hand to grip the handle, holding his saber in his left. He stood upright, not even bothering to bend his waist.

Huff! He exerted strength with his right arm. The test stone, weighing a full 20,000 catties, was effortlessly hoisted into the air without a pause. With the stone held aloft, not a single quiver was seen in his arm, as if the colossal rock were nothing but an illusion.

This sight left the man in the black robe in shock. What tremendous strength! He instantly judged that Wu Yuan's power greatly surpassed 20,000 catties.

"How's that?" Wu Yuan asked with some scorn.

"Haha, excellent," the man in the black robe's voice held a trace of admiration. Wu Yuan casually tossed the testing stone back to the floor, causing a thud that shook the ground.

"You are now eligible to receive the one-star badge," the man in the black robe stated. "What alias would you like to adopt? Two characters will suffice."

"Thousand Mountains," Wu Yuan responded indifferently, having already decided on this name beforehand.

The man in the black robe nodded, saying, "This name has already been taken."

"Taken?" Wu Yuan was taken aback.

"The Pleiades Guild has branches all over the world, with numerous assassins under its command. Naturally, aliases may overlap," the man in the black robe explained. "But fret not, you have a unique identification number—04013224182. You can just append 'Thousand Mountains' to it."

"04013224182ThousandMountains, that will be my ID in the Pleiades Guild?" Wu Yuan contemplated the meaning behind this number.

"Remembering it is quite simple," the man in the black robe explained. "04 signifies your affiliation to the Jiang Continent, which is fourth in order among the numerous divisions of the Pleiades Guild."

"01 denotes that you are part of Southdream City, the provincial city first in order among the sixteen within the Jiang Continent."

"3224, is the year of your induction."

"182, means that you are the 182nd assassin to join the Pleiades Guild from the Southdream region this year. The final part, 'Thousand Mountains', is defined by yourself," explained the man in the black robe.

"Remarkable," Wu Yuan nodded. From a single ID, one could tell that the internal organization of the Pleiades Guild was strict, and their management was quite logical and meticulous.

"As per the guild rules, all newly registered assassins may obtain three stars at most," said the man in the black robe. "Are you prepared to continue with the tests?"

"I should warn you, failure could cost you your life."