Using summer break, I was getting myself some juicy allowance. I was working part-time at a one-person management second-hand bookstore, but in roughly one week after I started working there, I got the gist down.

Back in middle school, when I was secretly working part-time at a convenience store, I learned a lot about management and assorting and all that, but I feel like this and ‘Come join the student council~’ are a bit different, don’t you think. Before, I thought that these skills were pretty convenient, but now it’s like they’re just getting in the way…Maybe I should instead focus on a routine. There’s not much stuff that has a lot of responsibility after all, so hard labour without using my head might be the best for me.

I changed my way of approaching things, and arrived at the bookstore. I greeted the old man store owner, when I realized that the sound reaching my ears was different from before. It’s playing some gentle pop songs, making me wonder if I accidentally walked into a rental CD shop…Not to mention that this is a pretty popular song.

With a bit of a bad premonition, I started working on arranging the books when I caught on to something. This J-Pop isn’t half bad, maybe I should listen to some on the way home.

“Ah, excuse me, where do you keep the CDs?”


Yep, that’s what I thought would happen. The customers will get the wrong idea. What is this place? A bookstore? Oh yeah, it is. While no customers needed my help, I was checking the register and arranging the money, as someone tapped me on the shoulder, across the register. Some customer? Excuse me, I have someone I like, so…Could you just talk to me normally?

“Yes, how can I—Ah?”

“Hello, Sajou-san.”


I was greeted by a blooming smile, giving off the aura of a calm Onee-san. She looks like she’s on her way to the university campus. Ahh, I can’t get tired of this priceless smile—Indeed, she’s university girl Sasaki-san, leaping at your hearts!

Well, she didn’t exactly leap at me, but I would have been more than happy if she did. Or rather, can I just leap at her instead? She looks so fluffy…Ahh, the guilt of my thoughts is punching me in the gut. Unlike her previous frilly clothes, she’s wearing three-quarter length pants, with a cream-colored jacket—or so I thought, but she’s actually going no-sleeves, showing her white arms that just pulled my gaze towards them. If anything, the radiance coming from her shoulders was blinding to me. I’m sorry, Gramps, but I might have to leave early…

“It’s been a while, Sasaki-asn. About a week, I assume. Since you came here, you must be reading a lot of books in your free time?”

“Yes, it has. Indeed, I do like reading books…I basically always have a book on me.”

“I didn’t expect to run into you here…Do you live nearby?”

No, wait a second. Why am I suddenly questioning a woman about her residence? She must be constantly asked about this from some weirdos trying to hit on her. I bet she hates me for that now…

“Yes… that’s right.”

…H-Huh? That’s a good reaction, actually. Wait a second, isn’t her smile a bit too pure? She stayed this way despite going to a co-ed school, while probably being showered by the lecherous gazes of her classmates? Alright, better get into politics, I can’t accept such a thing.

“You mentioned that you were working part-time, but to think it was a bookstore! I’m glad I got to meet you.”

“The pleasure is all mine, Sasaki-san. You looked even more like an adult compared to before. Are you on your way to the campus right now?”

“A-Adult…You’re making me blush. But, I don’t really give off the air of a campus student, you know.”

A flustered Sasaki-san…Ahh, I’m getting hungry here. Just thinking about how many hotties missed out on her has me craving for some good fucking food, ehehehe.

“…Eh, really?”

“Yes, there’s only girls after all…So, it doesn’t actually feel that way at all.”

What…did you say? Sasaki-san isn’t just a ‘Beautiful University Girl’, but rather a ‘Beautiful Girls-Only University Girl’!? That sounds like a new type of brand specifically made for high school boys…I feel like she might charge me for money if I even went as far as to touch her shoulders…How much would that be, just out of curiosity.

“I see…So that’s why you seem like an adult, and have this calming atmosphere around you…that makes sense.”

“Fufu, I’m already used to it by now. You are the type to quickly praise others, right.”


What, was I that much of a player? Was I always this sullied? I guess I need to be exorcised…Gramps, I’m sorry, but I won’t be coming to work anymore…Anyway, Sasaki-san sure is relaxed about everything. I’ve known about this before, but she really does not see me as a man. I guess the best would be a ‘Younger High School Boy’, huh. Maybe that’ll allow me to get spoiled by her instead

…No, what am I thinking. I’m on shift right now, so I need to be polite, even if I know the other person. With a fresh expression, I faced Sasaki-san, who suddenly lowered her head towards me.

