The day off school finished, returning the students to our regular school life. After a whole day had passed, I had gotten used to not being able to use my left hand, and I realized that, if I put my focus on it, I could handle myself with just my dominant hand. It’s important that my left hand gets some good rest. Mom was even kind enough to drive me to school, letting me off a bit of a distance away from the school gate. Because of this injury, I felt like I was living life in easy mode, so Natsukawa saying I took this too lightly might have been not far off. I swiftly got out of the car, as the other Kouetsu students nearby started whispering. In fact, I was the top celebrity of the school—Well, you knew that wasn’t the case, right?

“Big Sis…You’re standing out.”

“I’m not doing this because I want to.”

Of course, all the attention was focused on the 49th Kouetsu High School student council vice president. Think about it…Walking down a short path with virtually no danger, there’s a regular high school boy, with a beast right behind him. For a person living in peaceful Japan, this sight must be horrifying. My knees would definitely give out. If I had to compare it, it would be like the demon chasing after Momotaro, having sworn revenge. Not only would I rather walk to school than be taken by car, but I could really go without this companion. I feel like she might suck the life out of me. No amount of makeup can fix that face.

“Come on, let’s go.”


The boys looked at me in awe and dread, whereas the girls cheered in joy. Big Sis ignored both of these as she walked on ahead. She seemed like she didn’t care much but then rushed straight through the crowd. Make a path, the true messiah has arrived. A faint whirlwind tickled my cheek.

“…You doing okay?”

“Should be fine.”

“You’re not just saying stuff, are you?”

“I’m not, I’m not. I’m okay.”

Big Sis turned around to glare at me. I can’t tell if she’s worried about me or angry. And since the day had barely started, I genuinely didn’t know what challenges waited ahead. But just when I thought she was in a bad mood again, her expression changed into a sour face.



“All because I asked something weird of you.”

“Oh, geez. Forget about that already.”


Even now, we have a complicated relationship. More accurately, our thoughts and opinions simply don’t line up. But Big Sis can’t accept that, and the whole incident on the way back home only accelerated that. And she blames herself for this injury, thinking that she and her allies inadvertently caused it. There came the fissure of anger and opposition, regret and reflection. She seems to be shaking left and right between those two.

“Do you have your painkillers and extra bandages?”

“Sure do,” I answered Big Sis’s question, who asked this without even turning around.

Seems like she thinks of me as some loser who can’t even take care of the injury he caused himself. But who am I to talk? I stabbed my own hand with sewing scissors like an idiot.

“What about the documents for the next sports festival and the outline for the next student council election?”

“Why would I have that?”

“Just kidding.”

What is this woman saying? She made it sound so natural, I struggled to realize she was actually joking. Or what, is she planning on making me her errand boy until the day she retires from the student council?

“Why are we even walking all the way to the school gate?”

“Because this place is unnecessarily large, I guess?”


That exchange rarely enough made it feel like we were actually related by blood for once. But it was quite the sight to see the always-healthy Big Sis sighing like that. Usually, she looks like she’s constantly on her period. As I spewed some evil comments at her in my mind, a shadow appeared from beside us, the silhouette looking dignified and confident. On their arm, I could see a bandage that read ‘Public morals.’

“Hey, you miserable twins.”

The voice I heard cut through air like a box cutter, emitting confidence and pride. Looking over, Shinomiya-senpai stood next to the school gate with crossed arms, looking at us.

“Just when I was happy to see you getting along while coming to school, you start sighing wildly. Just looking at you is sapping me off all my energy.”

“Oh, Rin. Carry me to the classroom.”

“What a violent accusation coming from the alleged public morals committee president, Shinomiya-senpai. If you just take Big Sis with you, I’ll pretend I didn’t hear a thing.”

“What…is this? Why do I feel so annoyed?”

Even Shinomiya-senpai was at her wit’s end once the trouble children arrived. Please, won’t you just accept my request? What I need right now is a reliable but sassy Onee-san. Not a gorilla Onee-san.

“I swear…You’re supposed to be the student council’s vice president. Aren’t you a bit too listless now that the cultural festival has ended?”

“That’s right, vice president! Don’t go around terrifying your surroundings with that aggressive aura of yours. Do your own job.” I joined in.

