

Not only Natsukawa, but all other students present in the room gave me dubious gazes, until the bare deadline for us to pack up shop arrived. Naturally, there’s no way we finished the entire work of writing out all the documents by hand. Looking at it from a security viewpoint, taking them with me would not be accepted. So, the documents leftover were collected, and distributed the following day. Naturally, Natsukawa and I left the room together.

“…Is this always happening?”


“With Sasaki, and the other seniors.”


I asked Natsukawa as we walked down the hallway, but it doesn’t seem like the situation is as bad as I thought. Maybe I was just meddling needlessly as always. I tried not to gather much attention and get in her way, and yet I appeared right in front of her.

“Eh, am I wrong?”

“That senior is actually part of Sasaki-kun’s soccer club, and its manager. She taught me a lot through Sasaki-kun.”


She taught her a lot? I see, so she’s a good senior. That being said, that expression just now also gave me a rather unpleasant view. It must be because of what I had seen before. Even if she taught Natsukawa a lot, she may have just been trying to show off to Sasaki. Or, that might just be me having ill will towards her.

“She probably dislikes the entire committee. She often complains about it.”


About what part—I couldn’t ask that. So many things were wrong inside that room. I could tell without needing to confirm anything. Just by helping for a bit, that was enough for me to tell. Because I had my experience of office work back in middle school, I could tell just how bad things were with the current culture festival execution committee.

“…Is Sasaki the same?”

“Of course not…He just can’t go against them. Inoue-senpai apparently is the girlfriend of the soccer club’s captain…so she said ‘Let’s slip out of here and go practice’…”


I regretted asking about this, and looked up at the ceiling. Not good, I almost clicked my tongue. I understand that those seniors aren’t living in the best faith of the execution committee. I also can guess what Sasaki must have felt while leaving the room. That’s exactly why I can’t forgive them. At the same time, I felt frustrated that I can’t even do much to help Natsukawa.

A shiver ran down my arms. This rage inside of me was no joke. It’s almost like I wasn’t myself. And yet, I don’t even know where to direct these feelings at. Sasaki? Those second-years? Hasegawa-senpai? Or the student council who uses me like this?


As we walked ahead, Natsukawa suddenly grabbed my sleeve. I must have sped up quite a bit, as I was blinded by rage, almost leaving her behind. I was shocked to see myself acting like that. To think I would forget about Natsukawa like this.


When I stopped in my tracks to turn around, I found Natsukawa looking up at me from up close. She must have been surprised to see me suddenly stop like that. As expected, her surprised face, her shocked face, they were all enough to make my heart race. Despite her moving away, my gaze was glued to her face. It seems like I was once again entranced by her. I can never get used to her, huh.

Even the anger inside of me was calmed down because of my feelings of love, taken beyond the pale. It felt like I was dropped back into reality. That being said, I still wouldn’t know what to direct this anger at. I merely understood where that anger came from—I don’t know why this superb view in front of me is so twisted.



When I looked at Natsukawa, she seemed to be flustered, almost panicking. I guess seeing my face up close like that must have been pretty shocking for her. I hesitated about apologizing to her, when Natsukawa moved first.

“I-I have to go shopping!”

Still restless, Natsukawa blurted out these words, and passed me by, running. The superb view distanced itself. It’s like I crossed the coat of snow with the bullet train. A feeling of regret assaulted me. It’s as if I felt attracted to an existence like my favorite idol, making me think ‘You’re not normal’ in self-deprecation. This might not be love anymore. Despite that, I felt the deep and selfish desire to keep that existence close to me. Coming to that realization, I started to loathe my way of loving Natsukawa.


“Where’s Big Sis?”

“Who knows? Maybe in her room?”

I just finished my bath. In contrast to her usual routine, Big Sis wasn’t occupying the living room sofa. Just when I thought that this was my time to fully enjoy this prime seat, I found myself feeling restless instead. Calm down, me…Realize it, I’m not her servant. There’s nothing wrong with me inhabiting the sofa when she’s not around.

