CH.364 Cyberdark Impact

Name:Yugioh Card Summoner Author:
CH.364 Cyberdark Impact

After our return to HomeBase, which we did by teleporting here, we went over what happened because of the battle. Mainly that Lua obtained her Limit Break, which was to be expected, but you can never be 100% sure.

SpoilerName: LuciaRace: Dhampir Monarch !Level: 104 [+5]HP: 3180 [+100]Mana: 6345 [+325]Strength: 1341 [+55]Defense: 1459 [+90]Magic: 4226 [+170] Skills: Dhampir Princess LV.3 (Unique) Monarch of Magic LV.2 (Racial) [+1]True Blood Magic LV.10 (Racial)Vampiric Body Modification LV.5 (Racial) Limit Break LV.1 (extra) [new]Card Summoner LV.4 (extra) [+1]Winged Flight LV.3 (extra) [+1]Summon Water Spirit (extra) Water Magic LV.10 Light Magic LV.8 Mana Healing LV.7 Mana Control LV.10Magic Boost LV.9 Quick Cast LV.9 Fast Mana Recovery LV.10Knife Technique LV.2Staff Technique LV.6Blunt Weapon Technique LV.2

SaintWater Spirits Blessing (Greater)Blood Sucker (Racial)LifesaverStorage Access (Brian Wood)[collapse]

She also got her Card Summoner to LV.4 and she was the first LV.4. Even Alice still just had hers at LV.3. I theorized that it might be because of the combo of cards Lua used against the Fenrir. I mean, the cards just had great synergy, her monsters focusing mostly on healing while Fire Princess burns the enemy whenever Lua got healed. And the way The Paths of Destiny worked with Bad Reaction to Simochi to insure that the opponent would take 2000 damage.

For her level 4 Card Summoner, Lua got two new things. One, she got a second deck box to store cards in. Previously she only had 1, so having a second one is a good improvement. This way, she can keep her Vampires in one, and a lot of the other stuff in the other. Two, she got the ability to materialize a DiaDhank for her use. I really didn’t expect that of the skill, as I’ve always had my duel disk/DiaDhank tied to my dungeon terminal, but apparently the skill itself will eventually allow you to make one. And it might be safe to assume that if you level the skill up, the DiaDhank will eventually be upgraded to a full on duel disk. But using the ‘materialize DiaDhank’ does come with some weaknesses, mainly it taking mana to make and maintain said device, so at least me spending the time and effort in designing our duel disks wasn’t completely wasted. No reason to waste mana on DiaDhank upkeep when they have duel disks. But it might be useful for other people that get Card Summoner, so maybe it is a good thing. And it is good in case Lua is ever in a situation where she doesn’t have her duel disk with her.

But I also got a new set unlocked, so it is about time for some packs. I just sometimes open some for fun, but since I have all of my current, well previously current, sets fully completed, I had no reason to really do so. But now, new set, new cards, so let’s open some up.

Daily Pack tokens: 100Current Pack tokens: 3044 Available sets : Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon Metal Raiders Magic Ruler Pharaoh’s Servant Labyrinth of Nightmare Legacy of Darkness Pharaonic Guardian Magician’s Force Dark Crisis Invasion of Chaos Ancient Sanctuary Soul of the Duelist Rise of Destiny Flaming Eternity The Lost Millennium Cybernetic Revolution Elemental Energy Shadow of InfinityEnemy of Justice Power of the Duelist Cyberdark Impact Daily Reprint Tokens: 100Current Reprint Tokens: 1590 Available Reprint sets: Dark Beginning 1 Dark Revelation Volume 1 Dark Beginning 2 Dark Revelation Volume 2

So let’s just get to it. Cyberdark Impact, give me some shittydarks, I mean Cyberdarks.



