Qi Yan woke up in the nightmare of a ghost. He wheezed his eyes, the first feeling was that it wasn't dawn. However, he soon found that the sky was really bright, but it was not sunny, there was no sun, and the light in the library was still dim.

Without any tenderness, he lifted his thigh which was pressed on his stomach and made a dull noise. Zhou frowned, turned over and continued to sleep.

Qi Yan sat up and his down jacket fell to his leg. Other children are still asleep, looking calm, sweet, nervous, or Greedy.

Qi Yan enjoyed song's saliva for a long time. Later, he realized that he was a bit of a fool, so he couldn't bear to withdraw his eyes.

Touch the week, the phone will light up, lock screen display, Beijing time 8:01.

Since no mobile phone, Qi Yan's work and rest has been completely disrupted. At first, there was a biological clock in his body, but there was no rule in running for his life. The tense nerves and the relatively closed environment in the library gradually blurred his sense of time.

Everyone went to bed late last night. After that, I don't know who lay down in the canteen. Originally, I was just thinking wildly in the festive atmosphere of the festival. At the end of the day, we really discussed a feasible plan.

Liu Chengyin's unexpected joy aroused everyone's excitement. Considering that they have grain reserves but are not rich, and that the canteen has the risk of being a place for military strategists, we should take action sooner rather than later. So we all raised our hands and passed the resolution to leave tomorrow night by 6 votes in favor, 1 vote against and 1 abstention.

The dejected Li Jingyu was silent for a long time. Joe Siqi, who was already numb, stroked his shoulder to comfort him. It's OK. Zhou and I can't climb trees either. When they can climb, just drag them with a rope. Zhou, who was shot for no reason, took off a shoe and threw it. Johns dodged it flexibly, so the sole of the shoe kisses the forehead of the small mine.

Later, Qi Yan did not want to recall, for fear of shaking his confidence in life.

Putting on his down jacket, Qi Yan got up and went to the window. It's very gloomy outside. It's as dark as in the evening. Snowflakes are floating in the wind. Some of them fall on the windowsill, some of them hit the glass, and most of them are still floating in the air. I don't know where to go. It's hard to judge when the snow started, because the snowflakes are too thin and small. No matter where they fall, they melt into water stains quickly. It's not so much snow as rain, wetting the edge of the windowsill and embellishing the glass with water drops.

"Is it raining?" Song Fei didn't know when to sit up, and his face was half asleep and half awake.

Qi Yan looked back and was amused by his appearance: "it's snowing. But before you care about the weather, would you like to wipe your saliva? "

Song Fei blinked his eyes and wiped his mouth casually. Sure enough, his hands were moist.

Qi Yan couldn't help laughing. He used to like the way Song Fei just got up. He was awake, but his head didn't catch up with him. He was stupid and confused. It was the best time to bully him.

With a big yawn, Song Fei finally woke up 70% or 80%. Looking out of the window again, his eyes were a little worried: "it's OK, it's not big. I hope we can stop at night."

The next hour, the students of class 1 woke up one after another. The snowy weather makes everyone a little depressed. Fortunately, it's still early January. Before it's the coldest time, such fine pieces of snow can't stand on the ground, and most of them melt. As long as you don't drag it into the night and the ground is frozen, it's not hard to walk.

The boys brought the canteen charge to five o'clock, which was originally scheduled for six o'clock in the evening. If the weather continues to be cloudy, it will be completely dark by that time. After a whole day, is the preparation before departure - shampoo, clean up things, check the plan.

The snow stopped at noon, earlier than expected, but the sun didn't come out. The dark day lasted until 5 p.m. and it was completely dark.

Eight or cotton or down jacket - Wang Qingyuan and Li Jingyu were trapped in the tea room wearing a coat, while Lin Dilei changed the woolen coat into a famous down jacket seized from the express delivery point. They all put on masks, goggles, weapons, backpacks, suitcases, and spray six God. Let's go!

On a snowy evening, the wind was piercing.

Eight figures on the outer wall of the library, a little bit down, the brilliant light of the library, they have no escape, but soon, they have come to the bottom of the building, twinkling of an eye, into the night.

If it wasn't for the light sound of the suitcase universal wheel rubbing against the ground, everything would be quiet as if nothing had happened.

It's still the pines and cypresses path of the time, with a slow slope, and the eight companions move forward in an alert and orderly manner. They try to make their feet as light as possible, like a group of ghosts.

At the end of the trail is the main road. Since the accident, everyone has tried to avoid the main road in any action, because the road is too wide and the vision is too wide to hide. But the west side door of the canteen is facing this road, and the west side door is the nearest place to the kitchen door. This time, they can't avoid it.

On both sides of the main road, a broad-leaved tree is planted every three or four meters, which is different from the small trees in the first half of the express delivery point. The trees here are tall and straight. In summer, the two rows of branches are luxuriant and leafy, crisscrossing a shady Avenue. At this time, the leaves fall, dry branches can not build a cool, only in the cold wind, alone.The group stopped about 10 meters away from the roadside. Looking from a distance, there were about four or five shadows wandering on the road. It was estimated that they were not likely to be alumni.