Or so I told myself, but I still couldn’t relax despite that. I resigned myself to accepting that I had been enslaved, and headed to my safe space. After a good bath, a glass of juice is the best! As the cubes of ice shook around inside my glass, I walked up the stairs. Big Sis seemed to be tired, as not a single sound could be heard even on the second floor. Normally, she’d be on the phone with gal friends, or someone else she knew. Maybe she doesn’t feel like that today. I feel like she’s been especially tired as of late, I guess the burden of the student council must be heavy.

That being said, I really wish she at least wouldn’t wrap me into this mess only to get a bit of a breather…There’s enough ways for a single person to get a change of pace. Personally, I just lock myself up in my room, watch some videos, or do something on my phone, and boom—I’m back to the usual Sajocchi…Um, why is there light on inside my room?

“Welcome back.”

“Wha…!? Ouch!?”

Ooooooooooooooooooooooooh—!? Out of shock and surprise, I hit my elbow on the door. That in itself wouldn’t be that bad, but the fact that I also tried to protect the glass in my hand only gave me worse of an injury, because I slammed my toe into the doorframe. While desperately trying to suppress the pain, I carefully put the glass down on the floor.

“Scary!! Why are you just sitting on my bed like that! Is this a horror movie recording session!?”


I should be the only one here in this room, so when I see the lights being on and someone sitting like a statue on my bed, of course I’d freak out. It even took me a second to realize she was there. If she didn’t warn me with her ‘Welcome back’, I might have passed out.

“Eh? Eh? What do you want? Did you walk into the wrong room?”

“Of course not.”

This woman, why does she sound so arrogant despite sitting in someone else’s bed. At least sit down properly. Don’t stretch out your legs on my bed like it belongs to you. Big Sis should be able to sympathize with my feelings of not wanting family to waltz into my room. If anything, we agreed to not meddle with each other when we’re at home. That should have been obvious, and yet she invaded my room…For what reason?

“…Is this because of the student council—”

“Yeah, it’s about the culture festival execution committee.”

That—still wouldn’t explain why she came to my room like this. Also, trespassing is an entirely different story. I shall allow it this once.

“So, did you figure something out?”


“I mean, not like you need to tell me.”

I put down the glass on my low table, and sat down on the left side of the bed. Needless to say, having Big Sis in my usual comfort zone left me with an awful feeling of something being mismatched. I figured that it must be something serious going on, which is why she didn’t just tell me in the living room, with our parents present. I waited for her to say something, but Big Sis didn’t move. Come on, I’m not letting you stay here for free. At least sit down on the floor.

“Hey Big Sis, get off my be—Eh?”

Bed—I wanted to say, only for my field of view to suddenly turn. The only thing I understood is that my shoulder was forcefully grabbed, and my body pushed down. I prepared myself for any incoming pain, but none of that arrived. Next thing I knew, I looked up at the ceiling.


………What? What just happened? Only a dumbfounded sound escaped my lips. An unfamiliar scent filled my room. Or rather, I knew of it. It was Big Sis’ personal body soap. Since the sofa in the living room was drenched in it, I could immediately recognize it. However, it felt a lot thicker compared to back then. The reason for that was simple—it’s because I could directly pick it up from her body.

“…Eh? What? Huh? Why?”

Why did things end up this way? I must have gone senile. If not, then there would be no reason why Big Sis was currently looking down at me. When did I press the wrong button?


The criminal who grabbed my shoulder and threw me down had put my head on her thighs, her expression distorted in shame and embarrassment. The way she evidently hated it made it seem like I was being threatened. It was an abnormal sight, and yet I knew that I would be killed if I moved an inch.

“…Did you hit your head?”

“S-Shut up…!”

Because of the sheer insanity of this situation, I actually managed to calm down quite a bit. On the back of my head, I could still feel Big Sis soft thigh, a sensation I had never known about before. I only thought that they must feel soft, but it’s not like I’m getting all emotional here. I couldn’t compare it to anything else, even if I wanted to. Although a lot of people would kill to experience this, I can’t fully enjoy it.

If I move but an inch, I’m dead—that’s what my instincts told me, and in order to not instigate more of Big Sis’ fury, I looked away from her, instead focussing on the fluorescent light of the room. At the very least, I should continue that until Big Sis’ deep breaths finally stopped. I wonder what people think during their final moments? Regrets, or maybe a slideshow of memories? What? Unless I’m a hostage during a bank robbery, I won’t understand that? Non non……What was my last meal again?