Accumulated Fortune, Barrier Statue of the Stormwinds, Senet Switch, Level Down!?, Corruption Cell "A", Flame Ogre, Justi-Break, Combo Fighter, Allure Queen LV5


Alright. Accumulated Fortune is just a worse Pot of Greed, but I’m sure Laura will figure some way to produce Pack tokens with it. Barrier Statue of the Stormwinds is actually really interesting, as other than limiting summoning which is quite rare, it also limits all magic used near it to just Wind attribute magic. So the Barrier Statues seem to be super powerful. Senet Switch can be used for instant short-range teleportation, so while it might seem useless at first, it is actually quite good. Well, at least it isn’t bad. Level Down!? is the opposite of one of my favorite cards, Level Up!. And it might seem useless at first, but it could be used for ... leveling down bad people, I guess. It might also be useful for forcing evolutions, but that is just a theory. I mean, if you have someone at LV.50, I first level them down, then level them up again, that might give them a chance to evolve. At least I think so. So maybe Level Down!? will see some use, but probably not. Corruption Cell "A" is just ... Well, maybe if I play with Aliens at some point, but otherwise, I don’t want to corrupt people. Flame Ogre is just a big beater, but that is just fine. Justi-Break is a bit too specific. Combo Fighter might be a good brawling instructor for Ria. And Allure Queen LV5 might be useful for teaching Cailie more about her Charming Voice skill.

Not a bad first pack, I suppose. Let’s get to the next one.



Chain Healing, Mystical Wind Typhoon, Accumulated Fortune, Man Beast of Ares, Linear Accelerator Cannon, Straight Flush, Level Down!?, Barrier Statue of the Abyss, Vanity's Fiend


Chain Healing is just ... a worse healing card than Cure Master or Soul of the Pure, just like Mystical Wind Typhoon is just a worse Mystical Space Typhoon. Man Beast of Ares might look big and intimidating, but it only has a base attack of 500, so he really isn’t all that. He might make for a good practice monster, because he is intimidating, despite his low stats. Linear Accelerator Cannon is actually quite good, if it wasn’t for its negative side effect keeping you from activating other spells for some time. Straight Flush is too specific, I mean who else than me has set Spell/Trap cards? I already talked about the Barrier Statues, so having Abyss is great. I should give that one to Alice. ... Well, maybe if I get two or three of them. And Vanity's Fiend is ... well, it can prevent summoning magic, so... Okay, situational at best.

I do have to say, I forgot how many Chain Link effects this set has, and sadly most of them are so bad. At least the OP Barrier Statues are making up for it. Anyway, next pack.



Barrier Statue of the Drought, Chain Detonation, Chain Healing, Byroad Sacrifice, Linear Accelerator Cannon, Barrier Statue of the Abyss, Abaki, Justi-Break, Black Horn of Heaven


Alright. First, there is the second Barrier Statue of the Abyss, so I can give that one to Alice. I also got Drought, so the collection of Barrier Statues is growing. Chain Detonation is another Chain Link card that just isn’t good. Byroad Sacrifice can be used to acquire Cyber Ogres, so I guess it is not terrible. Abaki is ... well Abaki. And Black Horn of Heaven is another situational anti-summoner card.




Blast Asmodian, Justi-Break, Dark Lucius LV4, Barrier Statue of the Abyss, Instant Fusion, Alien Infiltrator, Mystical Wind Typhoon, Cyber Ogre, Iris, the Earth Mother


I got Instant Noodles! Does anything else even matter? Instant Noodles are the best card from this set. And I got it. ... okay, realistically for me, Instant Fusion isn’t all that great. I can just as easily just Fusion summon the monster, instead of using Instant Fusion. Blast Asmodian is another Chain card, but at least it isn’t awful. Dark Lucius LV4 is fine. Alien Infiltrator is ... an Alien card. Cyber Ogre is actually quite reasonable, with its effect to avoid destruction by battle, while also powering itself up. And lastly ... Konami. Why is Iris, the Earth Mother a Light attribute monster? Shouldn’t the Earth Mother be an Earth attribute? But what do I know, right? It also isn’t all that good.




Dark Lucius LV4, Man Beast of Ares, Queen's Bodyguard, Straight Flush, Barrier Statue of the Heavens, Barrier Statue of the Stormwinds, Byroad Sacrifice, Corruption Cell "A", Combo Master


Queen's Bodyguard is kind of cool, just because of how they look. If I ever need an escort squad, I might just use them. Heavens is another Barrier Statue, so it is great and Combo Master is just a stronger Combo Fighter, so being a good instructor for Ria is still a thing.




Barrier Statue of the Stormwinds, Justi-Break, Barrier Statue of the Torrent, Byroad Sacrifice, Mystical Wind Typhoon, Man Beast of Ares, Accumulated Fortune, Cyberdark Dragon, Lightning Punisher


Oh? I did not expect that. Hello there Cyberdark Dragon. You look just as edgy as you always have. Just a shame I can’t summon you, but welcome to the collection.