“Let me thank you once again for saying Kou-kun…my younger brother the other day. Thanks to you, he got out of it safely. As you said, I checked the backpack, but there was no damage to be found…Thankfully.”

O-Ohh…Eh? Younger brother…? Ah, Kouta-kun, huh. Her charm and looks had me lose memories for a second there. But, I’m glad he’s fine.

“I’m happy to hear that…So, what happened after that? He’s not too scared to go outside, or something like that, right?”

Being quick on staying at home is a mentality that especially grows in middle school after all. Just because you get treated like an outsider, insulted behind your back, you tend to break easily. Especially if this happens from people you don’t even deal with as a grade school student.

“I think that your existence played a big part in this. He’s out playing today as well. Though, I did tell him to not leave the main street.”

“Well, he definitely must have learned of that fear…But, I’m glad to hear that. And, although it might sound a bit out of place, I’m sure that this incident was important for his development.”

“That’s right. It is quite embarrassing to say…But, personally, I never really talked with a man myself, so it was important for me as well.”


She never talked with a man…? So she’s like a sheltered lady? No well, I guess that makes sense. If I was her Dad, I definitely wouldn’t let her meet guys. She seems like the type of person to say ‘Once I grow up, I’ll marry Papa!’ after all. I might just honestly wait for that.

“How do I say it…it feels like your parents are treasuring you quite a lot.”

“T-That’s right…they are very protective.”

Despite that, she doesn’t seem too bashful. Maybe because she’s a university girl? I guess this is where they cross the line. Whether you’re a loner or normie, we all grow up to become adults after all. Since she’s still in university, she technically is a student, but there’s many more things she has to take care of than a student like me…So a high school brat like me shouldn’t be talking like a know-it-all.

“So anyway…”

Since this bookstore is never really busy, Sasaki-san and I could talk for a bit longer. It’s not like neither of us had anything important to talk about, but we just discussed whatever came up. What kind of feeling is this…Just by having her stand in front of me, I’m enwrapped in this sweet scent. No but seriously, when she stands in front of me like this, you-know-what just is always in my field of view. Is this the ‘Come at me’ invitation I’ve heard about? I feel like she’d just accept me if I actually went for it…

This Onee-san’s dangerous. I feel like I’ll get sucked up if I stay with her any longer. It pains me to my core, but maybe I should ask for a bit of distance.

“Ah, Sajou-san, you have some dust stuck to your hair…”


Excuse me, but could you maybe become my mother?


The general public sees games and light novels as useless when it comes to mental development and means of studying, but is that really the case? There’s games about the Warring States period, or light novels that have a historical theme to them, which helped me a lot in middle school, reaching from Azuchi-Momoyama Period to the Edo Period. Not to mention that there was a miracle where my teacher used questions related to items coming from a historical game. I still can’t forget this feeling of superiority beating the smartest guy in class.

Recent fantasy stories are the same. Reading about the political problems of that country, I grew curious about ‘What’s it like in Japan right now’, and looked it up. You might think that all of these things are game-related only, but you’d be surprised how many things are applicable in real life. For example, if you read enough, you will eventually become better at guessing the actions the characters will take.

Let me announce this to all the students who are denying this sub-culture while holding a reference book in their right hand. Can you really get motivated being surrounded by all this dull nonsense? You can’t, that’s why I’m playing a game.

“Ahh, I’m being healed.

Just spamming buttons like a braindead idiot to smash in your enemy while progressing the story is true culture. But, I don’t think this actually has any sort of influence towards your studies…Not like it’s even fit for my age. Then again, it is fun, and…Oh, I died.


Without me having any need to use my head, it felt like my consciousness was floating through space. Once I reached a critical limit, I heard my phone vibrating on the desk near me. That one was loud enough to make me jump a bit.

“Wha…When did they…”

I unlocked the screen to move to the home screen, and saw ‘+999’ shown on the app. What, did I suddenly get a hundred new friends? Sheesh, it’s rough being this popular!

“From the class, huh.”

Every night before heading to sleep, I turn off notifications for this class group chat. I don’t wanna be bothered by those guys who keep texting all night just because it’s summer break…Huh? I got some DMs as well, I had no idea…Wait, from Iihoshi-san? Why? Some SSR event?

‘Since that group chat was going all night, they made another one, but…When I thought of inviting you…the others deleted your contact…I’m sorry.’