“You little…”

“Hey, don’t use me as a shield!”


Normally, you would call this a meat shield, but with Shinomiya-senpai in front of me, she was more like an iron wall. Right now, I might even be able to defeat Big Sis—or so I foolishly assumed, but Shinomiya-senpai grabbed my necktie and pulled me in front of Big Sis. Glared at by two warriors of destruction, I folded.

“I mean…the cultural festival is over, and you’ll be handling the sports festival. We’re just gonna run our eyes through the documents and give our sign of approval.”

“That may be true, but…Wait, that’s not the point. I’m speaking in terms of being a model for the students, and…Hm?”

I was still in a defensive stance, protecting my face with both my hands, when Shinomiya-senpai suddenly grabbed my left wrist. She ran her gaze along the back of my hand to the palm, as the color of her eyes changed.

“Y-You’re gravely injured! Just what in the world happened?!”


Judging from that reaction, she didn’t know about my injury. I glanced over at Big Sis, who crossed her arms and shook her head in silence. Guess she didn’t tell her.

“Well, the thing is…”

“I’ll explain everything. You go on ahead.”


I wanted to explain everything when Big Sis grabbed my shoulder and pulled me away, pushing me past the school gate. I could tell I had no room to argue. And Shinomiya-senpai gave Big Sis a stern gaze.

“…Then I’ll be going.”

The two of them were facing each other, not allowing any intervention. Even though I was at the center of it all, I was treated like an outsider. Will Big Sis tell her the truth, or will she use an excuse like I did? I just closed my eyes and walked away. Until I reached the shoe lockers, I decided not to look at Shinomiya-senpai.


Looking at the clock hanging above the blackboard, I realized that it was about the same time I would usually get to school. Since I knew I’d get escorted to school by car, I left later than usual, so that probably matched up now.


I didn’t know if it was just my imagination, but even though a lot of students had arrived already, the mood was awfully gloomy and heavier than usual. Is that…because of my injury? No, that can’t be the case. I’m not the center of attention or anything like that.

“Hey…Hey, Yamazaki.”

“Oh, Sajou! I heard you got injured. Why are you coming to school like this?”

“Why shouldn’t I?”

A group of people had built in the back, leaning against the lockers, so I called out to Yamazaki. He even read the mood and kept his voice down a bit. Since he’s made a high school debut like me, he knows how to read the mood. I just wish he’d act this way around girls, too. He’d be popular.

“Why’s the classroom so calm this morning?”

“Ah…Well…Check out the girls sitting at their desks.”


I looked around, realizing that a lot of the girls were already sitting at their desks. And the selection gave me really bad vibes. That’s Shirai-san, Okamocchan…Ah.

“…Did you realize?”

“Wh-Where’s Sasaki…?”

“Came to school with Saitou-san and then up and left with her somewhere.”


“And when the moody makers in class are down in the dumps, the mood of the whole class tanks.”

“That bastard Sasaki…”

Hearing Iwata and Yamazaki talk with each other, I couldn’t help but grumble to myself. That’s right. Yuki-chan and Saitou-san weren’t the only girls who had a crush on Sasaki…I was once again reminded of his influence as I looked around in the classroom, when Ichinose-san turned around and our eyes met. A faint “Ah” came from her mouth, I could tell. She stood up, looking like she was panicking, as she carefully walked over.


“Morning, Ichinose-san.”

“Good morning…!”

“Sorry for making you worry.”


I waved my left hand with the bandage at her. She stared at me, grew pale, and then forcefully stopped my hand from moving. It must have been too impactful of a scenery, as she seemed frantic.

“Y-You can’t do that…!”

“Sorry, sorry.”

She grabbed my sleeve with all her might, showing how serious she was. The almond eyes appearing from below her bangs shook greatly. This is hard to watch. Influence, control…In a way, this is the same as with Sasaki.

“Yikes, I can almost feel your pain there.”

“Like some middle-schooler syndrome.”

“Hey, stop that. I’m super conscious of it,” I grumbled.

“Keh heh heh…”

This bastard just says whatever he wants. And actually, the pain doesn’t even matter if I have to deal with this abuse. I’ll be throwing the same words at you once you get hurt, I swear.

“…Aren’t you worried about Sajou-kun?”

