“Come on, wake up.”


When I woke up, the room was filled with an orange color. My gaze traced across the place, only to see the time on my clock already past the evening. Despite the setting sun shining into the room, the inside felt comfortable and pleasant. Seems like I kept on the A/C while sleeping. On the TV, I could see the game screen still on. I must have fallen asleep mid-way, and subconsciously fell into the bed. A shadow was looking down at me in disappointment.

“…Big Sis? Welcome baaack.”

“Still half-asleep? I was home all day.”

“…Ahh, I see.”

“Dinner’s done.”


I was woken up by Big Sis, and like she had done ever since I was 14, she pulled me up by the collar. Ever since then, Big Sis’ voice was the best kind of alarm I could find. Even if my eyes were still half-asleep, alarm signals in my head went off, warning me. It’s like a sleep mode. Once I put in [Sajo1234] as a password, I stand up naturally. Even so, I was a bit sleepy nonetheless. Probably because of my specs. I feel like an XP PC.


“…Eh? Hold on, that’s my smartphone!”

When I raised my head, I saw Big Sis holding my phone. She glanced at the screen, and then gave me a dubious gaze. I grew worried that something might have been wrong, and stole it back from her. It should still be locked though.

“Ah, there’s nothing weird on there—”

“Make sure not to mess up.”


With these words that sounded like a warning, Big Sis left the room. Now that I think about it, it was weird for her to grab my smartphone without even running away. Then again, why is she even that curious anyway?

…’Make sure not to mess up’? What did she mean by that? I got a really bad feeling about this. Did she actually…catch a glimpse of my phone because my screen wasn’t locked? Isn’t that…pretty bad? Did she find out that I wasn’t keeping anything indecent hidden in my room, but instead used the world wide web in order to have my fun!? In a panic, I confirmed the status of my phone.


On my lock screen, I could see a large amount of messages. Not to mention that with this phone, if you flick down on the lock screen, you can read all the messages just fine. Not to mention that it doesn’t send out a read notification either. Ahh, technological progress.

‘Aichiiii! I was lonely without you…! Hehehe (//▽//)!’

‘Sheesh…Don’t say weird stuff like that, Kei! (#><)’

Ashidaaaaa! Why did you have to appear at such a moment! (You’re the best! Thank you very much!) So Big Sis saw that, huh…She probably got the wrong idea about this, all thanks to you…More, please.

Still, this is weird. Maybe it’s because I just woke up, but I can’t feel any anger at all. If anything, I was feeling quite happy inside. Maybe it’s because I saw the two flirting inside of my head, which was a wonderful treat.

“I told you dinner is ready!”

“Aye, coming over!”

Now I’m definitely awake.


‘Can I have some time?.’

After the 100.000 dollar conversation, Natsukawa said so, and I couldn’t disobey. Had nothing really to do besides gaming and sleeping, but if she asked me for it, then it can’t be helped.

‘Hey, I got a bit out of control there…’

An hour has passed since I got these words back from her. Were you thinking about Airi-chan and her boyfriend for an entire hour? Also, I want to know more about Natsukawa. Not to mention that there’s a high school student who actually earns 100.000 yen a year. Nowadays, you can pretty much make money with anything. How much tapioca could you buy with that? I’d buy lots of macarons. What am I, some JK?

We started talking about food and all that after Ashida asked for it, and I got to see a flustered Natsukawa as part of the exchanges, when we eventually started talking about my part-time work.

‘Sajocchi didn’t make her cry, right?’

‘I doubt it…But, I don’t really have any image of Wataru talking with a docile girl…’

‘I bet he something devoid of any decency as always~’

I sure as hell didn’t make her cry. At least not today, and I want to emphasize that. Well, I didn’t make her laugh either. Eh, should I really be talking about that with the person not even here? I feel like I’m leaking some personal information here.



‘If Aichi says so, then there’s no mistaking it! Sajocchi is…Wait? Is he reading this? The read notification is on.’


‘Huh? I’m not reading anything?’

‘You totally are!’

‘No no no, I wouldn’t dare peek in on a conversation between two girls, I have at least that much decency? After all, I’m that worthless of a boy who would ask two girls of his class for help? Not to mention that I don’t even make 100.000 dollars a year, so why am I even talking? Anyway, please treat me well in the future.’

‘Waaah, what a pain!’

‘A-Again, that was just…!’

‘Also, I bet that Ashida-san has yet to finish her summer homework, so I don’t want to get in the way of her studies~’

‘Waaaah, annoying bastard!’

Before I realized it, I stood in the middle of my room, frantically typing on my phone. Of course, hearing all of that stuff being said about me, I wouldn’t stay silent about that. I’m not even going to look at reality, as I am a gentleman. If I didn’t have any decency, I would have used Ashida to flirt around with Natsukawa myself. W-Well, the me a while ago might have done that, but…Ahhh, I’m suffering damage from just thinking about it…Makes sense they would think I’d be gross.