O-Oh…Well…You know, I’ve been causing a ruckus for quite some time after all, so it makes sense for not everybody to really enjoy having me round. on the first day of summer break, I was one of the guys who joined that night-long chat as well…But, ‘others’ probably refers to girls, right? Ahh, I didn’t want to hear that.

‘It’s fine, I’m a noisy guy myself.’

It’s not like I’m too bothered by how other people see me, but I don’t want to be hated…Before, Natsukawa was the most important, but now that I’m not running after her anymore, I feel like it’d be cool if I at least got along with other people besides her…It feels pretty awful to be treated like an outcast by girls. Big Sis, I don’t think I’m a good fit for the student council.

‘If anything, I’m surprised you wanted to add me?’

I mean, Iihoshi-san was annoyed with them talking all night, and yet thought of inviting me, who joined that before. Ah, she already read it.

‘Y you’re actually the type of person who takes a look at other people, right? When you were texting that whole night, you were more on the receiving end, right?’

Ehhh…? Did she think of me that way? Maybe it’s because she’s the class rep, but Iihoshi-san really looks closely at people. I need to be careful if I’m sitting close to her…

‘Is Natsukawa in that group?’

‘Sure is. Ah, Ashida-chan was rejected.’

Well, it makes sense that Natsukawa is in there…Eh? Ashida was? What kind of judge is that girl? I can get that she’s a bit noisy at times, but I feel like she’s pretty reliable…Weird.

‘Oh, not bad, Sajou-kun! Natsukawa-san said no to the group, so everybody else left as well! That means no new group!

Eh…what kind of development is this? Why is Iihoshi-san reporting it like she’s a live reporter on scene…Well, I do feel a bit happy about that…But, Natsukawa left, huh. Yeah, with no Ashida around, that makes sense. Still, Natsukawa feels like an influencer at this point. Papa sure is happy.

‘Maybe that judge just threw her out?’

‘Judge? Lol. Well, she declined with silence, you know. Ashida-chan isn’t some cushioning, but she’s basically an existence that stops things from turning weird. Personally speaking, she’s pretty important.’

Yeah, she’s good at reading the mood. Well, answering with silence is a bit of a bad touch. Ashida’s in the group that tends to get noisy, but she definitely is the most energetic in the ‘Not vulgar’ group. I get that she’s getting some animosity. But, I can already see this judge girl becoming a problem…Like a lost boss, you know? When’s she getting her OST? I’m terrified of the second term starting.

‘I feel like things will turn south with that judge girl.’

‘I already got messages about how she complained, so I’ll be adding a bit of support.’

‘Ah, that type.’

I guess Iihoshi-san’s job is also to take care of that…She’s not even the center of class, but without her, nothing’s happening, huh. I really better not get on her bad side.

‘But, you ignored her messages as well right, Sajou-kun? That’s a big minus with girls.’

‘Eh, pointing on me now?’

Does she have a grudge against me? I feel like there’s other guys who aren’t participating either. Why would I deserve some hate for that.

‘Ashida-chan managed to change the topic like three times, but you probably didn’t see it, right? There’s even some theory that you died.’

‘That I died?’

Didn’t that happen before? Why are you immediately deciding that I died just like that? When did I turn into that sickly character that’s gonna die to move the plot forward with no reader being sad in the end because it was teased all through the series? Oh yeah, because of my cold before the actual summer break. Me collapsing from that must have been pretty impactful. I need to be more careful.

‘I’ll bawl my eyes out, so let me come back to life.’


‘Don’t let them move my dead body.’

She’s got no intention of trying to save me, huh? Come on, Class Rep, give me a helping hand here…! I don’t want to be hated by the people in the center of class! Standing out already sucks, but being bullied? Give me a break! Practically seen off by Iihoshi-san, I turned towards that block of +999 messages. Yeah, I get why you’d be pissed at that, especially if it’s about some shitty jokes going on all night. Oh, a group of boys and girls went karaoke last night? They left me out…And, as for yesterday…

‘Sajocchi, are you not here?’


Sorry about that, Ashida. I guess this really leaves a bad impression. Not to mention that there’s no high school student who wouldn’t check their messages at least once a day. I should respond with something.

‘Sorry, Ashida, I got to know a university girl and had some fun.’

Alright, this should do it.

[K removed Sajou from the group.]