I was making vicious plans for the future, when Ichinose-san turned toward the two boys. She seemed oddly infuriated at them acting like it was none of their business. That’s right! Tell them!

“Huh? I mean…”

“He’s not gonna die, right?”


Boys be boys, I guess?


Heading to my seat, I saw that Natsukawa had yet to arrive. Instead, I checked over at Ashida talking with an unexpected individual.

“Yo, what a weird match-up.”

“Ah, Sajocchi! Good mor—Oh.”

“…Are you okay?”

Standing next to Ashida was our class rep Iihoshi-san. She’s like a hidden normie, clearly voicing her likes and dislikes. She’s the person who made the class group, and she’s got the guts to speak against girls she doesn’t like, so she can be a bit scary. From what I heard, she is also the one who set up the whole party.

“Should be fine. I’m standing here, after all.”

“I see…Well, if you say that.”

“But still, be careful, Sajou-kun.”

“Aye. I will burn it into my heart.”

“Very well.”

“What kind of relationship is unfolding in front of me right now?”

Subconsciously, I struck a pose like a military recruit, saluting with a straight back. Weird, I don’t see any future where I could win against Iihoshi-san. If we ever had to fight, I would probably get beaten up by her fans. And after she nodded, she returned to her seat. Watching her off, I placed my belongings on my desk. Man, that was heavy…

“What were you talking about with her?”

“Hm? Confirming the cause, I guess.”

“The cause?”



Ashida moved her chin to make me look at Okamocchan. She sat still on her seat, staring down at her desk. I guess girls will be girls. And Iihoshi-san must be wanting to do something about this.

“Well…We can’t avoid this path. And some scars only heal with time.”

“Experienced, eh?”

“My scars haven’t healed…”

“Little attached baby.”

“Oh shut up.”

Don’t underestimate me, I went through my own share of shit. If we kept more of a distance, I might be able to get over her, but the distance between us right now won’t let me forget. She’s still trying to be friends with me despite everything. And if she even goes so far as to touch me, I can feel my tail wagging.

“Oh yeah, Natsukawa isn’t here yet, right?”

“Exactly! I haven’t seen her for a day, so I need my Aichi vitamins quickly.”

“You’re one to talk.”

She gave me a sharp gaze…Wait, is she planning on keeping Natsukawa all to herself?!

“I bet you met her yesterday, didn’t you?”

“Why would you bet on that? Who do you take me for? I’m not chasing after her or anything, okay?”

Well, I was never that bad to begin with. I just followed her while she was aware of it…Man, I was a pain to deal with. Wouldn’t want to imagine Big Sis’s face.

“Ah, speak of the devil.”

Suddenly, Ashida’s face lit up. I followed her gaze, seeing Natsukawa enter the classroom. Run right now! You’re gonna get attacked!

“Aichi, good morning! You’re later than usual!”

“Eeek?! H-Hey…”

Ashida shot up and leaped at Natsukawa. Her tail began aggressively wagging like she was a golden retriever, clinging to her arm. But she failed to reach inside Natsukawa’s skirt, so she failed.

“Morning, Natsukawa.”


I greeted her myself, as she returned a somewhat awkward response. This atmosphere…It’s the same as with Shirai-san and Okamocchan? No way…! Is Natsukawa also depressed because of Sasaki? No, that’s impossible. She never had an expression like Saitou-san did. Not in front of me either. I never saw a face like hers. I imagined the worst-case scenario for a moment, as my heart raced for all the wrong reasons, when Natsukawa called out to me.

“Did you…leave your house earlier than usual?”

“Hm? Nope, I got here by car today, so I left later.”

“Ah…Right, I see. With that injury, that makes sense…”


There’s something wrong with Natsukawa. Did she just…sigh? Because she’s talking to me? Aw man, that’s a shock. It can’t be my fault, right? Did something bad happen to her?

“…Is your hand okay?”

“No worries. I’m letting it rest properly.”

“Yeah…I think that’s better.”

“What about you, Aichi? You seem a bit down today.”

“Huh? N-No, not at all.”



While still clinging to Natsukawa, Ashida closely observed her face. You’re too close! One wrong move, and…and…If you did that in front of me, my brain would melt…or would it be lit on fire? Keep going! Keep going!