“Wah, my juice!”


Big Sis seemed to have reached some kind of limit, as she gulped down the juice I prepared, and finally started to calm down at least. That being said, I still can’t relax. A lap pillow? Non non, this is like a bear chokehold. When I tried to get up, her hand landed on my collarbone. Even when I tried my luck to push it away, it didn’t move an inch. She has strength that isn’t even human anymore. I doubted the idea that she had human blood running through her veins. I don’t want to believe that we share the same DNA.

Alright, alright, I guess it’s time for me to look at reality. I can’t stay a dreaming boy forever when dealing with her. Right when I wanted to ask if I could get up, I realized something thin but long in Big Sis’ hand.



Now hold on, you’re scaring me for real. What is this woman planning on doing? She’s not about to clean my ears, right? Eh, why? It’s not that I don’t get where this is coming from, but why? We’re not that close. We were never that type of siblings to begin with.



Big Sis suddenly pushed up my left shoulder. Since I was already laying on the bed, I couldn’t counteract that, and was forced to turn my left ear towards Big Sis. I was terrified to the point I thought of just rolling over and falling off the bed in order to run away, but Big Sis suddenly raised her lap to stop me from turning completely. Eh, wait, is she seriously about to do this? Not as a joke? Maybe she wants to pull out my brain mass from my left ear instead of doing some casual ear cleaning?

“Prepare yourself.”

“Hold on hold on hold on!? Seriously, wait a moment!? Please!!”

At the very least, that phrase of hers sure didn’t sound like she’d simply be cleaning my ears. Immediately, my entire body was filled with fear and terror. This is going to be medical treatment, right? She’s turning me into a mummy, and preserving me. Help help help help help.

“What!? What is going on!? I’m scared! Let me go!”

“Shut up. Sit still.”


I frantically tried to get up, only to be pressed down on her lap again. I felt insane pressure on the left side of my head. This wench…She’s holding the other side of my head between her legs…! I tried my best to look up at her, only to freeze up when I saw her expression, devoid of any emotion.



Even as I threw a complaint at her, Big Sis’ expression did not change. She does not have the face of someone currently giving a lap pillow. Is this even a lap pillow?

“…We’re not normal a brother and sister.”


Her attitude was eccentric, and not normal. On top of that, her statement just now… I can’t read her motive. What are her intentions, telling me about this. My brain is about to blank out.

“It’s just as you said.”


“In Tamao’s case, they were much more friendly.”


Who? Why is she bringing up a random name now? Maybe someone she knows? That person apparently also had a younger brother, and they seem fairly close.

“She’s an idiot friend of mine, but what she’s saying usually is on the mark. When I talked to her about us, she just said ‘There’s no way that siblings like that exist~’, and scoffed at me.”


I don’t really get it, but it seems like that friend is a bit of an airhead. However, hearing it this bluntly, it must have hurt Big Sis by quite a lot.

“You said the same thing…Not like I was unaware of it either, so I guess that must have been the truth.”


Eh, so what? She wants us to become normal siblings? I mean, I guess ear cleaning is a part of that, but…should we really be doing that as high school students!?

“Well, that being the case…I figured I should at least do this once…”

“No, this is definitely wrong—”

“Shut up.”


A foreign object entered my left ear. It was thin, but sturdy, creating a scratching sound. Seriously…she actually started this? I’m far too terrified to even move an inch. Did she even do ear cleaning like this? Maybe I really am going to die…? I saw a vision of my ear being stabbed, blood gushing out of my head. Maybe I should just try to pass out now so that I don’t feel the pain…?

“You’re too scared. I won’t mess up.”

“H-Huh…? So you did it to somebody besides me before?”

“Ah, my hand is slipping.”

“Stop, I beg you.”

The tip of the earpick pushed around 5mm deeper. It felt like it moved deep into a delicate zone. Weird, was ear cleaning always such a heart wrenching event? If there was a risk of having your eardrums pierced, nobody would go through an ear cleaning like this. I still faintly remember how Mom’s ear cleaning was a lot more comfortable.