"You're ready. I'll go and bring them in." Qi Yan kept his voice very low.

At this time, there is no need to argue about who will charge. Qi Yan's speed and skill are the best choice. We can only ask: "be careful."

Qi Yan nodded and went forward.

The little companions spread to both sides and hid.

In half a minute, the rapid and disordered footsteps came. The boys held their breath until Qi Yan and the five zombies entered the ambush area. They all swarmed up. According to the tacit agreement, they were divided into two groups, one for each, while Qi Yan and Zhou Yi were one for one. They were silent in the whole process, that is, the white knife went in and the red knife went out!

Li Jingyu and Wang Qingyuan are in the same group, but before he can hold down the fallen zombie, the latter is already riding on each other's stomach and stabbing his head with a knife. The zombie is still struggling, so one knife is not enough for two, two knives are not enough for three, until the zombie never moves again.

Then Wang Qingyuan turned around and asked him coldly, "do you understand?"

Li Jingyu nodded stiffly, feeling that his head was bleeding like a zombie.

After the quick decision, the friends came to the roadside tree as quickly as possible. Luo Geng, Zhou Tongyi and Qiao Siqi went straight to the first tree at the intersection, that is, the one closest to the west gate. Song Fei, Lin Dilei and Li Jingyu went to the second tree three or four meters away, preparing to be neighbors with the first four. Qi Yan and Wang Qingyuan are behind the hall, but they are not the third, but the fifth. They are more than ten meters away from the army.

Song Fei and Luo Geng arrived at the right place to settle down almost at the same time. At the same time, they pulled out the rope and put it down, pulling up Li Jingyu and Zhou Tongyi respectively. Lin Di Lei and Qiao Si Qi are a little slower, but they climb up by themselves.

When the eight people took their places, the wind stopped suddenly, as if they had foreseen the next danger, and even the wind held its breath.

Looking into the west gate, the dining hall is dark and you can't see anything.

"Ready?" Asked josch nervously.

Luo Geng and Zhou Junqi looked at him in disgust: "you're ready."

Josh adjusted his breathing, felt more stable, and suddenly opened his mouth -


Jockey's pronunciation was stuck in his throat for a long time, until the second "open the door quickly" rang through the air, and then he reflected: "I didn't yell!"

Friends of course know that he did not shout, because there is no such hoarse call for help in tactics!

The people in the tree looked at the door of the supermarket. They were standing high and looking far away. They saw five or six people running at the door of the supermarket with the lights still on. They were beating the door with their lives. Vaguely visible door is still blocking the cotton curtain, no one answered.

"Please open the door!"

The students outside the door have begun to cry, heart piercing.

There was no movement in the door, as if there was no one inside.

But all eight people in the tree knew it was in the door.

Although they couldn't really see it, it was dark near the handle inside the door. It was obvious that they had hung several bicycle locks with their own hands. Before he left, Song Fei had given them all the keys. He even said one more thing, knowing that it was useless. If there were any more students asking for help, how did you get in.

Now it seems that they really don't want to bother.

There's a zombie coming out of the dorm.

The students who clap the door can't see. They can see it in the tree.

"Watch your back -"

Song Fei almost exhausted all his strength, shouting like his chest was about to explode!

In front of the door of a few students body shape, have turned back, the next second scattered and fled!

Such a large living area square, where there is a hiding place. The zombies that followed soon caught up with them. Every time they knocked down one, several zombies came to eat together. Finally, there was no one to attack.

There is no moonlight under the night, you can't see the blood, you can't see the ferocity, you can't even hear the wail, but all the little friends clenched their teeth, as if they were gnawing on themselves.

There are also zombies in the canteen who can hear the sound coming out to join in the fun, but maybe everything happened too soon, which is not enough to constitute a strong attraction, and the number of zombies coming out is limited.

Soon, the night was quiet. It seems that zombies have lost interest in eating more than a dozen pieces of meat, but they still have no purpose.

Song Feigang's voice also led out a few zombies from the west gate of the canteen. Now he was circling under his tree. But the tree trunk is too high for the zombies.

"We shouldn't have saved them in the first place." Zhou Tongyi squeezed this sentence out of his teeth.

There was silence.

"It's still better for the adults in the mirror," Li Jingyu sighed. "Those who are aboveboard show their own colorful clouds, while those who are treacherous and secretive show their own black clouds. Good and evil, loyalty and treachery, can be seen at a glance. "My friends smile. The whole class is walking on the clouds under their feet. How spectacular. Lin Di Lei is to puff chi to laugh a voice to come, also did not know to think of what amusing.

There was a slight relaxation in the repressive and dignified atmosphere.

These days, they have seen and experienced more than in the past ten or twenty years. Maybe their hearts are still not invincible, but they have gradually become strong.

“Ready?” Josch adjusts his breathing and asks a second time.

Luo Geng, Zhou Tongyi: "well."

Lin Dilei, Song Fei: "well."

Li Jingyu Well

Qi Yan and Wang Qingyuan's voice finally came: "OK."

Johns took a deep breath and sang up to the sky with the biggest volume of his life: "get ready

The first and second trees: "we will we will..."

The fifth tree: "rock you!"