“Well, this time, it was out of your control.”

“Wh-What do you mean…?”

“Nothing at all?”



…? I feel extremely left out right about now. I’ve got no clue what they are talking about. There could be something about Natsukawa that I fail to realize but Ashida’s got her figured out…? Where is the difference between us…?! I know, I’ll just leave this to her. Sometimes, it’s better not to overstep your boundaries to invade other people’s privacy. I think it might be territory that has no space for a man, so I’ll just leave Natsukawa alone until she’s better.

“I’m counting on you, Ashida. I know when to leave the stage, after all.”

“Nope, you clearly got the wrong idea. And I bet you were thinking about something gross.”

“Can’t you be a bit more considerate of your words? I’m injured. A bit of kindness wouldn’t hurt.”

I’m using my injury as a handicap for my opponent…Very useful, indeed. I’ll make anybody who needs to start shit shut up with this very technique. I can tell that me being depressed will negatively impact my injury and the pain I feel. So, I’m definitely not using this as a pretense or anything. I’m just trying to heal with this boring method.

“That’s right! You gotta be kind to the people who are injured!”



I sat on my chair when a sudden and soft sensation enveloped my head. Something akin to perfume with the sweet and sour scent of citrus tickled my nose. I remember the name when we were together with our relatives and everyone was drinking and sitting in a room for hours. This scent is…

“Y-You are…!”

“When Sajocchi got taken to the hospital…”

Looking at the direction the two were facing, paired with their reaction, I finally realized that someone was currently clinging to me. I looked up and down, seeing a short skirt, with long and slender legs that would make you fall for the person in a heartbeat. What is this…heaven?

“…I-Is that…Onitsuka-senpai?”

“Correct! Well done! How’d you know?”

“Your voice…and the scent of your perfume.”

As expected, the person clinging to my head was the gal I met at the infirmary just the other day—Onitsuka-senpai. And on the way home, I think Big Sis called her “Tamao,” too…I feel like I heard that before…

“Smells good, right?”

“Mm…Ah, wait!”

The grip on my head grew stronger, as my face was pressed against her stomach. It seems like she doesn’t even see a junior two years younger than her as a member of the opposite sex. Is she just trying to tickle a bashful reaction out of me? But even so, this is a bit much…Maybe because she’s an ex-gal?

“Yep…Yep…Just as I thought.”

“H-Hold on! What are you doing?!” Natsukawa roared.

“I’m just being nice to him…To Kaede’s adorable little bro!”

“Y-You know his sister…?”

“She’s one of my best friends!”

While embracing me, she touched my uniform. It’s the same thing Ashida does when clinging to Natsukawa. The “Indulging in someone’s scent,” I think. I…I see? So this is what it feels to be the one getting touched all over…? I understand why Natsukawa pretended to dislike it only to blush a bit…Gosh, stop it already… (More)!

“And you, too…! How long are you going to sit still like that…!”

“Ah…! E-Excuse me! I think this is enough!”

“You perverted, Sajocchi. Deviant.”


Crap, I completely gave in to my desires…! Even though I wasn’t the one taking the initiative for the hugging, Natsukawa and Ashida gave me deadly stares, then there’s Okamocchan in front of me still with a broken heart, as well as everyone else in the classroom being on edge. Flirting around like this is bad…! I need to get away from her as quickly as possible!

“Huh? Nah, don’t wanna.”

Geez, if you’re that adamant on it, then I’ll have to…Huh? Wait, what? But before I could voice my doubts, she pressed her body on me with even greater force. Being the “Younger brother of a classmate” says that anybody involved would immediately lose their caution and rationality. Shinomiya-senpai has taught me enough. That’s why I figured she’d greet me if we met in the hallway, maybe she’d tease me here and there…but even if she does not see me as a man, this is a bit much, no? On the contrary, it would almost make me get the wrong idea that she has feelings for me. But of course, barely any time has passed since we first met. I highly doubt she would fall for me when all she ever saw of me was groaning and suffering from the pain. Who would even develop feelings because of that? This better not be some trap set up because she despises Big Sis…


“Huh? Just because?”


The soft sensation and warmth made my head tingle. White eyes of contempt, paired with a beauty’s sharp gaze glaring at me. From the boys in the distance came waves of hostility. Um, is this hell?

