Chapter 287: The Ruler Of The World

Name:Yuan's Ascension Author:
Chapter 287: The Ruler Of The World

The years 3231 and 3232 of the Eastern Martial calendar were an unforgettable period in the history of the Middle Land. It started with the worm devil calamity, prompting Heavenly Rankers from around the world to unite as one and eliminate it in a decisive battle on the Huang Continent.

After that, an unprecedented war broke out in the Middle Land between the Great Jin Empire and the Immortal Cultivators Alliance formed by various factions.

The conflict reached its climax during the decisive battle at the Holy Capital, where Wu Yuan killed Jin Quan, leading to the downfall of the highest echelons of the Great Jin Empire.

Jin Quan's impressive strength garnered awe from powerhouses such as the Arctic King, Sang Gu, and Liu Junxing. And Wu Yuan was strong enough to defeat Jin Quan.

Hence, there was no need for Wu Yuan to do anything. With Fang Xia and Qiong Sea King’s efforts, the Immortal Cultivators Alliance quickly transformed from a loose coalition into the most powerful force in the world.

Following the proposals from the Arctic King and Bei Li, Wu Yuan was unanimously selected as the leader of the alliance.

In October of the year 3231 of the Eastern Martial Calendar, the Cloudstride Sect’s forces advanced from the Jiang Continent and quickly conquered all territories within the Yuan Continent, Chu Continent, Jiang Continent, and the Holy Continent (Zhong Continent) within a month.

By November of the same year, Wu Yuan was declared the founding emperor of the newly established Wu Empire.

During the early months of the year 3232 of the Eastern Martial Calendar, the empire's territory expanded under the strategic guidance of Fang Xia and Qiong Sea King.

From the northern Bei Continent to the tens of thousands of islands in the South Ocean, the Qiong Continent in the South, and the Xi and Huang Continents in the West, to the eastern overseas Huang Continent—every corner inhabited by humans or demonic beasts alike swore allegiance to the Wu Empire.

Following the resurgence of civilization in the Middle Land 3000 years ago due to the Martial King, a new ruler emerged – Wu Yuan.

The Wu Empire was also the first nation to unite the Middle Land after 3000 years, in the truest sense of the word.

Numerous other factions such as the Starcom Consortium, Wu Sect, Pleiades Guild, and Ninedeaths Circle continued to exist, but their influence quickly waned.

The year 3232 of the Eastern Martial Calendar marked the beginning of the Immortal Wu era. The Middle Land Immortal Cultivators Alliance was also rebranded as the Middle Land Guard, and it was compulsory for all Grandmasters and Heavenly Rankers to join their ranks.

Concurrently, the Teng Snake Guard, a group of guards solely loyal to Wu Yuan, was quietly established. Led by Fang Xia, these guards were tasked with identifying and training exceptional young martial talents across the continent and ensuring their unwavering loyalty to their ruler.


In Southdream Province's Li City, the county martial academy stood. A group of newly enrolled youths, eager and full of energy, followed a black-robed middle-aged man as he led them into the restricted area of the academy. The boys looked around curiously, but saw nothing out of the ordinary.

"Don't touch anything," the black-robed man scolded, his voice stern. "Though it may seem unimpressive to you, eight years ago, His Majesty himself trained on these grounds. He was the most diligent disciple during his time here."

“Back then, His Majesty walked the same paths you are standing on now. Upon leaving the Li County Martial Academy, he ascended Cloudhill, becoming the foremost genius of the Cloudstride Sect and the Middle Land," the man continued proudly. "Eventually, he climbed to the pinnacle of the Middle Land, establishing the Wu Empire. What does this tell you?" Th/e most uptodate novels are published on n0velbj)n(.)co/m

His voice rang out, powerful and inspiring, as he declared, "Your external environment is not the determining factor. With dedication and hard work, you too can reach the heights of Land Rankers, even Heavenly Rankers."

The youths listened, their hearts swelling at the prospect of their own potential greatness. The group of boys, all in their early teens, had grown up on tales of Wu Yuan’s deeds.

Wu Yuan's name had become synonymous with the pinnacle of strength in the Middle Land. Even the renowned Martial King, considered the progenitor of human civilization, faded in comparison to the awe and yearning evoked by Wu Yuan's name in the hearts of these boys.

As they left the building, they saw a young woman in a martial artist’s attire, exuding both beauty and strength.

"Headmaster," the black-robed middle-aged man greeted in a respectful tone.


“She’s the headmaster?”

“Rumors say she was His Majesty's very first mentor," The boys discussed in hushed voices, eyes shining with awe.


In the busy Wu Mansion of Li City, guests arrived one after another, creating a lively atmosphere. [1]

Inside a quiet pavilion in the courtyard, two acquaintances chatted.

