Chapter 86: A Lone Killer Enters Li City!

Name:Yuan's Ascension Author:
Chapter 86: A Lone Killer Enters Li City!

This night, the moon was absent.

Within the vast land shrouded in darkness, occasional flickers of light could be spotted where villages and courtyard houses gathered.

A shadow moved silently, striding across the land. It leaped over hills in a few jumps, skirted around villages, and crossed small rivers in a single bound.

The Paddy Field Crossing is around 180 li away from Li City, but that's if I follow the official route. The entire map of Li County was firmly ingrained in Wu Yuans mind.

If I head in a straight line, the distance is only 130 li. If I keep running, I should reach there in about half an hour.

Carrying his saber on his back, he moved at terrifying speed.

Wu Yuan's powerful physical constitution provided him with frightening strength, speed, and endurance. His maximum speed was 80 meters per second. If he employed Ghostwalk, his speed could instantly soar to 150 meters per second. Of course, such bursts could only be sustained for a short time and would exert a strain on his body. Each spurt could only last one breath's time (six seconds).

When it came to long-distance running, he could maintain a pace of nearly 30 meters per second without tiring or taking breaks for a day and night. Moreover, the blood-red mist also helped dispel the fatigue in his muscles.

Xu Shouyi, I have eagerly awaited this day. Wu Yuan's eyes flickered with killing intent. I truly did not wish for it to come to this, but you left me no choice.

If their only grievance was the manipulation of the martial academy tournament, Wu Yuan would have merely laughed it off, perhaps planning some minor retribution in the future.

When Xie Yu caused trouble for him at Southdream Martial Academy, Wu Yuan didn't let it bother him.

After all, plenty of fools existed in this world and troubles were unavoidable, was it right to eliminate everything that displeased you? Wu Yuan was no murderous devil.

The atrocities of the Vicious Tiger Gang and the blood-soaked bodies of his clan members had given Wu Yuan a wake-up call to the harsh realities of this world. Since then, he seldom harbored thoughts of mercy towards his enemies.

That was also the moment he decided to kill Xu Shouyi.

Retribution must never wait till dawn - such was Wu Yuan's creed.

At that time, Wu Yuan would have had no trouble defeating Xu Shouyi in a one-on-one fight. But to silently assassinate Xu Shouyi in the heavily fortified and well-guarded general's manor? That was no easy task!

The general's manor was no Vicious Tiger Gang's stronghold; it was surrounded by numerous Adept experts and hosted thousands of well-trained elite soldiers. Once discovered, escape would prove a challenge.

Wu Yuan sought vengeance, not to rashly endanger his clan and family. Should his identity be exposed, it would only bring disaster to the Wu Clan.

For these reasons, Wu Yuan held back.

The enhancements in strength brought about by the blood-red mist during his half-month journey to Southdream were undeniable. Hence, Wu Yuan finally steeled his resolve. Before heading to the headquarters of the Cloudstride Sect, he would eliminate this threat.

Mother, Sister, and Chieftain all reside in Li City. If I head off to the Cloudstride Sect and leave Xu Shouyi around them, who knows when disaster may strike?

Wu Yuan had never been fond of gambling. Nipping the danger in the bud that was his style.

Second-rate Adepts are already the top experts in Li City. Who can stop me?

After killing Xu Shouyi, I will run 100 li and return to the Paddy Field Crossing. Who would suspect a fourteen-year-old boy?

Wu Yuan had already planned everything out, Gu Ji was his alibi.

As he ran, Wu Yuan deliberately moderated his stride, leaving no footprints and making sure to avoid disturbing branches and stones. This precautionary measure was to prevent any experts from tracking him down later on. Likewise, he bypassed the towns to avoid any possible detection. This way, his identity was thoroughly concealed.

Whoosh! Wu Yuan was swift as a cheetah, leaving no imprint on the earth. His gaze was icy cold. The closer he drew to Li City, the calmer his heart became, and ripples of emotions no longer stirred. The closer one got to the battle, the more composed one had to be.

Hm? With his exceptional eyesight, Wu Yuan spotted the faint silhouette of a small black mountain range stretching across the broad expanse of the earth under the dim moonlight.

It was the outer wall of Li City!

"Young master, there's no need to rush," cooed a sultry female voice, stirring the imagination with sensuous sounds behind the crimson drapes.

"My beauty, you have no idea. My father has been crazed of late, keeping me locked away. He only allowed me out a few days ago," a muffled voice replied, "I was nearly stifled to death." Clearly, the man was impatient to begin.

"What refined taste you have, Young Master Xu," a calm, emotionless voice echoed within the room.

"Who's there?" Xu Yuanjie scrambled out in panic, throwing back the covers to reveal his head.

A shadowy figure stood at the foot of his bed.

"You?" Xu Yuanjie's voice failed him, paralyzed by terror. A black saber was pressed against his throat, its icy chill palpable on his skin.

The woman at his side hastily grabbed at her garments, covering her body in a frenzy, similarly too scared to utter a word.

"Spare...spare me, kind sir!" Xu Yuanjie swallowed hard, pleading, "If it's money you seek, I can provide any amount..."

"Silence." Wu Yuan's voice wasn't loud, but it was chillingly indifferent, "I ask, you answer. No noise, no games. You're a smart man, you should understand the significance of me bypassing the defenses of the general's manor to stand before your bed."

Xu Yuanjie nodded fearfully, comprehending the stakes. He dared not utter a sound, fearing that any noise might provoke his assailant and cost him his life.

"Where has your father gone?" Wu Yuan's voice was icy, "Tell me his location. If you dare lie, it doesn't matter whether you survive this night, your life is forfeit!"

"Dongyuan Pavilion, he's gone to Dongyuan Pavilion, just 600 meters left of the main gate." Xu Yuanjie betrayed his own father without any hesitation.

"During the day, experts from the sect arrived to investigate a matter. Tonight, they're hosting a banquet at the Dongyuan Pavilion and my father has gone to accompany them."

"Which experts? What matter?" Wu Yuan asked, his saber inching closer to the man's neck with each passing second.

"I don't know." Xu Yuanjie quivered, "All I know is that it's important, but my father didnt share the details with me."

"Ah, very good." Wu Yuan nodded slightly, lifting the saber in his hand as if to sheathe it.

Xu Yuanjie let out a sigh of relief.

Swish! An invisible blade ray swept across, and a head fell to the ground, splattering blood everywhere. Xu Yuanjie was dead!

"A-" The seductive woman opened her mouth to scream, but her voice never managed to escape. With a swift strike from Wu Yuans hand, the woman fainted.

Silence filled the room.

One down. In a fluid movement, he floated out of the window, swiftly entering the building next door along the eaves.

Xu Shouyi's legitimate wife died young, leaving a firstborn son. After that, he had several younger sons with his concubines. In total, he had six sons.

The second son lived an honest life, focused on attaining merit and fame. He studied afar in the Southdream Province's scholars academy.

The fifth and sixth sons were still young and studied at the Southdream Martial Academy.

The remaining three sons all had vile personalities, lacking both literary and martial skills. They were either greedy, lecherous, or both. In Wu Yuan's eyes, these three sons deserved death.

Wu Yuan visited two more buildings. He couldn't be bothered to interrogate his victims, slaying the two targets in their dreams. From beginning to end, his actions did not alert a single servant or guard.

Xu Shouyi, it's your turn.

Dongyuan Pavilion. With hardened resolve, Wu Yuan departed from the general's manor in complete silence, making his way toward the Dongyuan Pavilion.

1. the belief that misdeeds and mistakes made by your spiritual being in the past lives are carried to the next life

Whysee's Thoughts