“I asked this before, but what kind of relationship do you have with Rin?”


What is it now? Shinomiya-senpai? Even if you ask me that…She’s basically just ‘A friend of Big Sis’. She’s the same as Big Sis, an existence I definitely can’t win against, and she holds the power to change the atmosphere around her immediately. I don’t think there are many other equals she has besides Big Sis. And, I don’t see them ever getting married. As I was thinking about something rude, I felt something pressing on my head.

“Today…No, Rin is always a chore, and not the type who wants a man, right. I really don’t like the idea of her knowing my younger brother.”

“No, it’s really not like that. She doesn’t even see me as a man, I bet.”

“…She did say ‘If you don’t let him spoil you, give him to me’.”

“Oh my.”

Am I a pet? She’s talking about today’s Shinomiya-senpai, right…? Was she that obsessed with me? Human beings aren’t so cheap that they can just be handed over, you know. Also, she looks at me the same way as Big Sis does. She’s just mistaking that as a step-brother.

“When I talked with Tamao, she also said ‘I thought you were an only child’.”

“Tamao is back, huh.”

“She laughed at me, continuing with ‘You don’t seem like an older sister, but you could be a good dog owner’.”

This Tamao-san sure is good at provoking Big Sis, huh? But, isn’t that something you should tell the guys of the student council? They’re more like your puppies, I’m just your slave.

“Must have hurt, huh?”

“Alright, opposite side time.”


She grabbed my hand, forcefully turning me around again, with half my body falling to the ground. You didn’t have to turn me over like this…I almost kissed Big Sis’ legs.

“Turn around. Don’t look at my stomach.”

“Can you stop turning me around like this then?”

Also, listen to me. You don’t need to do the whole ear cleaning anymore. I get what you’re trying to say, so don’t force yourself. We’re in high school, I’m going crazy here.


And yet, she continued with my right ear, my head on her legs again. I lost against the silent pressure coming from her. It’s most definitely not like I was enjoying this. I’m being threatened, and if I fight back, I won’t get out of this safely. Until she’s satisfied, she won’t stop. Giving in is the wise choice. Tamao-san, I’ll get my revenge eventually.

“So, what happened between you and that super cute girl?”

“What is this hair salon talk…”

“I’m asking as your older sister.”

Now she’s invading my personal privacy…Also, that really isn’t something I should be telling my older sister about, right? With everything that happened today, we’ve only grown more alienated, Natsukawa and I. I was happy that she ended up behind me after the seat change, but I actually don’t want this sense of distance. I want to gaze at Natsukawa from a bit further away, seeing her enjoy herself. I simply want to support her. In that sense, having her end up behind me was not the best result. Being showered by the Goddess’ dazzling light, my back sure enough felt happy, but what do my eyes gain from that? I want to look at Natsukawa, not feel her…!

—So, what if I told Big Sis about that? Yeah, no way. Even if we are related by blood, there still is a certain wall between us. I don’t think a girl would understand my feelings.

“…I’m more curious about you, Big Sis.”


“I know you like hotties. So, why don’t you tell me who you’re most serious with out of the student council—Ahh, so deep!?”

“No unnecessary comments.”

T-This woman…! She is threatening to burst my eardrums! So I don’t even have any choice when it comes to topic!? How much of a villainess can you be!? At least make my ears feel good! You never know when you want to do this for your future boyfriend…! At the very least, the two of us shouldn’t be doing this…This situation is just all over the place. What about Tamao-san, huh?

“…So, how old is Tamao-san’s younger brother?”

“Fifth grade.”


In grade school!? Of course she’d clean his ears then! Their relationship couldn’t be further from ours!

“Big Sis? I’m in high school. Way too far apart from Tamao-san’s little brother. Look? I’m even taller than you. I’m an adult.”

She’s treating me like some small brat…I’ve worked before, okay? I have the money I earned from that! I’ve already set foot into a working man’s world! Don’t treat me like a child!

“…But, you don’t like needles and bell peppers, right?”

“Ha ha ha”

Welp, she got me here, lol.