Chapter 335: Redmoon Across The Firmament

Name:Yuan's Ascension Author:
Chapter 335: Redmoon Across The Firmament

The most prosperous region of the Redmoon Immortal Continent was naturally the renowned Redmoon City, home to the legendary Immortal Redmoon himself.

Following closely behind were dozens of first-tier cities scattered throughout the immortal continent, each holding sway over vast territories. It was a realm frequented by Divided Soul Earth Immortals, Tribulation High Immortals, and even powerhouses from other immortal continents of the immortal nation. Here, powerhouses were as common as clouds.

Compared to Fengchuan City, a wondrous immortal city in the eyes of countless mortals, Rising Dragon City was on a completely different level. The discrepancy between the two was staggering.

Zhuo Haiyue's celestial flying boat bypassed the city entrance, entering Rising Dragon City directly through the monitoring array.

The city's interior sprawled out before them further than the eye could see, prompting Wu Yuan to draw in a breath at the sheer expanse that lay before him. Sky cities and grand flying boats dotted the landscape, along with a plethora of cultivators with mighty auras.

From Wu Yuan's perception alone, he could sense numerous Amethyst Cradle cultivators within his field of vision.

Yet, what struck Wu Yuan most was the absence of mortals within this grand city. Only cultivators, from the Qi Sea phase and above, roamed its streets. This was a true immortal city!

"The first-tier cities of the immortal continent span one million li in length and width, and are established personally by Immortal Redmoon," Zhuo Haiyue said in a light voice. "This city houses hundreds of millions of beings, and that's just counting the cultivators."

"As for the mortals? They are only allowed to reside within the territories of the various sects, or inside shops and other private quarters. Mortals are not permitted to wander freely around these cities," Zhuo Haiyue explained.

Wu Yuan found himself stunned by the sheer scale of it all. Hundreds of millions of cultivators in a city spanning one million li in length and breadth? This city was a crouching tiger, hidden dragon; no wonder it was so prosperous. [1]

“What’s that?” His gaze drifted to a sight tens of thousands of li away. There, barely visible to him, a star of immense proportions hung in the sky. Its massive form was completely red, and a faint, strange mist obscured its features but not its brilliance, making it hard to look at directly.

The sight was awe-inspiring, evoking a sensation akin to standing on the moon and gazing back at Earth in his previous life.

No, it was even more shocking than that.

"That is a Redmoon Star," Zhuo Haiyue said, her voice barely above a whisper. "A sphere more than 20,000 li in diameter, rivaling the celestial bodies that reside in outer space."

"From the naked eye, it appears the Redmoon Star is hanging in the sky some 300,000 li above the ground. But in truth, it is shielded by layers of arrays and exists within a separate spacetime dimension," Zhuo Haiyue explained further. "It serves as the stronghold of the Redmoon Immortal Army in Rising Dragon City, masquerading as a star while in reality, it is a powerful artifact fashioned by Immortal Redmoon at great cost."

An artifact? Diameter exceeding 20,000 li? It surpassed even the Blue Planet of his former life.

Wu Yuan was only now beginning to grasp the nature of a true immortal artifact and the kind of abilities immortals could wield. Even a military outpost was an artifact akin to a celestial body, casting a subtle shadow over the entirety of Rising Dragon City.

No matter where one stood within the city, the colossal red star was visible whenever one looked up.

"Each first-tier city makes up part of the foundation of the immortal continent, therefore, a Redmoon Star is constructed above each one. It functions in tandem with the numerous arrays within the city to safeguard the city and subdue all within its vast territory."

The hatch of the flying boat opened, and Wu Yuan followed Zhuo Haiyue out, stepping into the air.

"Greetings, Your Highness." Over 10,000 figures emerged from different corners of the vast mansion, each bowing in reverence, the salutation echoing through the air.

Wu Yuan found himself holding his breath at the sight.

With a quick scan, he identified several Amethyst Cradle Reverends within the assembly, alongside two figures at the front whose auras surpassed the others significantly. Their mere presence seemed to warp the space around them like a black hole.

Void Refiner phase! Wu Yuan deduced instantly.

While facing opponents in the Amethyst Cradle realm might pose a challenge, the disparity wasn't as pronounced, nor did it evoke such intense pressure.

Her family maintained two Void Refiner powerhouses at a single branch base year-round?

In that moment, Wu Yuan gained a deeper understanding of the Zhuo Family's power and influence.

"Rise," spoke Zhuo Haiyue, her voice clear and regal, akin to a sovereign surveying her domain.

Swoosh! The two Void Refiner realm experts approached her, bowing respectfully once more. "Your Highness, we have been informed of your arrival."

"Mm," Zhuo Haiyue nodded. "I must make my way to the Redmoon Star, matters within the army require my attention."

"Allow me to introduce my friend, Li Xia," she continued. "He will be residing here temporarily."

Her gaze swept over them both. "Treat him with care. In the days ahead, emissaries from various sects will extend invitations to him. Exercise caution in my absence."

"Yes, Your Highness," the two Void Refiner cultivators replied dutifully, casting curious glances at Wu Yuan.

A friend of Her Highness? They were no strangers to the circles of nobility and understood Zhuo Haiyue's nature. It was rare for her to refer to someone in such a manner. Moreover, her words suggested that this friend possessed extraordinary qualities, drawing the attention of various sects.

"Li Xia," Zhuo Haiyue addressed Wu Yuan. "I will return in two days. My subordinates shall handle the invitations from the sects. After selecting the suitable ones, you can make a decision. If you have any thoughts, you can contact me directly through the immortal realm."

"Thank you, Your Highness," Wu Yuan smiled. "Please attend to your duties with peace of mind."

Zhuo Haiyue nodded before departing in a streak of light, leaving behind the red-robed guards. Only the black-robed figure trailed after her.

Redmoon Star. Wu Yuan gazed at the crimson star hanging above. When will I be able to create an artifact like that?

1. The phrase 卧虎藏龙 is an idiom that literally translates to "crouching tiger, hidden dragon." It is used to describe a situation in which there are many talented or powerful people who are not yet known or recognized. ☜