“So…Like, seriously now.”

“Whoops! Was I a bit too careful? My bad!”

“I mean…I don’t mind.”

I realized that the situation was getting worse, so I asked her to actually let go of me. And once I did, she listened and did as she was told. She took a step back, but the scent of her perfume still drifted around me in the air. I would have fanned my hand through the air a bit, but I definitely can’t do that with the person in front of me.


“Tamao is fine. Repeat after me! Ta-Ma-O-senpai!”

“No, um…That’s a bit sudden. Could I just…?”

“Yeah, what’s up?”

“Could you relax a bit?”

Onitsuka-senpai stood in front of me, having just moved away. Yet, she seemed close to clinging to me once again. I could swear I saw a tail wagging behind her, just like when Ashida spots Natsukawa. Her arms seemed itchy, too. Just what is she getting so excited over?

“You’re a bit too…close. It’s not normal.”

“Th-That’s right!”

“This is a bit more than just bold…”

“? I mean, you’re Kaede’s little bro!”

Even Ashida who always got touchy-feely showed her discontent at this situation. Yet, Onitsuka-senpai did not even understand what she did. Normally, you wouldn’t cling to someone just because they are a friend’s younger brother. Maybe if it was a pet…I mean, I was pretending to be a shepherd during the cultural festival, but still…

“That might be true…But I am also a man.”

“I know that?”

I…highly doubted that. Gals have unlimited possibilities to them, after all. I can’t tell what process is running in her mind to reach a conclusion. I don’t think she’s doing this just to tease me. She must have a reason.

“I came here to seduce you.”

“Why the hell?”

Met with such a baffling response, I forgot to keep my polite facade up. I mean, that’s just scary. She came here to win me over? That makes the hug extremely calculative. She used her body to her advantage. She came here to fight. It’s a honey trap. I don’t know if it was subconscious or not, but I feel like I’m not gonna find my answer soon. How would me being Big Sis’s little brother make a random girl fall for me? Where’s the syllogism? Where’s the “step” in hop step? This is more like skip at this point.

“So, did you fall for me? Did I manage to seduce you?”

“I did not (but seriously almost did) fall for you.”

“Mhm, so close! I can tell I almost got you to the good part.”

“Ack…N-Not at all, no.”

“Hey, Sajocchi.”

“So simple…”

I knew that the entire hug was highly calculated. And the goal was to make me wall for her, apparently…Hah, she really is looking down on me. I almost fell into her web of lies. I mean, not like I was already stuck in the web of another woman. Plus, the scent of citrus all over my body probably acted as web threads all the same. She’s not marking me, is she?

“And what would you do after making me fall for you?”

“Hm? We’d start dating, duh.”



She didn’t intend on squeezing me dry of my money to then throw me away like a used toy? She’d actually start a relationship? Is she okay with that? I’m not as “passionate” as Big Sis, nor am I as hot as Sasaki.

“S-So then?”

“We’re gonna flirt around like crazy! And then we’re happy.”


“Wa. Ta. Ru.”


That was dangerous! The reason she wanted to win me over was so simple yet perfect, I almost fell in love with her…! But, I won’t be deceived! She must be hiding the real reason she’s doing this. So…should I ask that? The forbidden question? If that isn’t clear, then we won’t be getting anywhere.

“So, do you…like me?”

“? Nope.”

“Wha…Are you serious…?! God damn it…!”


My right fist bit into my knee. A bit more, and I could have done the same with my left hand. But the pain didn’t matter. My face…it feels so hot…Oh god…But at the very least, I now know where I was at. She’s an evil gal who enjoys teasing the younger brother of her best friend. And she’ll use whatever weapon necessary to win over the person of her interest, probably calling nerds and otakus gross cockroaches behind their backs. With that decided, let’s go home, boys.

“…So? Why would you want me to fall for you?”

“Because I can pick up a distinct lack of affection here.”


“Wataru’s…pale as snow…”

I see. This is what it feels like to be led around the nose by a woman. I feel like I’ve grown up compared to five minutes ago. Man, I really feel like getting the boys together for some SmashBros right now.

