
After summer break started, I got myself a part-time job, but since I didn’t have any clubs to worry about, I pretty much had nothing else to do. There’s still some summer homework left over, but it’s become somewhat of a routine for me to work on that when I was on break at my job. I’m really not the type who can study at home either, so I definitely needed a place like that.

With thoughts like that, evening arrived. In the morning, I would get up early and head to work, eat lunch after coming back, and then spend my days playing mobile games and using up all of my daily stamina. However, I started to feel scared of that fact. Is my summer break going to end with just that…?

I sat in front of the TV in the living room, enjoying some music TV program while playing on my phone, and cursed my loner self. Would I have felt more fulfilled if I was busy with clubs from morning until evening? Not like I’m the sports guy either. I did take swimming lessons when I was younger though.

“…Why are you just sitting on the sofa?”

“You’d push me off if I was lying down, right? Also, the sofa is hot during the summer.”

Big Sis came home from her student council work, and went to change—or rather, take off her uniform. In her left hand, she had some steamed buns. Why is she always eating them before the actual dinner?

“…What’s that? Some song festival?”

“Yup, haven’t seen it yet.”

“I’ll be watching my own stuff at 7pm.”

“Aye aye…”

I’m not the type of person who would fight over reign in that. At the very least, when Momo’s home, it’s always Big Sis first. The stuff I’d watch doesn’t interest Big Sis, and I don’t plan on fighting over that now. But, I at least wish she wouldn’t delete my recordings…

“Aren’t you a bit cheeky towards your great older sister?”

“Great older sister…You surely jest mygueh!”

Big Sis fell onto the sofa like she was a pro-wrestler, and then reached out her legs to use my back as a resting space, pushing me into the sofa as I was looking at my phone. Since this kind of treatment hasn’t started simply right now, it’s honestly not that big of a deal. If anything, it feels like Big Sis is massaging my back with her heels. But, not letting down my guard, because if I spoiled her mood in this position, she can use those heels as a blunt weapon. One small misstep will cost me my life. I’m pretty sure I’m the biggest loser of a younger brother this world has to offer.

Hold on, I might be kindly forgiving her, but isn’t she pretty rude of an older sister? What does she think my back is? A man’s back tells a thousand stories, so if you step on it, I just feel more pathetic, you know? I feel like Ishihara Something said that!

“Big Sis, a bit higher.”



Big Sis-dono gently moved her feet a bit more upwards, hitting all the right spots on my shoulders. Weird…I was planning to complain, and yet I requested something…? And, why is she even listening that earnestly? I mean, it feels great, I can feel my stiff shoulders relaxing. Reflexively, I put more strength into my back, pushing against Big Sis legs, but she only heightened her force as well…Ahhh, this feels so good…



H-Huh…? Is this her kindness or something? I mean, I can’t call it kindness since she’s basically stepping on my back. Still, why is she just listening to what I request? Was she actually a tsundere? Isn’t that kindness of hers a bit too twisted? Also, this really isn’t any dere at all, thinking about it. Wait a second, Big Sis got great control over the strength in her legs, isn’t her balance crazy good? This is like some massage chair.

“Why are you this good?”


What am I asking. I mean, wouldn’t you? How can she be so good with her legs? Is it that? Stepping on the backs of the K4 on a daily basis? She’s doing the same thing to these handsome guys? Aren’t they all members of distinguished families? And yet, she’s allowed to do that? Why can I see her flash an evil grin while she does…

“Who knows? My talent?”

Yeah, that shit-eating grin is what I mean. She’s definitely doing that. She looks like a final boss with that. Personally, with that ‘talent’ of hers, I think she’d be a good fit on the S&M branch, right? But wait, since I’m feeling good from this, am I an M? That shouldn’t be the case. I do forgive Big Sis, but if this was Natsukawa, then I wouldn’t…Wait, Natsukawa would be stepping on my back?

Oh my, my heart is racing now. Was I actually an M after all? Just imagining it made me feel like I was crazy. I want to be stepped on. God, gross.

“You…you’re not asking some random girl for this as well, are you…?”

“First of all, stop making it sound like I actually asked for this.”

“But you did.”

I only wanted you to adjust the position of your feet, is all. Never said to ‘step on me, Queen’. Don’t act like you’re above me just because you know how to use your feet, alright? Also, why does that sound so bad?

“Not to mention that I don’t have a girl I’m close enough to do that.”

“Hmm…I wonder.”

“What do you want?”

“Rich coming from someone who’s been flirting with a friend of mine.”

“Who was flirting, huh?”

Shinomiya-senpai is just playing with the fragile heart of Sajocchi, and taking my jokes at face value. Do you hear that, Ashida-san, my official name is Sajocchi now…A while ago, some random girl tapped me on the shoulder, saying ‘What’s up, Sajocchi!’, you know? My heart skipped a beat there, what do you have to say for yourself?

“Eh, wait, Amuro-chan appeared!”

“Ouch ouch ouch ouch!?”

Big Sis rammed her feet right into my back with a 5-time combo. Because of that, my finger slipped on the screen, opening some weird ad on my phone! What if you made me pay for some weird service, oi! That’s how recent mobile games are making their money!

When I looked at the TV screen, I saw some collaboration event and a ‘Special live concert’ from a singer that was supposed to have retired. Since Big Sis is a fan of them, she went crazy. She was taking pictures even.

“Huh? Who’s that old man? I don’t need some boring collab with you. I only want to hear Amuro-chan, so piss off!


Now she kicked me straight in my shoulder blade, making my heart shake left and right. I feel like an old man after a simple massage. She probably hit a really bad spot. I thought my body was iron after everything I went through, but maybe not.

Deal with it, me…! You can still keep going! My body won’t break from this! Focus all your energy on your back muscles! And don’t tap some weird ads on your phone!

“Haa…Amuro-chan really is godlike.”


Big Sis was drawing the Ying-Yang symbol on my back. I could feel it sink deep into my body, sending shivers down my legs. It hurts…It really hurts…but it also feels good? This ain’t half bad…More…

“I’ll listen to it in my room.”


Big Sis leaped off my back, and stood up. She put her arms up, letting out a suggestive ‘Mmmm~’ moan as she stretched her back, and scratched her stomach while leaving the living room. I bet the K4 would be paying to watch this happening…But to me, she just looks like some old man.


After hearing that dinner was ready from Mom, we were pretty much waiting for Dad to come home. Maybe I should play some games in my room as well.


When I stood up, my body felt oddly light.