Chapter 150: Shadow Blade Is Wu Yuan (3)

Name:Yuan's Ascension Author:
Chapter 150: Shadow Blade Is Wu Yuan (3)

Zhang Changsheng also looked at Gu Wang.

"Hierarch, if we were to only consider today's incident, it could indeed be dismissed as a mere coincidence," Gu Wang spoke quietly. "Wu Yuan might have just happened to go out, and Grandmaster Shadow Blade could have crossed paths with Great Jin's experts and killed them due to a personal grudge stemming from his bounty.”

"However, before Hierarch arrived, I compared the whereabouts of Shadow Blade and Wu Yuan over the past few years. When Wu Yuan left Li City, Shadow Blade made his first appearance, annihilating the Vicious Tiger Gang and seizing the Chu-Jiang Token."

"En route to Southdream, Wu Yuan was targeted for assassination by the Wingborne Sect. There were reports of a stealth weapons expert assisting Wu Yuan's guards, but his accompanying personal guard, Gu Ji was unable to locate this hidden expert."

"When Wu Yuan was at the Southdream Martial Academy, Shadow Blade appeared once again, killing two experts. Later on, Wu Yuan was returning to Li City and stopped at a ferry crossing about 100 li from Li City. That night, Shadow Blade once again appeared in Li City. Chen Tangru, Wang Zhushan, and the general of defense of Li City were all killed. And it just so happens that Wu Yuan holds a grudge against the general of defense of Li City, Xu Shouyi!"

"Later on, the Shadow Blade was absent for a prolonged period. Then, during Wu Yuan's secret departure from the mountain, the Battle of Cloud River broke out and Shadow Blade's name rang throughout the lands."

"For the past half a year, there were no traces of Shadow Blade, until today. When Wu Yuan was targeted for assassination, Shadow Blade reappeared. And during the ensuing clash with Grandmaster Wang Huang, Wu Yuan vanished." Gu Wang spoke softly.

Zhang Changsheng stood there in stunned silence. He was only thinking about today's events, and never even considered it from such depth and perspective.

"Changsheng, you should take a page out of Hall Master Gu's book," remarked the Rain Hierarch, her voice laced with a faint smile.

"You flatter me, Hierarch." Gu Wang responded with a modest chuckle, "As the hall master of the Inspection Hall, it's my duty to keep track of all happenings in the four corners of the world. Naturally, I have to be well-versed in such information."

"Give us your judgment," The Rain Hierarch said.

"Two possibilities," Gu Wang said softly, "First, Shadow Blade is a mysterious and terrifying expert who discovered Wu Yuan's untapped potential in secret, took him as a disciple, and has been protecting him in the shadows."

The Rain Hierarch nodded thoughtfully.

"But I find this possibility unlikely to be true," Gu Wang said.

"Why?" The Rain Hierarch asked.

“Our intelligence suggests that Shadow Blade has been gradually unveiling his true strength with each appearance. Such a cautious and measured approach seems unnecessary for a Grandmaster of his caliber." Gu Wang explained.

"Secondly, there is no Land Ranker similar to Shadow Blade in the published rankings. With the strength Shadow Blade displayed today, he could have easily brought Wu Yuan away with him from the beginning. There was no need to let him join our Cloudstride Sect," Gu Wang said.

The Rain Hierarch nodded slightly, convinced by Gu Wang's logical deduction.

"What's the second possibility?" The Rain Hierarch asked.

"Shadow Blade... is Wu Yuan!" Just five words, yet they reverberated with a weight that could shake the world.

"Shadow Blade is Wu Yuan?" Zhang Changsheng was dumbstruck, instinctively denying, "Impossible!"

As for offending Great Jin? The enemy had even sent a Grandmaster to assassinate their members. Was there any room left for negotiation? The war between them was bound to erupt sooner or later!

Standing at the side, Zhang Changsheng's eyes were practically glazed over from confusion.

300 million silver taels? In his view, although the confrontation between Shadow Blade and Wang Huang caused significant destruction, claiming a loss of hundreds of millions of silver taels was an overstatement.

"Alright, you may proceed.” The Rain Hierarch said softly, “I'm going to see Wu Yuan.”



Shortly after, inside the Wu Mansion.

“Disciple pays respects to the Hierarch.” Wu Yuan greeted, somewhat nervous. He knew that the Hierarch had communicated with Gu Wang and Zhang Changsheng, but the specifics were unknown to him.

“The earlier battle must have alarmed you.” The Rain Hierarch sighed, “Fortunately, Grandmaster Shadow Blade killed the Grandmaster of Great Jin.”

“A Grandmaster is dead?” Wu Yuan feigned shock.

“Yes.” The Rain Hierarch nodded, “The deceased Grandmaster's name was Wang Huang, you should have heard of him.”

“Wang Huang of Jinyang?” Wu Yuan had a look of ‘realization’, then 'curiously' asked, “What was he doing in Cloudhill City?”

“Attempting to kill you.” The Rain Hierarch uttered.

Wu Yuan's eyes widened, and a hint of 'fear' flickered within his gaze.

“Haha.” The Rain Hierarch suddenly chuckled, "Alright, Wu Yuan, I won't scare you anymore. Wang Huang and his underlings were indeed sent to assassinate you. You should be proud of yourself for compelling Great Jin to employ a Grandmaster assassin."

"Disciple is terrified," Wu Yuan quickly responded.

"Grandmaster Shadow Blade is a mysterious individual, showing only fleeting glimpses of his true power." The Rain Hierarch laughed, "It is your good fortune that he saved your life, but don't expect a second stroke of luck."

"Come with me, we're heading back up the mountain." The Rain Hierarch gave a kind smile.

"Understood." Wu Yuan bowed his head, thoughts storming his mind.

How much of what The Rain Hierarch had said was true and how much was a lie? Did she trust him? Or was he being deceived? However, Wu Yuan detected no signs of deceit in the Rain Hierarch's demeanor, so he dared not take rash action.

Soon, Wu Yuan left the Wu Mansion, following The Rain Hierarch back to Cloudhill.