‘W-Wataru feels like a younger brother…’

‘Grrrr…R-Right! Sajocchi treated me to some juice before as well! You really know how to handle a girl!’

‘Sorry, I’ve calmed down. My bad. Thanks for the trouble. I’m satisfied.’

‘What’s with this guy!’

Ahh, I feel so demotivated. Or just…calm and not in fighting mode. Like I am a saint. Mmm…like I’m in the zone? This is the destructive force of my dark past. Looking at myself from an outside point of view, it really helps. I’m feeling like a thinker. Think about some dark organization that doesn’t even exist.


A deep breath, only be followed by a burp. Alright, time to focus. I delivered somewhat of a follow-up, and continued my conversation with the two. Shortly after, the conversation turned towards my part-time work (Of course). Thanks to eating something and having a proper nap, my head felt much more clear.

‘So, what happened?’

‘Her beloved older brother got himself a girlfriend. That’s why she wants to distance herself from him, and in order to be ‘independent’, she started working part-time, and couldn’t simply quit.’

‘Huh…I’m surprised she told you about all of that.’

‘T-That’s why you brought up Airi before…’

‘Sajocchi…your choice of example was horrible.’

I knew that, thank you very much.

‘Mmm…so her beloved Onii-chan got a girlfriend, huh…’

‘A-Airi getting a boyfriend…’

‘Neither of you have an older brother after all.’

With those two responses and my own comment, silence followed. I feel like one of us was out of the loop, but I think we all understood the circumstances of that girl.

‘You’d probably feel the same if your Onee-chan got taken from you right, Sajocchi?’

‘Not at all?’

‘Just agree for once…’

If anything, I am constantly hoping that someone will just look after her, so that I’m freed. If you want to flirt around, I’ll leave just for you as well. I’m feeling a bit worried that this whole student council harem ordeal will make it harder to get married in the future. But of course, the number one person on that ranking in that regard…is the public morals committee president.

‘I see, so Sajocchi has no way of getting that.’

‘I sure do? I have some decency after all.’

‘I said I’m sorry…’

‘He’s sulking…’

I am trying to be kind to Ichinose-san. Hearing her out, I just felt this odd urge to protect her. When I thought of her as annoying before, now I want her to rely on me. Do I even have any other choice? I was mentally NTR’d, you know. How can I not be her ally now.

‘But, because her Onii-chan was taken away from her…Lol. Isn’t she a cute one.’

‘Hey, is that really something you should laugh about?’ Natsukawa complained.

‘I mean, why can’t she just quit work and make up with her older brother?’

‘Maybe not after she’s seen the actual scene?’ I threw in a comment.

‘Actual scene…Eh? Actual scene…You mean that actual scene!?’

‘Actual scene…’

I can see the two blushing furiously in my head. Ahh, I can’t. Calm down, me. I said ‘actual scene’, but Ichinose-san only saw them during a steamy ‘that’, you know…I mean, that’s plenty destructive. Not to mention that I’ve started to resent Bear-sansenpai, who isn’t even at fault. If only I had something to stand out with…Maybe if I got fat!? That would give me a fluffy impression, right!?

‘…Now that I think about it, she kneeled down in front of Sajocchi just so that she could become independent from her older brother, right.’


‘If Ai-chan felt similar towards Aichi…’

‘Stop! Don’t say that! I won’t be able to live on!’

‘Sorry, Sajocchi.’

‘Why are you forcing this onto me.’

Don’t carelessly bring up Airi-chan while being aware of how much of a siscon Natsukawa is. Please, Natsukawa-sama, keep on living. I will die in your stead. Either way, even if I can imagine it to some degree, it’s hard to put myself in Ichinose-san’s position. The part of her loving her older brother a lot is a big point, but Natsukawa and Airi-chan’s relationship is different…Natsukawa feels more like ‘I’ll protect her at all costs!’ kinda.

When thinking about Ichinose-san, it’s probably more of a ‘I want to feel his warmth and safety’, I guess? What is that, some couple who’s been living together for a year and a half?

Also, now I really said it, huh…Well, neither Natsukawa nor Ashida should know that I was talking about Ichinose-san, right? I bet that once we come back to the second term, and we’re back in the same classroom, she won’t bother with me much.


In the end, I got some vague ‘Well, get along with her’ from both Natsukawa and Ashida. Seems like this delicate topic without much to do for the both of them as well. When I talked about me having cleared up my punishment that I received from Natsukawa, Ashida raised a dissatisfied ‘Ehhh?’. You were acting angry, but just enjoyed the idea of making me suffer, right?

There’s not much time left until summer break will end. Ichinose-san and Gramps talked about the situation and her working schedule after school starts back up again, saying that she could come by during the afternoon and in the evening.



“…T-Thank you very much…”

“You don’t have to carry the same box that I do. We got different strength in our arms. It might take a bit longer, but no customers are coming, so just take it easy.”