Also, Barrier Statue of the Torrent. Didn’t have you yet, so welcome. And Lightning Punisher ... maybe if someone wants to learn lightning magic. Actually, you might be good with Einar and Eline after I give them Dark World Lightning.



Senet Switch, Stray Asmodian, Flame Ogre, Justi-Break, Barrier Statue of the Torrent, Linear Accelerator Cannon, Byroad Sacrifice, Dark Lucius LV6, Storm Shooter


Storm Shooter is ... I think it is fine. Decent attack, can return cards to the hand. Nothing really wrong with it. And it is a Super Rare, so I’ll take it. And Stray Asmodian is just a bit too weak to really be used for combat, and the effect just isn’t that great. It isn’t bad, it's just not great.

Next pack.



Straight Flush, Alien Infiltrator, Byroad Sacrifice, Barrier Statue of the Abyss, Corruption Cell "A", Stray Asmodian, Man Beast of Ares, Barrier Statue of the Heavens, Flash of the Forbidden Spell


Flash of the Forbidden Spell is Raigeki with extra steps, but it should be good against large groups of monsters, so I won’t say no to it. And since I still haven't gotten another Cyberdark, five more packs it is.



Flame Ogre, Barrier Statue of the Inferno, Instant Fusion, Barrier Statue of the Torrent, Dark Lucius LV4, Cyber Ogre, Linear Accelerator Cannon, Black Horn of Heaven, Cyber Esper


What does it mean to look at every card my opponent draws, when my opponent’s don’t draw cards? Cyber Esper? Care to answer? Maybe I can foresee their movement or something? Kind of like that one Knight of the Round from Code Geass? That would be a cool ability, if that is what Cyber Esper can do, so maybe I should look into it.

But I don’t think I need to tell you that Cyber Esper isn’t a Cyberdark, so next pack.



Barrier Statue of the Drought, Allure Queen LV3, Barrier Statue of the Heavens, Chain Detonation, Accumulated Fortune, Barrier Statue of the Abyss, Justi-Break, Blast Asmodian, Lightning Punisher


I think that is the first pack of all repeats. Took 17 packs to get to this point. Don’t know if that is good or bad, but whatever. And all the extra copies of Barrier Statues are nice, so I’m not disappointed. Next pack.



Dark Lucius LV4, Corruption Cell "A", Allure Queen LV3, Instant Fusion, Senet Switch, Man Beast of Ares, Counter Cleaner, Lightning Punisher, Trojan Blast


Trojan Blast is another very much situational card, but it is good at what it does. And if someone really does try to defeat me, they might try to rely on mind controlling my monsters. And in that case, Trojan Blast will absolutely blast them.

Next pack.



Vanity's Call, Level Down!?, Ritual Foregone, Barrier Statue of the Drought, Snipe Hunter, Alien Mars, Cyber Ogre, Barrier Statue of the Inferno, Iris, the Earth Mother


Got another not Earth attribute Earth Mother. Not that I’ll need it for .. actually, she has an effect that deals with Chain Link cards, so maybe she can activate Chain Link based spells and traps, like how my Goblin monsters can activate Goblin cards, or how Goblin of Greed can activate Pot of Greed. So she might actually be useful in the Factory for that.

Let’s just do one more, and I’ll call it a day. Please give me a Cyberdark, or I might just have to ask for cuddles from Alice and Lua to make up for not getting more Cyberdarks from the set called Cyberdark Impact.



Barrier Statue of the Drought, Barrier Statue of the Abyss, Alien Mars, Allure Queen LV3, Chain Healing, Accumulated Fortune, Chain Strike, Cyberdark Edge, Dimensional Inversion


I got it! Thank you world. Now I can ask Alice and Lua for something even better than just cuddles.

... what? Did you think I wouldn’t spend time close to them just because I got the card I wanted? Of course I will. I’d sacrifice every card in my collection if that is what it took to keep the two of them safe.

But anyway. Cyberdark Edge, huh. Edgy. ... Okay, that was a horrible joke, but what do you expect? I do think Horn is just a bit better, but Edge isn’t bad.

I got Edge, I got Dragon, got all the Barrier Statues, and Vanity’s Ruler is also quite nice. All in all, not a bad set of pulls. Could have been a bit better, but isn’t that always the case?