“Haha! I guess we’re short on time for some major progress. Looking for a job’s rough, so I was hoping to get myself a boyfriend who can spoil me a bit.”

Shortly after Onitsuka-senpai uttered those words, Natsukawa shot up like a bullet.

“F-For that reason…?! Even though you don’t even like him…”

“That doesn’t matter. We’re not gonna get married day one, so as long as we’re okay with it and have fun, that’s good enough.”


This love…might not be half bad. It really does feel like a normie’s love, though. Not to mention that she’s a gal plus normie. I had no idea Big Sis had a friend like. I thought she just had Shinomiya-senpai. But that aside, Natsukawa struggled to find any words at Onitsuka-senpai’s rebuttal. Knowing the pure and innocent Natsukawa, she probably sees her ideal as the boy and girl slowly getting closer, falling in love with each other, confessing to each other, and then starting to date. And that’s not wrong…It’s just not realistic—But because Natsukawa is like, I always…

“Well, to each their own, right?”

“Ah! So you get it, little bro?”

“But that’s why she’s fine thinking this way. The whole “You shouldn’t be dating if you don’t have any romantic feelings.” All she has to do is find someone with the same values, grow her bond with them, and then start a relationship that works perfectly for both of them. If they are fine with it and happy, then I think that’s just as great.”


“Phew, talk about showing off.”

Don’t look at me with that glitter in your eyes…It didn’t get through to her at all, huh? How can she be so strong? What even is this stat sheet she has? She talked about looking for a job and all that, but should we really let her roam free in society? I feel like she’s gonna make it to the top by sheer will. I’m guessing her idea of love has a severe sophistry attached to it. I don’t think normies like her would give relationships too much of a thought, anyway. If they’re met with two choices, they’ll nonchalantly check out this, then maybe that…so and so forth. But, that’s fine. If she’s happy like that.

“Ahaha…I see, I see. Makes sense.”


“You’re a lot more mature than I thought…Little bro.”

“Gonna fall for me?”



No way, for real? Wooo, I’m getting excited! …Yeah, just kidding. She probably just randomly responded on a whim. You won’t deceive me like this. She’s about as dangerous as Yuki-chan. No way she’d ever fall for me. Coming from the person who’s held feelings for one person for years now.

“…I’ll leave it at this for today.”


I could tell she was finally satisfied with whatever she was doing. And I couldn’t let that chance slip. The atmosphere in the classroom was getting bad, so this was the time for her to head back.

“Time’s passed on, so I’m guessing Big Sis is looking for you right about now.”

“Keep this a secret from Kaede, ‘kay?”

“I don’t know, I’m not good at keeping secrets.”

But of course, I had to tell Big Sis about this. I don’t know what sort of relationship they had, but I needed some way to grab the reins.

“Then I guess I have to bribe you~”

“Hm? What are you—”


My view suddenly was blocked to the left. I closed my eyes, when a soft sensation touched my eyelid. Opening my eyes again, I saw Onitsuka-senpai’s lips just moving away from me.

“Keep your left hand still, yeah? Stay woke out there.”


“Catch you on the flip side~”

The scent of citrus slowly grew distant. Without being bothered by all this attention, Onitsuka-senpai just trotted out of the classroom. I didn’t even know what to say, making me forget even the pain in my left hand.

“…What was…Huh?”

I returned to my senses as I felt a bubble inside my own mouth popping. I used the tip of my left hand to touch my eyelid, but only felt my thin skin. There was no warmth left over.


The first kiss I had ever received from a woman…was on my left eyelid. But with it being so abrupt and everything, the feeling of it really had happened didn’t set in. If anything, it made me tremble in fear that she didn’t even choose a proper location. Is this what an expert in love does?


“Um, well, Sajocchi?”

“Wh-Why are you looking over here…?”

The two girls were just as bewildered as me. I looked over at them to ask for help in analyzing what had just happened. Instead, Natsukawa grumbled at me like she was in a bad mood. It seems like even the two of them were at a loss for words. And after thinking about it for a moment, I spoke up.

“What…did she mean by woke?”

“…Who knows.”


The chaotic cultural festival ended, bringing us back to regularly scheduled programming. Yet, this regular morning was so impulsive, embarrassing, and confusing—Making me wonder where the high school life I always dreamed of ran off to.