We were carrying the baskets and boxes with newly-purchased books. If you don’t stack three identical books, you can’t put them into the shelf, so a friend of Gramps is walking around nearby stores.

Ichinose-san was looking after my example, but apparently the weight was too much for her to handle. As a result of that, she was swaying left and right while walking. I expected this, and supported her from the side. I don’t think she needs to force herself that much.



Ever since my impression of Ichinose-san took a straight 180, every action of hers looked cute, like I was watching a cute animal at a zoo. Her outer appearance, especially instigated through our difference in height, created this protective urge, and whenever she carried something heavy, her lips were pushed together tightly, like she was struggling. In the end, she could only look like a grade school student. I’m really sorry.

I mean, this girl is just…Every time I was reminded of it, I let out a sigh. What is her older brother doing? He’s making such an adorable little sister sad, you’re a failure. Deal with it in a better way, will you.


“Ohh, not bad.”

I heard Ichinose-san’s tense voice, but I’m used to it by now. When I praised her for her efforts, Ichinose-san looked down, seeming slightly embarrassed. What is this…I want to give her some sweets for her hard work! If this was Osaka, she’d bring home a large amount of sweets just by walking around outside. But, I want to see her munch on some bread instead.



“A-About this…”

“Ah, that.”

She does try to take care of most stuff on her own, but she’s not limited to just that, and would ask me about something that me or Gramps haven’t taught her. Naturally, I did my part and answered her as well. Since I would be leaving soon, I was fully intent on training her to the best of my ability.

When you’re in class, it’s not that easy to ask questions about stuff you don’t understand. Assuming you’ll raise your hand, the other people around you will just think ‘He’s so diligent, hella funny lol’, and make fun of you. Then you’ll be used as an example to clarify the question. Thanks a lot for that, Matsushita-kun, you seriously helped me.

Talking about being diligent, that feels much more comfortable when at work. In class, the atmosphere would just go down drastically if you actually cared about your efforts, but here you’re being asked to take everything seriously, and nobody can make fun of you for that. When I finish half of the work, I already feel like going home, but in the end, part-time work shows your value much more than if you’re being diligent at school.

Well, the diligent guys probably wouldn’t work part-time anyway. They’d probably look down on you with a ‘Studying is everything, why are you working part-time?’, right. I won’t forgive you, Matsushita.

“Normally, I would have taught you a more gentle way to deal with our wares, but since you’re a book reader yourself, you know how to handle books, Ichinose-san. I was having much more trouble than you.”

“I-Is that so?”

“Yeah, I’m honestly impressed.”

Oh wait, why am I just praising her like it’s nothing. It’s just…Ichinose-san feels like someone younger than me, even more so than Sasaki-san. Well…Sasaki-san is like a miraculous existence.



Eh…what was that smile!? That was the first time Ichinose-san looked like an adult! Eh, what, she’s happy about being praised? She’s just gonna smile like that!? So cute!

“Ichinose-san, I feel like you’d look more adorable if you always showed a face like that……Ah?”


Only after saying it out loud, I realized my blunder. What am I saying? I always told myself to not touch the thing about her bangs, because that could be a complex of hers…there’s no way she’d keep her bangs that long otherwise! She must have some special circumstances! And, I’m talking to a girl!


“Ah! Well, you know! I wasn’t saying that in a weird way! Just wondering why you would always hide your face, and…!”


I was frantically trying to make up an excuse. I really thought that her forehead was pretty big, so if she continues to grow like that, she’d probably have a perfect face as an anime cosplayer, and I definitely want to see that. It surely won’t happen, which is just a shame…

As for Ichinose-san, she gently caressed her bangs she previously moved to the side, and spoke up.

“…I-Is that so…?”


Gaaah, so cute…What is that gesture…Because of our difference in height, it always feels like she’s looking up at me. That apron on her looks more like cosplay than anything. Not to mention this guilt I’m feeling for having my heart skip a beat because of a classmate of mine…Can I touch your forehead?



I feel like being able to talk about her bangs is some great progress. Decency…right? Yeah, very important. Things were a bit awkward between us in the beginning, but through working together, I feel like we’ve gotten a lot closer. We can properly hold a conversation during break, and Ichinose-san has gotten better at dealing with the customers as well. Being called cute by a female customer is the best kind of proof for that. Not too long ago, her head would have probably turned blank.

Then again, Sasaki-san stopping by here and there is still a hard hit for her. But, because they share the same hobby, they can at least get along to some degree. Most of the conversation is pretty much one-sidedly coming from Sasaki-san, but Ichinose-san at least responds.

As I was measuring Ichinose-san’s growth, I started to feel a bit regretful about the fact that I would be quitting soon. My summer break will soon end—Just when I thought that, an incident happened.


“Eh, Ichinose-senpai…?”

Right when I got off work, and stepped outside the second-hand bookstore, a fan was waiting for me (Lie).