Chapter 300: Arriving In The Macrocosm

Name:Yuan's Ascension Author:
Chapter 300: Arriving In The Macrocosm

"Escaped from a Bloodforge World? Breaching the World Seal Array? Is it a high-grade teleportation array? Or perhaps a unique mid-grade one?" A dispassionate voice echoed through the hall, tinged with surprise.

"I cannot say for certain, the Bloodforge Devil Army is only in charge of reconnaissance," the black-robed man replied respectfully. "Those Bloodforge Worlds are shrouded in primordial power, making thorough exploration impossible."

There was no reply for some time. The black-robed man waited quietly.

After a prolonged silence, the indifferent voice spoke again. "I have checked the relevant records of the Summerpeak World. It returned to normalcy a mere six thousand years ago before being designated as a Bloodforge World, correct?"

"Indeed," the black-robed man affirmed.

The Bloodforge Devil Hall had countless worlds under its jurisdiction, hence they were all assigned numbers. This world number 30056 was just one unassuming world among them. Hence, it was unsurprising that the High Immortal was unaware of it.

"How high is the probability of capturing them?" the emotionless voice inquired.

"I cannot claim absolute certainty," the black-robed man admitted, "The teleportation array breached the World Seal Array in one go, suggesting the array's creator possesses considerable skill."

"We can roughly surmise that their destination is within the Redmoon Immortal Continent, a vassal of the Silvermist Immortal Nation. But pinpointing their exact location within the immortal continent..." the man's voice trailed off.

Forget an immortal nation, even an immortal continent plane was vast and boundless, filled with countless beings and cultivators. Where were they going to begin their search?

"Do you take me for a fool?" a hint of anger entered the voice, "Most of the Bloodforge Worlds we oversee are part of the Redmoon Plane. How can they teleport directly to other immortal nations?"

"Even a high-grade teleportation array cannot transport individuals between immortal nations."

The black-robed man sighed inwardly.

"What is our next course of action, High Immortal?" the black-robed man asked cautiously.

"How many are aware of this information?" the voice in the hall inquired, regaining his composure.

"Very few," the black-robed man confirmed, "Besides myself, only the Amethyst Cradle Reverend tasked with safeguarding the World Seal Array is aware."

As for the soldiers surrounding him? They were not living beings, but rather puppets controlled by the immortal presiding over the hall.

There was another pause. After some time, the voice echoed from the temple once more.

"The Devil Monarch has spoken. Just as the natural order is a cycle, life should be granted an opportunity to survive. These two transcendent beings were able to break through the World Seal Array, proving that they have found this opportunity," the voice spoke slowly. "There is no need to investigate further."

“Understood,” the black-robed replied gratefully, as though having received a great pardon.

"Also, this has shown that the World Seal Array is fallible. Make sure to reinforce the array, to ensure that there will be no more oversights," the voice continued.

"Furthermore, the Amethyst Cradle Reverend has been diligent in his duties and deserves a reward. Send him a reward on my behalf."

"Understood," the black-robed man said in a low voice. "Those two transcendent beings were just lucky, this subordinate swears..."

"Transcendent beings? What transcendent beings?" The voice now held a hint of frost in its tone.

The black-robed man understood the warning and quickly corrected himself, "Yes, my reason for coming here today was just to pay respects to the High Immortal."

The cavern they were in seemed to teeter on the brink of collapse, with only four spatial mithril towers intact. Perhaps it was intentionally disguised as such.

The Qiong Sea King swiftly caught up, gesturing towards the four towers behind him. "Master, what about these?"

"Leave them be," Wu Yuan replied, shaking his head. "I might be a qi refiner, but I’m not skilled in arrays. I cannot understand the workings of the array here."

It was more than a mere lack of understanding; Wu Yuan's Soul Force failed to even detect the existence of the array.

"This teleportation array is our only passage to the Middle Land," Wu Yuan explained in a quiet voice. "It has existed for a long time, proof that the measures in place to conceal it are still in effect. Our best course of action is to maintain the status quo and not disturb it."

Wu Yuan knew the story of Xiao He and Cao Can. [1] If you don’t understand something, don’t change it recklessly.

"Understood," Qiong Sea King nodded.

With a mental command from Wu Yuan, earthy-yellow qi streams enveloped them in a Domain.

"Go, follow the same path as before." The both of them quickly made their way to the surface at a speed of half a li per second.

The higher they went, the lower the pressure on their bodies. For Wu Yuan who comprehended the profundity of the land, this speed was rather slow. This was because Wu Yuan meticulously restored the path behind them with his Domain as they ascended, leaving no trace of their passage.

“This is our first time arriving in the macrocosm, we can never be too careful," Wu Yuan reminded him. "This teleportation array is of utmost importance; we must ensure its secrecy at all costs."

Qiong Sea King nodded, admiring Wu Yuan's foresight. In his previous solo exploration, he had not considered such aspects.

Before long, the ground fissured without a sound. Wu Yuan and Qiong Sea King flew out and landed on the ground, which quickly returned to its original state.

As they observed their surroundings, Wu Yuan took in the towering trees and rolling mountains, as well as the nearby stream teeming with fish. At a glance, this landscape was not unlike the mountain ranges of the Middle Land.

Who would have guessed that a high-grade teleportation array lay 800 li beneath their feet?

The spiritual qi here is incredibly rich, more than tenfold what I'm accustomed to. The inhabitants of this place must be more formidable as well. Wu Yuan thought inwardly.

On average, the creatures in the Middle Land were stronger compared to the Blue Planet of his previous life, making it far easier to become a martial arts Grandmaster. But in the Middle Land, becoming a qi refiner still proved difficult.

From Wu Yuan’s knowledge, spiritual qi was more abundant in the macrocosm, and creatures were naturally more robust. Whether body or qi refining, cultivation was far more accessible.

I can perceive heaven and earth’s power more clearly as well. Wu Yuan noticed, sensing the intricate workings of different types of heaven and earth’s power around him via his Soul Force.

Whether cultivating or comprehending the Dao, it was far easier here. Along with the massive number of beings that inhabited the macrocosm, numerous powerhouses were produced with each generation.

“What rich spiritual qi,” Qiong Sea King also began greedily inhaling the air, absorbing the spiritual qi. His draconic whiskers fluttered in excitement. Turning to Wu Yuan, he asked, "Master, where to next?"

"East. There’s a village with human activity. Let us head there and gather information before deciding our next move," Wu Yuan suggested.

With a swift step, Wu Yuan led the way.

Three suns hung closely in the sky, allowing Wu Yuan to easily orientate himself.

1. Xiao He was a brilliant statesman who served as the prime minister of the Han dynasty. After Xiao He's death, Cao Can took over as prime minister. He followed Xiao He's example and continued to implement the policies that had made the Han dynasty so successful. Moral: do things the same way as one’s predecessors. ☜