"It's tough to find a moment of peace these days," a muscular young man said with a smile. “Sorry to keep you waiting, Luo He.”

“Marquis?" The young man was surprised, "Given that Wu Qiming is conferred the title of Prince of the Blood, I thought you would be conferred the title of Prince of a Commandery at the very least." [3]

"Wu Qiming is an exception," Wu Mao said calmly. "His Majesty has decreed that royal descendants must be Heavenly Rankers to be conferred the title of prince and Grandmasters to be conferred the title of marquis. The corresponding rewards will not be lacking."

"The glory and benefits we've reaped are astounding, but in His Majesty's heart, there's a world of difference between us and Wu Qiming’s group."

"Issue my orders: curb any arrogance, and do not overstep your bounds. Also, suppress any discontent in your hearts."

Wu Mao shot a glance at the young man in purple robes. "We did not help His Majesty one bit during his journey to unify the world.”

“Even without the Wu Clan, His Majesty is still an awe-inspiring emperor. But, without His Majesty, my Wu Clan is worthless."

"Fortunately," Wu Mao mused, "His Majesty didn't hinder the royal family from rising up the ranks. Now, we need to utilize our resources, practice diligently, and produce more Grandmasters and Heavenly Rankers."


In the skies above Cloudhill, two figures strode through the air.

"Master, I have carried out your orders," Fang Xia said with a smile. "The empire's authority has been firmly established throughout the continents of the Middle Land in recent months, laying the groundwork for your rule."

"Our next task is to subtly expand our influence, convincing the people of the Middle Land to swear their loyalty to the Wu Empire and place their trust in His Majesty," Fang Xia said seriously. "This will require some time."

"Old Fang, leading the Immortal Cultivators Alliance is already a significant role. Why do you feel the need to go as far as founding a nation?" Wu Yuan shook his head.

Some Heavenly Rankers sought to establish sects or crown themselves emperors. However, Wu Yuan did not share these ambitions.

"Your Majesty, how can we earn the world's allegiance without forming a nation?" Fang Xia sighed, shaking his head. "Without a banner for the people to rally under, how can we rival the patriotism of the original major sects? We can also forget about gathering Faith Incense. In fact, complete unification of the Middle Land is the best course of action, lessening strife and protecting the common people from the ravages of war."

"Of course, you need not concern yourself with these matters, Young Master. Bu Yu and I will handle everything,” Fang Xia chuckled and reassured Wu Yuan. “Once the system is established, everything will run smoothly on its own. You only need to focus on your cultivation as always. The stronger you become, the safer the Middle Land will be.”

“Even if powerful warriors from other regions of the Summerpeak World manage to cross the Spiritless Region and reach us, we have nothing to fear."

“Mm,” Wu Yuan nodded subtly.


After discussing the current state of Cloudhill City and other recent events with Fang Xia, Wu Yuan returned to Archeldritch Mountain.

Over the past year, while the lives of the numerous inhabitants of the Middle Land experienced significant changes, Wu Yuan's life remained relatively unchanged.

Following the battle at the Holy Capital, he paid tribute to Daoist Wan Xing, Emperor Dong Pan, and the others. He also erected monuments to commemorate them annually.

Wu Yuan made only one appearance at the Middle Land Immortal Hall, where he was practically worshiped by numerous Heavenly Rankers, solidifying his position as the number one powerhouse in the Middle Land.

Wu Yuan did not intend to unify the Middle Land. But after his show of strength, along with the Fang Xia and Qiong Sea King adamantly pushing for it, one thing naturally led to another. Nonetheless, these developments barely affected Wu Yuan, and he left all these miscellaneous affairs to others.

Wu Yuan spent time with his family occasionally, but he mainly focused on cultivation as well as breaking the seal on a particular token.

In Wu Yuan’s cultivation chamber, he observed the Amethyst Cradle token in his hand. After ten months of hard work, I am finally going to unlock the secrets of this treasure realm token from Jin Quan.

Wu Yuan killed many Heavenly Rankers during the battle at the Holy Capital, including Jin Quan. Naturally, their treasures were now his.

As Wu Yuan inspected the treasures he had acquired, he found numerous flying sword artifacts and spirit battle armor, natural treasures, rare cultivation manuals, and ancient literature. However, it was the token in Wu Yuan's hand that held the most value. Its aura imprint was so deeply etched that even Wu Yuan spent nearly a year erasing it despite his strong soul.

A sudden hum filled the air, and the purple token flickered with light.

1. Wu Sheng’s residence, not Wu Yuan’s ☜

2. Wu Yuan’s family residence ☜

3. See ☜